
Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Hogwarts Houses!!!!
So...................... ...


I haven’t seen or heard of a thread such as this, so here goes.... *rubs hands together*

Welcome, welcome, to the magical thread for any Potterhead who wishes to attend!! Here we will discuss our Houses. 

Well they don’t know what they are do they? Are you going to tell them what house they’re in then? Do you happen to have a Sorting Hat lying around somewhere?

Urm... no. I don’t have that much magical expertise, I simply assumed-

-they all knew? Not likely.

Well, ok. Maybe not.

So how will they find out?


Um... I was just getting to that. So, if you don’t already know how, to find out your house you figure out which matches your qualities best:(if you’ve read the books you already know this)


Griffindor House — Bravery, Nerve

Slytherin House — Cunning, Pure-Blood

Ravenclaw House — Intelligence, Uniqueness

Hufflepuff House — Loyalty, Diligence


Whichever one you best fit is your house.

If you want to be sure about it and make sure it’s official, you can take an online House Quiz.There are many of them on the Web, but I find the one on the official website, Pottermore, (which I can’t link for obvious reasons), is the best. You do need to make an account by putting in an email, making a password, and verifying the email, but the quiz is fun, easy, and doesn’t require personal information, it simply asks your preferences. There are also similar quizzes to determine your wand and Patronus if you want to do that too.

If you don’t have access to this, you can always just make a good estimate as to what house you’re in, but I strongly recommend the Pottermore quizzes.


Anyway, back to this thread.

Once you’ve determined your house, take a seat at your house table, and let’s party!! *flicks wand* *four long tables appear, laden with pumpkin juice, butterbeers, and treacle fudge*


Ah! I have asked what house you’re in, but have not revealed my own! *twirls And takes a proud stance as an immense blue-and-bronze Ravenclaw banner unfurls behind me*

Tuck in, everybody! 


Elli says ymyb

Backwards, that’s “by my”

Hmm... maybe I’m actually getting somewhere... 

submitted by Jwyn, age 13, The Great Hall, Hogwarts
(June 30, 2018 - 10:38 am)

I'm mostly Ravenclaw, but I'm a little bit Slytherin and a little bit Hufflepuff.

submitted by Winterblue
(May 10, 2019 - 3:42 pm)

Ive taken the test about 4 times, and each time I got the same thing: Slytherin. I’m super proud, to. *take seat at Slytherin table and gets a butterbeer* right, my fellow Slytherins?

submitted by Artimerrx
(May 11, 2019 - 8:08 am)

Proud hufflepuff! I got sorted at harrys 20th birthday party!

submitted by harry pooooooootter!, age 11, hogwarts
(May 15, 2019 - 10:43 am)

Hufflepuff, with Ravenclaw as a very close second. 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(May 15, 2019 - 7:53 pm)

I took the Pottemore test and I'm Ravenclaw! Hybrid-wise I'm a Ravenpuff because I took two other online tests and got Hufflepuff. 

submitted by Codesmith , age 16, In a computer
(May 16, 2019 - 12:01 pm)

I got Ravenpuff for a while, but recently I took a test and got Slytheclaw. *makes a face* Guess I'm mostly Ravenclaw. *sits down* Hey, guys.

submitted by Twirlgirl, age 13, My Imaginary Dance Studio
(May 23, 2019 - 4:41 pm)

I’ve never been an HP fan, but I watched the first three movies with my friends a few days ago, and I actually liked them, so I took the test. I’m Hufflepuff. I’m not sure what my hybrid house is, but I definitely feel like I’m not entirely a Hufflepuff. Do you find your hybrid house simply by taking other tests, or is there a more official way? 


submitted by Leeli
(June 1, 2019 - 8:22 am)

"I'm a Ravenclaw!!!" *sits down at the Ravenclaw table* "Wow! There are a lot of us!!!" *immediately makes friends with everyone in the vicinity*

"I guess I'm a Slytherin, hi." *sits down and hides under the table* 

submitted by Diamond/Obsidian Fox, age 14, Hogwarts
(June 21, 2019 - 5:22 pm)

I'm Hufflepuff! For the longest time, I thought I was a ravenclaw. However, after THREE Hogwarts house tests all coming to the same result, I decided to change my class. Also, I figured out that I'm not that smart after all. However, I am loyal (some might argue TOO loyal) and I can be pretty diligent at times. Random fact, when I was younger I thought the Hufflepuff symbol was a pillow. Don't ask why, because I don't know.  

submitted by Anna C., age 12, Georgia
(July 3, 2019 - 9:53 am)

I'm Griffindor!
I haven't seen a lot of you guys around, so GRIFFINDOR UNITE!
*gags and spits out jellybean*

submitted by Hummingbird, age 13, Washington
(October 6, 2019 - 5:49 pm)


I am a TOTAL Ravenclaw, which, personnally, is the obvious best. Next in line is Slytherin, then Griffindor, and Hufflepuff is (sorry) my least favorite. It could be the name. It sounds like they're total cream puffs. I've never actually read the HP books, but I love the quizzes. I mean, I kinda adore personality quizzes in myers brigg personality changes a lot, but the most accurate one I can't remember. I think it was like INFsomething. It makes up 3% of the population.

Well, that just started out on Harry Potter, then transitoned into my personality.:P :) 

submitted by Sirfire, age 230 moons, United States
(January 3, 2020 - 7:22 pm)

I’m a Griffinclaw. Mostly Griffindor but some Ravenclaw. Who wants to go to honeydukes and gorge our selves on candy? Meet me at the witch!

submitted by Dolphin , age 12, Hogwarts
(January 27, 2020 - 11:40 am)

I'm a Hufflepuff with some ravenclaw and a little bit of grifindor. 

submitted by SandCat, age 11, Massachusetts
(January 27, 2020 - 6:43 pm)

The tests I take show I'm a Gryffindor, but my harry potter nerd friends and I think I'm a hufflepuff. I don't think I'm that brave, maybe social, but definitely not brave. Luna, though, who is more of a potterhead than any of my friends or I, argues I'm a Gryffindor. I could also be a little Ravenclaw, but I'm not super smart, not a genius like ya'll. I guess I could be a Gryffinpufflaw, mostly gryffindor, some hufflepuff, and a tiny bit of ravenclaw. (btw, I made that up :))

submitted by Spellbound, age 10, nowhere to be found
(February 1, 2020 - 9:33 am)

I am a Hufflepuff, but I really want to be a Ravenclaw, so I might have taken the Pottermore quiz about a million times to become Ravenclaw. 

submitted by Mysterious Miss F, age 13, West Fargo, ND
(February 5, 2020 - 2:52 pm)