What is everyone's

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

What is everyone's

What is everyone's favorite section in the Chatterbox?

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(February 9, 2009 - 7:41 pm)

I love all of it!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!:), California
(February 10, 2009 - 12:33 am)

Inkwell, probably, because there's the Role-Playing Story and you can read other people's writing. But I do like it all!

submitted by Allison P., age 12
(February 10, 2009 - 5:24 pm)

My favorites are Chirp at Cricket, Down to Earth, and Inkwell. Nothing against the rest of them, but they aren't that active.

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(February 10, 2009 - 6:09 pm)

Currently, Inkwell. I also love the roleplay. ^.^ And I've never spent much time on the others. I'm starting now though. *nodnod*

submitted by Starfire
(February 10, 2009 - 6:15 pm)