Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBer Interviews


I’m recreating this! Request an interview, and Reporter Mei will interview you!

I’m also planning a surprise. . .

submitted by Mei the Interviewer, Fairyland
(July 27, 2016 - 10:28 am)

I'd love to be interviewed if you have the time! <3

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(August 1, 2016 - 10:00 am)

Cone someone interveiw me? I may decide not to answer in essays or riddles.

submitted by Gared
(August 1, 2016 - 10:20 am)

I'm up for an interview. 

submitted by Indigo, age 12, Fruit Loop Neighborhood
(August 1, 2016 - 6:21 pm)
  1. 1. Please describe your mug as elaborately as possible. (Credit to the idea goes to Gollum)

  2. What kind of mug?

  3. 2. If you could have any power, what would it be?

  4. Ooooh that's hard. I'm really bad at answering this question. Endless creativity? I really just want to write something like Hamilton.

  5. 3. You love Hamilton. Describe your favorite thing about it.

  6. Everything? (This may be a very long answer.) One of the things that gets me the most is how passionate everyone is, and how Lin makes you pull for the villian as well as Hamilton. He also brings back different themes from other songs (I am not throwing away my shot! Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now! I will never be satisfied! Rise up!) and sometimes changes their meaning - my shot refers to Hamilton's shot at a new life in America, his shot during the duel with Burr (if I throw away my shot, is this how you'll remember me? Gah that part's so sad) and (rather less meaningfully,) him taking shots at a tavern with his friends, all throughout the show. There's also a lot of meaning in the casting -  I think only one cast member is white (King George. Very much on purpose.) Which is huge considering that all the real people that they're playing were all white, and many had slaves. Every single song is pure genius. In Satisfied they rewind back through two songs and go through them again from Angelica's point of view (who has the best voice by the way.)

  7. 4. How’s your handwriting?

  8. Pretty terrible... I have trouble reading it sometimes and a lot of the times I get math homework wrong because I thought that an 8 was a 6 or something.

  9. 5. How did you find out about the Chatterbox?

  10. I kept seeing things in the magazine about it, and I was kind of curious. When the message from Kyngdom showed up I decided to try it out but I only wrote one entry and then stopped and explored the rest of the chatterbox.

  11. Ok I have to go now. I could've written about 350 more pages on question 3, but 1) I don't have time and 2) I don't think anyone wants to read that.

submitted by The Riddler
(August 1, 2016 - 9:14 pm)

I'm up for an interview. But please do not ask me the dreaded question of "What's your favorite book" because it is so impossible to choose one!

submitted by Owlgirl
(August 1, 2016 - 9:54 pm)