
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Good old fashioned, written picturings. I will be doing them as I please of whoever happens to be on my mind.  Anyone else can do them on here too, however only written picturings. I'm sorry if I portray you wrong in appearance/gender/ethnicity. I will be writing you first imagined you when I read your name. For example, I originally thought that HAB (Hot Air Balloon) was a girl. I imagine Tuxedo Kitten just as her name sounds: As a kitten. However, Coconut the Dog still looks like a person in my mind, and I don't see Claaws as the dragon she is on many RPs. 

I will start when this shows up. 

Thanks for reading. 

~Embers in the Ashes

submitted by Embers in the Ashes, Scribbling Away at a Book
(February 21, 2017 - 9:00 am)

I'd love one Embers!

submitted by The Riddler
(February 21, 2017 - 11:24 am)

Agh sorry I didn't see that you were doing them by whoever you're thinking about.

submitted by Top
(February 21, 2017 - 11:54 am)

It'd be great if you could do one for me!

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(February 21, 2017 - 12:04 pm)

Can you do one for me, pleaase?

submitted by Leafpool
(February 21, 2017 - 12:36 pm)

It's okay Riddler :)


Treble Cleff~

The girl sits at the piano with a blank musical staff in front of her. Brushing a piece of her curly brown hair away from her face and attempting to tuck it behind her ear, she once again begins to write in notes with a pencil. Admiring what she's just written, she tries it out, playing a few of the notes on her piano and listening them echo off the walls of the room. A frown forms on her face, a distaste with this music. Angrily, she bangs on the keys and throws the paper aside. She sits like this for a while, her green eyes wandering around the room for a bit, thinking. They look to the only window, and watch as outside a finch flutters about, attempting to catch a bug in it's beak. 

She nearly jumps out of her seat in excitement, and in her eyes shines inspiration. 

She frantically grabs the crumpled sheet of paper from the floor, smoothing it out. She snatches the pencil from her piano bench and scribbles away at the paper, determined to jot down her ideas before they sneak out of her head again, before the music leaves her empty. Then, she sets the sheet music down in front of her and puts her fingers above the keys. She presses down and out of the piano comes a beautiful melody, bouncing around the room. The girl laughs with joy, and this sound combines with the other, and just like music has with the girl's soul, the two sounds are one.


The Riddler~

The girl stands behind a booth at the carnival, her black cloak billowing in the wind. Often people stare as they pass, not because of the booth's contents (it is, in fact, rather empty, with only a deck of playing cards resting upon it) but because of the color of the girl's eyes. Gold. 

A small boy passes by, gawking at the girl at the booth. 

"Mommy, I want to go here!"

Reluctantly, the boy's mother walks him over and the girl smiles at them as they draw near. 

"What is it you do?" Asks the mother, trying not to stare at the odd-looking girl. With her wavy black hair and light, freckled skin, she looks rather normal... She even wears jean shorts and a t-shirt. But those eyes... 

"One card trick, free of charge."

The boy's mother nods, and the girl fans out the cards for the boy.

"Take one," she says. The boy does. 

"Now," says the girl, "I want you to look at that, really well. Don't tell me what it is, but remember it."

The boy nods, and the girl takes the card back from him, putting it back into the deck. She shuffles it, making sure the boy and his mother both clearly see. She then proceeds to sort through them, and when she comes to one, she picks it out and shows it to the two. 

"Is this your card?" The girl asks the boy. 

"Yes," The boy gasps, astonished, "How did you know?"

"That, my friend is magic." 

The boy smiles, and his mother pulls him away. He tries to turn around to get a last glimpse at the girl, but when he does, she and the booth are gone. It's as if they were never there in the first place. 

And somewhere in the world, the Riddler smiles. 


submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(February 21, 2017 - 2:55 pm)

By the gods, these are so well written! I'm excited to read whatever you write next!

submitted by Aelin
(February 21, 2017 - 5:47 pm)


Someone is running through the woods. 

If you look closely, you can see this person, this blur of motion, is a girl. She has skin the color of coffee and her dark hair is done in the same style as Katniss Everdeen's. Despite the girl's speed, you can see that she wears a gray tank top and bright red pants. She has a black backpack on her back, but this doesn't seem to slow her down. In her eyes shine sparks of rebellion, a love for fun. A thrist for adventure. Never before has it been so easy to read someone through their eyes. 

Abruptly, the girl stops, panting. She grins like she found out world hunger has ended. She grabs something from her backback, and we can see that it's a sketchbook and a pen. And when I say pen, I don't mean one of those cruddy pens you pick up at a gas station counter. I mean, this is a really nice pen. And this girl, judging by her clothes, must have really made an investment in this pen.

The girl opens the sketchbook, and begins to draw the world around her. She works at the sketch for hours, until finally she seems happy with the result. If one were to look over her shoulder, they would see that she had drawn the forest around her, yes, but not exactly how it was. The trees were slightly different, more beautiful, magical, and if someone looked closely, they could see in the distance of this drawn world, what appeared to be a unicorn.


Clouded Leapord~

The girl sits in math class, doodling a little picture on her arm. It was the iage of a cat, maybe a leapord of some sort. The cat was snarling, preparing to pounce on yet undrawn prey. The girl sighed, searching through her pencil pouch, attempting to find a convincing color for the leapord's eyes. Maybe a yellow, or a green... Did she have a green pen? She didn't think so. Suddenly, the teacher, who had been dronling on and on, looks straight at the girl.

"Well," she says in a high-pitched tone "Someone seems to think it's cooler to draw in class then to pay attention. Tell me, Ms. L., what are the firstten digits of Pi?"

The girl sat silently, chewing her lip for a few minutes. The teacher smiled triumphantly. 

"And that, class, is why we don't-"

"3.14159265358979323- Do you want me to go on?" The girl asked. 

The teacher scowled, but the class clapped in amazment. 

"I do believe," The teacher said, "I only asked for the first 10 digits."



submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(February 21, 2017 - 4:10 pm)

Me plz!

submitted by Tuxedo kitten, Bag End
(February 21, 2017 - 5:01 pm)


The girl jumps into the local swimming pool, doing a perfect dive, disrupting the colorful leaves that had been resting on the surface of the water. She arches down, and though her eyes are closed she knows she's touched the bottom when her fingers brush up against the blue and white tile. She rights herself, kicking upward, trying to once again reach the outside world. She makes it to the surface, blinking the chlorinated water out of her eyes. 

She fixes her dark hair, messed up and matted from the dive, and allows her body to float on the top of the water for a while. She stares at the sunlight creeping through the leaves of the trees above her, creating a natural stained-glass effect. The light warms her body, a happy, glowing, summer feeling. 

Huh. Leaves and a pool, the girl thinks. She tries out the word in her mind.




Tuxedo Kitten~

The kitten stirs, opening its speckled mouth in a yawn that brought it back to the lions of its ancestry. Yes, lions are champion yawners. The kitten makes his way across the surface of the writing desk, trying to aviod stepping on the pens and the quills that some untidy person must have left out. He accidentally steps in a pot of ink, treading the sticky black substance all over the desk and staining his white paws an inky dark. Then, the kitten sees something of interest to him. A book, pages willed with written words. 

So the kitten sat there, licking his paws, trying to get them clean. And as he did this, his green eyes scanned the words on the page. To any human being, well, they mayhave thought this was an odd coincidence.

But that cat, he looked like he was reading. 



The boy sat on cold metal bench in Central Park, laptop open, his web browser showing a page that felt like home to him. 


Gared had just written a great piece about Alexander; he closed the laptop and put it away in his shoulder bag. He ran a hand through his tousled black hair and zipped up his sweatshirt with the other one. He was about to get up from the bench and leave the park, but he felt something tug on his pant leg. Gared looked down at his feet to see a dog, one of the many stray mutts to roam New York City. The dog, now that she had Gared's attention, went away for a minute and came back with a stick.

"Do you want me to throw this?" Asked Gared, pointing at the stick. 

The dog just looked at Gared, as if saying duh.

So Gared picked up the stick for the stray and threw it. 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(February 21, 2017 - 5:36 pm)

Cool, thanks. 

submitted by Gared
(February 21, 2017 - 6:22 pm)

Ahh!!That is soo cute Ember!

submitted by Tuxedo kitten, Bag End
(February 21, 2017 - 9:22 pm)

May I request one?

submitted by Booksy Owly
(February 21, 2017 - 6:59 pm)

Can I have one please?

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(February 21, 2017 - 8:17 pm)

These are amazing! Could I have one?

submitted by Caroline, The Wild World
(February 21, 2017 - 8:23 pm)

I'd love one, if you're not too overwhelmed! Out of curiosity, did your name come from the book An Ember in the Ashes? If you haven't read it, you definitely should!

submitted by September, age o
(February 21, 2017 - 9:08 pm)