Cricket Readers Recommend


by Elise Broach

I really like this book because it inclludes themes such as companionship, devotion, hospitality, friendship, and loyalty. A beetle named Marvin helps James Pompaday, a real boy draw better and some of Marvin's drawings end up being framed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET). I think readers will enjoy this brilliant and entertaining book.

Average: 3.3 (6 votes)
submitted by Sydney K., age 11
(April 20, 2013 - 1:33 pm)

I read this book. It was really bad. The characters were weak, and the ending was unsatisfying. I wish I could have read it faster, but all the unnecessary relationships and adjectives made it sound like a long comp essay. I didn't like the plot, and the twists were so common, I almost died of boredom. No offense, Elise Broach, but this is not a recommended book coming from me.

submitted by S. E., age 10 2/3, Woburn, Ma
(June 16, 2013 - 3:42 pm)


I really liked this book I found it to be a very good book I don't think it sounded like a comp essay at all.Smile

submitted by Anne B, age 12, Lander WY
(January 11, 2014 - 11:21 pm)