Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Hi guys, Joan B. of Arc here. Listen. . . *starts sobbing* this is really hard for me right now. . . but. . . I'm leaving. And no, I'm truly sorry, but this time, it's no joke. School is starting soon, and I will be gone for. . . who knows how long. I don't even know if I'm ever going to be allowed to come back. Please know that I'm not leaving because other great CBers are leaving. My situation for leaving is a little like when Ashlee was leaving. . . my parents have decided I'm spending too much time on the internet, and they want me to spend more time on my school studies. So, they'll be blocking my account for. . . who knows how long. Joan B. of Arc will be no more, scattered to the wind like dust. I shall be nothing more but "a dream within a dream," as Edgar Allan Poe put it in one of his poems. Joan B. of Arc will dissapear, along with all my other childhood dreams. "You're growing up," some people might say, and that's the thing. I'm scared. I don't want to grow up! I'll lose everything, and forget everything. I'm worried you guys will forget me, and I'll forget you, my home away from home, my CB family. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. You guys are amazing, and although I said all of that stuff before in this post, I'll NEVER forget you. So, on Monday, I'll be gone, along with my AE's Puck, Diovald, Ariel, and my CAPTCHA Sir Galahad. And, don't worry. If I come back, I'll tell you. I'll also definitely be back in 2019.

To all those who were in the Ski lodge "Fair day!," I was The Time Traveler. I'm sorry I won't be able to continue.

To Team Terranova, it was fun while it lasted. If you can continue with the world building, please do so.

To the RPs I'm in, I'm sorry I can't continue in them.

To those who have me in their Ski Lodges, please, even though I'm leaving, still keep me in them as if I was still there. 

Now, I've said enough. *Wipes tears from my eyes* My AE's and CAPTCHA would like to say something.

Puck: Dev-*starts sobbing* What is there to say? *Smiles* Thanks for everything. I love you, and I've ALWAYS loved you. Here, *hands Dev one of her specialty prank items; A purple itching powder smoke bomb* Put it in a pie and explode it, keep it, use it, I don't care. Just. . . use it to remember me ok? *Sniffles*

Elsa- You're the bestest AE friend a girl could ever have. You were there for me each time I needed it, even through the time Torstyn had a crush on me. *Smiles* Those were some good memories, huh? Oh, and one more thing, Diovald really loves you, more than you could ever know. *Giggles*

Torstyn-If you're still here, I just wanted to say, thanks for being there for me. I knew i could always go to you if I ever needed to talk about something.

Chilly-I know we've had our differences, but good luck on becoming "the most popular AEPTCHA." Now that I'm leaving, it won't be such a problem, will it? *Smiles sadly, then dissapears in a cloud of purple itching powder smoke* 

Ariel: *Eyes get misty*

Saphira-*Pauses* I love you. I've always loved you. You are the one thing that brightens up my day, every time I look at you, and nothing can change that. I'm sorry I have to leave now, *A tear starts to fall from one of his green eyes* but, maybe, we could, you know, get together again when I come back? *Tears start falling harder.* I don't know when that will be, but always remember that I love you. Keep my pan pipes for me, ok? *Hands her the pan pipes* They might come in handy someday. *Bows* Till we meet again, my lady.

Diovald: *Sighs* This is the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. . .

Elsa-I'm sorry that we didn't get to know each other better. I wish things could be different, but unfortunately, this is the way it must be. *Sighs again* I love you.

Sir Galahad: (Joan: I shall be translating this from CAPTCHA)

Vixtion, if you can hear me, know that I love you, and I've always loved you. I'll miss you, and I'll never forget you. *Bows slightly* Goodbye my lady.

Joan: We'll miss each and every single one of you. *Think of me, from Phantom of the Opera plays in the background*


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(August 25, 2016 - 8:04 pm)

What? No! Not you too!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Goodbye, Joan B. Of Arc.  

submitted by Daisy
(August 26, 2016 - 1:04 pm)

Oh. Okay.

To tell the truth, I'm not going to get upset about this. So many of the CBers that I've known have left or are leaving.  Katydid... Mei... Scylla... you... I've been upset as much as I can, and now there aren't any tears left to cry. I'll miss you, and be hoping every day for 2019 to come. You've been awesome, and your Æs too. Goodby, Joan... Puck... Ariel... Sir Galahad... Diovald. We'll always be here for you.

submitted by Leafpool
(August 27, 2016 - 12:42 pm)


Joan you will never be forgotten on here! Please come back as soon as Internet is. I will miss you a lot (even if you have no idea who I am ;)  ). Goodbye Joan. See you on valentines day in three years.


Fig says Inze



submitted by Vikki, age 11, The South
(August 27, 2016 - 3:39 pm)


Joan you will never be forgotten on here! Please come back as soon as Internet is. I will miss you a lot (even if you have no idea who I am ;)  ). Goodbye Joan. See you on valentines day in three years.


Fig says Inze



submitted by Vikki, age 11, The South
(August 27, 2016 - 3:39 pm)

Why is everyone...

No. This just isn't right...

We'll miss you, Joan B. Of Arc, true Knight of the server. I promise you. 

submitted by Icy , age 12!!!, The Forest
(August 27, 2016 - 4:00 pm)

*wraps arms around Joan* I remember ages ago when you joined the CB, and we were in TARDISrider's fandom CB story! Remember that? Well, ever since then, you've been a fantastic CB friend, and none of us could ask for better. We'll miss you loads, Joan.

And don't worry about growing older. Walt Disney said adults are only kids grown up anyway. :-) 

submitted by SydneySong
(August 27, 2016 - 5:02 pm)

I'll miss you. And Puck. And Ariel. And Doivald. And Sir Galahad.

You have been great, Joan. The CB's conquering knight. Now, go change the world!

Pellucid: I'll miss you, Puck. Always.( So, here's a USB stick with quite a few pictures and vids of the AE Thread, the crush madness, and ect. Here ya go and don't let Aquina know I did this.) Good luck!


submitted by Aquina W.
(August 27, 2016 - 7:26 pm)

NOOOOOO!!!! I am sorry, but there has been so many people leaving. Stormrage, Katie, Mei, Scylla, you, and countless others... You all mean so much to me, and Joan, you are just amazing. Not another word to describe it. You are honest, creative, unique, something we will all cherish on here. You mentioned "Joan be of Arc will be no more, scattered to the wind like dust." Honestly, that last part isn't true. You won't be scattered like dust. We - or at least I, for sure - will work hard to keep the memory of you alive.


Annddd... Your AEs. Puck was my personal favorite of ALL the AEs. Amazing character building put into her, with a strong, hilarious personality that I can relate to. She reminds me of one of my friends. Sad to see her, Ariel, Diovald, and Sir Galahad are leaving... Although I never got to know Diovald well.


Joan has no choice, Zeon. We were just in the same situation less than a month ago, remember that.

But her AEs were awesome, hilarious pranksters...

Puck was, for sure.

Poor girl, Puck was such a sweet friend.

I know, but-

There is no buts! Joan and her AEs deserve better!

Either way... Joan, I wish you the best of luck in every way, and I do hope you find the opportunity to come back and visit us. Thanks for making the CB what it is today.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(August 27, 2016 - 7:47 pm)


Grasshopper loves you, Puck. :)  

Now Joan...leaving must be so hard. I left of my own free will. Most people do...I can't even imagine... 

Well, I will now no longer have a way to contact you. (I think!)

This is...this is it then.

Joan...I don't know when you'll start highschool. If you are starting it this year? Great. My advice will come in handy.

Highschool is...tough. Especially for people who are public schoolers. And girls, for peer pressure can build very fast. 

I start homeschooling Monday too...and I'm scared. Our schedule is WHACKO!  

I've seen many glimpses of you, opening yourself up to this community. You are so strong, Joan. So strong. Don't give into what they say. If people stoop so low as to belitle others, then dannnnnnnggg. You are strong, Joan. You're beautiful, and gorgeous, and no matter what theyg say, you are the person who will change the world.

You may not save the whole world, but you can brighten up someone's life with a simple, kind smile. Remember that. 

There will always be people who appreciate and love you, no matter mistake you've made.

I learned that after 4 years of being in a pit.

I was depressed on and off. I had no ambitions...no goals that I though I could accomplish...but...

I can do things.

I have talent.

I have great friends.

I'm okay.

I haven't even started highschool and I'm already a changed woman.

Life will demand things that you !might have to struggle to pay, but hold your head high. It can never take you, it can't tame the wild beast that fills you with life, not unless yoiu let it.

But you are Joan of Arc! The mighty warrior! You have talent, and you're smart, and I love you.

I haven't met you, but you. Are. Amazing.

Don't EVER forget that.


Don't let your dreams be dreams. Make them a reality!

Enough with the inspirational rant, which might be a tad bit cheesy, ;) onwards to Grasshopper speech!

Grasshopper: Hi, Puck. I suppose I'll get straight to the point. I know I've already said goodbye... But, now it might be forever. Untilk 2019. I'll personally come back every Valentine's day. :) But Puck...thank you for accepting me. I...I know I'm rather rude sometimes...and....pretty annoying, but...Im grateful for you. For that moment we became friend. You were my first official friend, and I let it turn to something more in my green heart. All of the pranks I've made Katy pull...you'd be proud. Its been fun, but, its not the same without you. I'll move on. I am, after all, a part of Katy. But...that part will miss you, Puck. I, Grasshopper, love you, Puck. You know that ring? I gave to you as a reminder? 

*holds back a sob*

I still have mine, :*)

You, beautiful and amazing prankster, will always be in my heart.


submitted by Katydid, age 14, <3
(August 28, 2016 - 1:07 am)

Goodbye Joan. *Wipes away a tear* A never got to know you as well as I would've liked, but you were always an awesome CBer that I looked up to. You had great AEs, and were very kind. We'll miss you.  

submitted by Mirax T. , age 12, The Errant Venture
(August 28, 2016 - 8:28 am)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS HAS TO BE A DREAM! *pinches self* No? But... No. *cries for eternity* I actually did grow misty-eyed at this. You can't leave! Why are we having a rerun of the Nostaliga war?! I have half a mind to leave now, because Cho told me she'd leave when you left, and...

OH, PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you leave, too! COME BACK IN A MONTH, GOT IT? I wish I'd gotten to know you better. I will remember you and your AEs. We will miss you. The Cb won't be the same without you. 

I know I've been the odd one out on Cricket ever since my Warriors RP died. I've actually been considering on imroving the plot and re-running it. But even though I'm the odd one out and you hardly know me, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE FOREVER!

I will miss you, Puck, Ariel, Diovald, and Sir Galahead. Come back soon, if- if you're going to. 


Swift says "rhbt". Ribbit? Is that code for, "We'll miss you and remember you"?

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(August 28, 2016 - 9:50 am)

Oh. I'm so so so sad. I know I didn't really get to know you, Joan B. of Arc, but I always loved your posts. Even though I've never really gotten into the whole 'AE' thing, I LOVED Puck. She was my favorite. She always made me laugh. And I thought nameing your CAPTCHA Sir Gallahad was hillarious. I'll miss you so much. I'm sorry I didn't get to know you better. I wish I had. I wish we had more time. Wish... wish... wish... 

We never realize what we have until we lose it. We never fully understand it's value until it's gone. I thought you were forever, Joan. You and Katydid and Scylla and Ruby and Cayke were forever to me. Always in my mind. But now... always in my heart. 

I wish I could cry. More wishes. But I can't cry outside. I'm crying in my heart. Where you live. 

submitted by Cockleburr
(August 28, 2016 - 10:47 am)
*sobs* No!! Why are all my friends leaving?! Now my only good friend on here from my gen is ballet ...  I'm literally crying now. I can't type. *hugs* And I can't say it. I won't.
Elsa: Oh, Puck! I'll miss you more than words can express. And yes, those were the good old days ... *keeps reading* *lets out a heart-wrenching screech* R-really? Do you mean it, Diovald? Could someone have really loved me like this, just to be snatched away in an instant? This sounds too much like Cho's life. Chooo ... *stumbles over to Cho, crying bitterly*
I guess this means ... 
submitted by Cho Chang, Sobbing my heart out ...
(August 28, 2016 - 12:19 pm)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So many CBers are leaving! I'm really sad, but glad to know that you would stay if you were allowed too. I'll miss you so much! Bye!!!! :_( *Starts to cry*

submitted by Jack-a-Nat, age 11, NOOOOO!
(August 28, 2016 - 6:01 pm)

I'm crying, there are tears running down my cheeks right now.  I-*stops for a moment*

There is no hope even for weekends?  

I'm sorry, its just I can't believe you'll be gone.  2019 is so far away.   What if I forget you and you don't come back in Three years and then...*starts sobbing*

I wish there was more time, that I could've known you better.  I wish I could hug you and never let go.  I wish people could understand that the CB isn't just a fun website, its a place where we share love, worries, ideas and creativity.  And sometimes loss.

It's not a waste of time.   It's a family.  

YOUR family, forever.  


submitted by Windswift
(August 28, 2016 - 8:10 pm)