Hello! I recently

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Wings of Fire discussion pt. 1
Hello! I recently...

Hello! I recently read the first five books of Wings of Fire (and I am in the middle of the sixth one)!  To celebrate that, and because I love discussing Wings of Fire, I create this! Why is this called part one? Because we will ONLY talk about the first five books. I don’t want to skip past practically every comment because they have spoilers on them. After I read the rest of the wings of Fire books, I will make a part 2. And please, if you mention major plot points or plot twists, please put SPOILER ALERT ON insert book number here (ex. If I say a major plot twist for book 3, I will say above it, SPOILER ALERT FOR BOOK 3). This is just in case someone who hasn’t fully read the first five books comes on here. 

How this discussion will work is that someone will ask a question (first round will be me) and everyone answers it. After pretty much everyone is done discussing the question, we can vote on who goes next (and if nobody votes for anybody, I will choose the person.) Also, I will say when it is time to vote or whatever. Also also, nobody can choose two questions for one round or ask a question for two times in a row. That would be unfair for the others. 

Now don’t be shy on expressing your opinion, as long as it’s nice. If someone dislikes your favorite character, don’t be mean. You can just say something like “Well, you may dislike this character, but I personally like it because this.” You may even get a new view on a character you don’t like. 

Another rule: Just because there is a certain question doesn’t mean you can’t talk about other stuff too! If someone says Sunny is their favorite character (that question fitting the theme down below) and you say that Sunny isn’t your favorite because of this and this, that is perfectly fine! The questions are just to stir the discussion. As long as you just talk about the first five books, you could talk about anything you want to within the series! 

Yet another rule: even if you give out your own question, you have to answer it too!  

Ask any questions if you have any!

Ok first question is:

What is your favorite of the main characters or the quote-on-quote “dragonets of destiny”?  (Don’t be vague about this. Tell us specifically WHY you like the character so much. Telling us you like Starflight because “he’s smart” isn’t doing us any favors.) 

My answer is a tie between Starflight and Clay. I love Clay because he’s SO SWEEEEEEET. I love how he cares for everyone in the group, like a bigwing. He even cares for Sunny! He finds the best in everyone. There’s something about him that always puts a smile on my face. And (SPOILER FOR BOOK 1) That moment when he found his siblings was wonderful, and it made me so excited when it happened. 

Starflight is a goofy nerd, which is really relatable. At first I was kind of meh on him but when I read the fourth book, I liked him a lot more. I loved the way his mind worked, and how he was always figuring out stuff around him. And he is a negotiator, which I always like. And his obsession with scrolls is really funny. (SPOILER ALERT FOR BOOK 4) He pretty much saved his tribe from a horrible home. By negotiation. And I loved that Starflight admitted his feelings for Sunny instead of being too scared and backing away like other books do with relationships. 

Anyway, have fun discussing everybody! 





submitted by Dusk S., age ????, ????
(August 22, 2019 - 5:10 pm)

My favorite character is actually from book 6 so I can’t write it here but from the dragonets of the prophecy my favorite character is... Glory. I like her because she’s strong  and willing to stand up for her ideas. Like how everyone thinks RainWings are lazy! She proved them wrong

submitted by Reagan M, age 12 today!, MN
(October 5, 2019 - 11:11 am)

Huh, why's nobudy commenting on this?


But my favorite prophecy dragonet... I'm torn between Glory and Tsunami. Tsunami is so cool because she will always lash out if she doesn't like what she hears, and she cares deep down for her friends.

Glory I like because of her epic sarcasm and her cool color-changing scales. And she also became a good ruler and was good at leading the tribe into battle. And she has a pet sloth, which is one of my favorite rainforest animals. 

submitted by SeaWolfWhite, age 11, Virginia
(January 9, 2020 - 6:40 pm)