Bring me the

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Bring me the...

Bring me the next.

submitted by Wrapped in shadow, I'm so close...
(January 3, 2019 - 1:44 pm)

This is a... scavenger hunt thing? But I believe it's more than that at the moment. See Secret Shadow Walker's thread on the Inkwell (or Wrapped in Shadows's thread there as well, but it's a couple pages down).

Who is it that just spoke for the first time? Congratulations!

submitted by Kitten
(February 2, 2019 - 8:40 pm)

Oh, it was my AE/Captcha that I... sorta killed off... *cringes* it wasn't working out, so I'm starting over and thinking it out first.

submitted by Twirlgirl, age 13, My Imaginary Dance Studio
(February 4, 2019 - 11:20 pm)