Cricket Readers Recommend

The Penderwicks

by Jeanne Birdsall

It`s a fun and very interesting book. When the four Penderwick sisters stay at Arundel for 3 weeks for summer holiday they start to explore and find an interesting boy. There's adorable Batty 4 years. Jane who's an author 9 years. Skye who is very fun 10 years and oldest sweet Rosalind.


Average: 4 (2 votes)
submitted by Hilla W., age 9
(May 14, 2014 - 9:32 am)

I read the Penderwicks a year ago and loved it.


- Horse Spirit Girl 

submitted by Horse Spirit Girl, age 13, New york
(February 9, 2015 - 8:20 am)


submitted by top
(February 14, 2015 - 6:59 pm)

The Penderwicks are definitely a must-read!Wink

submitted by Denise S., age 12, Texas
(March 18, 2016 - 3:14 pm)

I read the Penderwicks when I was like, 3 and was wondering what it was called,thanks to Cricket, I resently rediscovered the searies and read them in no time flat.Smile

submitted by Jasmin B., age 11, California
(September 24, 2016 - 4:07 pm)

I LOVE The Penderwicks! And I am just starting the second one! There are at least 2 more I think there will/are (?) five?

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(August 8, 2017 - 4:26 pm)

I love this series!! There's five books and all are just as good as the last! You love the characters and the plot and you feel like your a Penderwick sibling yourself! I'd definitely recommend this book. 5 stars!

submitted by Rhythm S, age 12, Portland OR
(January 6, 2022 - 5:11 pm)

I'm pretty sure janes 10 skys 11 and Rosalinds 12 though 

submitted by Rhythm S, age 12, Portland OR
(January 6, 2022 - 5:12 pm)