Tribute to lost/missing

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Tribute to lost/missing

Tribute to lost/missing CBers...

I know someone made a thread like this sort of recently, but I am making a new one now. Post whoever had gone away mysteriously and/or with an announcement. 

Also for people who changed names. I usually don't get the memo when somebody changes names.

Pen Name (did they get a new name or something?)

Joe the Stickfiddler

Red and Ruby (well, they did leave with a vague announcement..)

Mag Fan

Gadzooks (they got a new name I think. Who are they?)

~Blue Fairy~ 


Those are all I can think of right now.. Any more? Please post if you have changed your name so I know who you are. 

submitted by Magic Dragon
(January 2, 2015 - 7:41 pm)

Sorry I haven't been active lately! Nowadays, I'm mainly on Wattpad and Twitter. I'll try to post more often! :)

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 13, Neverland
(January 3, 2015 - 3:11 pm)