Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket




submitted by MysteriousHood
(January 27, 2014 - 6:56 pm)

Oh no! This crown is INVINCIBLE!

*points to the portal*

Look, oh what is that?

*boba crown comes shooting out of the portal, unharmed*

At your attempt, I grant you permission to wear the crown, Peri.


*cackles evilly because a million boba crowns have appeared in front of Peri*

Good luck! There is no way to tell which is the real boba crown! 

submitted by Nut Le Squirrel
(August 18, 2022 - 4:29 pm)

*activate Philosopher mode*

Well, does it really matter if only one of them is real? I mean, what defines real? If there's millions of them, the boba crown no longer feels special or particularly valuable because everyone can have one. You have just ruined the uniqueness of the boba crown. And this isn't a decision you can go back on. In this big, gray world, it is so hard to stand out. And now the boba crown is just another representation of that. That would mean the boba crown, too, is an illusion, just as everything in this world is, because nothing lasts forever and eventually comes a point where you must accept that everything we love and feel has value no longer means anything. And that would mean that all of these boba crowns are now worthless, regardless of which is the real one, and you have just ended your reign as Queen. 



Now enter... My AEs!

*throws cupcakes at everyone*


*~Now surely there's an easier way to settle this-~*


;We'reeeee WINNING! ;);

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Philosophical boba crown
(August 19, 2022 - 6:03 am)

So, according to my research, in a multiplying-boba-philosophy event such as that, we must accord with the laws of The Universe; which I will quote here: "In harmony with Ordinance 10,462, if an instance of a sudden unprecedented multiplication of circles of boba, or 'crowns', occurs, followed by a long philosophical questioning thereof, it is undeniably necessary that the aforementioned boba 'crowns' shall be banned entirely from that timeline, as their very existence threatens the space-time continuum." 

submitted by Darkling
(August 19, 2022 - 2:03 pm)

Quite true, Darkling. However, I must draw your attention to Article 134, Section 9.83, where it clearly states "If an ordinance occurs that both is and is not resembling or related to the Terran numeral forty-two (42), a Greater Harbridge Paradox occurs, and the ordinance is under a 532 Sanction." And Article 489, Section -8 reads "if an ordinance is under a 532 Sanction, it is isolated in a Level Eight-Three-Two Singularity Regulator, and only those seated on the Throne of Wind and Rain are able to access it."

So as you can see, because the Boba Crown was ruled to be both amounting to 42 and not, a Greater Harbridge Paradox has occurred, and the Crown has been isolated in a Level Eight-Three-Two Singularity Regulator. Now, the only person who can take the Boba Crown is someone on the Throne of Wind and Rain and, oh my goodness--well would you look at that. I just so happen to be sitting on it. 

submitted by Snazzycakes, a great while ago
(August 19, 2022 - 7:02 pm)


Once more I must remind you all that MysteriousHood made the rules of this thread, therefore we cannot break the rules and it does not matter who has the boba crown (Unless. They want to eat it).

But now that MysteriousHood is no longer winning, I will make the rules, because I am the last person to post and am therefore the empress of this thread.


Rule 1. Nobody can post after me.


And, since I am the empress of this thread you can't steal the throne and you must find another way to win without posting here. So there.


Wait a minute. That's just a rule; nobody has to obey it.

Rule 2. Anyone who posts after this will lose any ability to make rules or crowns or whatever. So then you would just automatically forfeit the title of winner to me.

*cackles evilly* 

See if you can snatch the throne NOW. 


submitted by Lyric, Winning!
(August 20, 2022 - 1:24 pm)

Well, it just so happens that this thread is PARTICULARLY for breaking rules! My oh my, I have the throne! 

submitted by Nut Le Squirrel
(August 20, 2022 - 6:33 pm)

*Snatches throne*

Well, would ya look at that! 

*Creates Brand-Spanking-New Crown of Crownliness And Also Spiders*

Double well, would ya DOUBLE look at that!

Also yes that is the crown's entire title and you don't want it on your head it's made of spiders so maybe just look at it instead 

submitted by Darkling
(August 20, 2022 - 9:03 pm)


*lifts throne*

ugh this thing is HEAVY

*throws throne into portal of blackness*

oh, were darkling and their crown still on it? oh well, they'll probably be fine. 

winning :)

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(August 21, 2022 - 8:43 am)

*cough* Hi....I win now *cough*

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(August 21, 2022 - 2:33 pm)

I like voids, actually. They're my comfort space. Endless space.

And I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking. Winning, in fact. *Strokes pet tarantula* 

submitted by Darkling
(August 21, 2022 - 1:32 pm)

*stumbles into room with nose in book and accidentally knocks Darkling into a black hole*

*closes door and looks back* 

oopsies! *conjures crown of cookies (because yes)*

looks like I'm winning :D

submitted by the-antiquarian-, age myriad :^), lost in a book somewhere
(August 21, 2022 - 5:48 pm)

*removes crown and throne from void and submerges into the Midnight Zone of the ocean, where they will demolish.*

Try going down there and your lungs will burst from the pressure. So I win. 

submitted by Lyric, Winning!
(August 21, 2022 - 6:32 pm)

*sighs dramatically*

no matter how many times I try to fix this up nicely for myself, YOU all always spoil it.

*eats cookie crown (because no)*
didn't like the throne and crown anyway--though I do hope you took Darkling off that throne before throwing it into the ocean... 
anyway. I suppose this is just a never ending cycle. nobody will ever really win, or at least, we'll never get to see who won. it's just pointless. but it is fun, I suppose, and a delightful representation of the magic of our imaginations, as well as our competitiveness. now I am winning. I likely will not be this time tomorrow. but who knows? it's all unpredictable, and I like it.
submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, oh, I dunno
(August 21, 2022 - 7:56 pm)

I'm calling to say HeLLo fRoM THe MIdnIgHt ZoNe *scary ghost noises* (im not dead I just like scary ghost noises)

also I mean I like the midnight zone and all, very... black and compressing I guess (my inner organs feel like jell-o haha) but maybe give me a chance to get OFF of the throne before throwing it into any more voids/dimensional wormholes/abysses/et cetera? Common courtesy. On both my behalf and the throne's, it likes to have some alone time to catch up on its national geographic documentaries, about which it has told me in detail thus far and it's really getting kind of boring...

submitted by Darkling , Kool kidz klub
(August 21, 2022 - 9:33 pm)

Look, I'd give you some time but it's really a bother to wait for a throne who keeps spouting random nat geo facts and I'm not in the mood for it today so I hope you'll understand (if you don't, that's unfortunate but understandable, regrettably, it doesn't matter). I'm sorry in advance for kicking you off your thronedom and into the abyss but I'd really like your spider-boba crown (if you still have it? the thread is kind of hard to follow).

So yeah. *epic-soccer-kick-without-a-soccer-ball-instead-with-a-throne* 

OWWWW THAT HURT MY TOE. I guess kicking thrones isn't very sensible. Humph. At least I'm winning.

submitted by Hex
(August 22, 2022 - 12:53 pm)