Regarding Kyngdom...

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Regarding Kyngdom...

Regarding Kyngdom...

Some of you know I'm on Kyngdom.  But then you've probably noticed I haven't posted in at least a month.  

So I'm here to explain myself here.  

I haven't been posting because I know that this huge thing has been going on for a year and a half, if not more.  I joined the CB on November 24, 2016 specifically to join Kyngdom.  But I got sucked into Inkwell before I was able to.  So, on April 30, I introduced myself to Kyngdom.  After I made my first RP thread there, I really wasn't able to post much since I had no idea what was happening, even after reading the most recent Story So Far thread.  At that point, I should've just asked who was where.  But I didn't.  So I joined the Animals.  It was a little after that point that I realized that I wasn't posting as much as a lot of the other people in Kyngdom.  I always thought "Oh, I'll post at some point."  That never happened.  

So I've decided to quit Kyngdom, if that's possible.  I just feel like I joined FAR too late in the game to be a significant part of it.  I actually knew right off the bat that I wouldn't be a major character since I had joined so late!

So I hope you're all okay with that. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(July 19, 2017 - 10:23 pm)

Don't worry, it's all right. If you want to leave, we'll find a way to manage.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 20, 2017 - 12:32 am)