In exactly one

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

In exactly one

In exactly one month I will be 13!!!!!! Ahhhhhh! What am I gonna do?! I don’t want to be a teenager! *whispering* Alright, I kinda do, a little bit, want to be a teen. Don’t tell anyone! *in regular voice* I neeed advice! Pleeaassee! Thank you! Oh, and cake for everyone!!!!!



That was waay too many exclamation points. Oh well.  

submitted by Dolphin, age Almost 13!, Narnia
(April 18, 2020 - 9:32 am)

Happy Birthday! Whoa! I'm almost jealous. Here's my advice: don't let becoming a teenager change anything about you. Just because your 2 is now a 3 dosen't mean that you have to act any different. Be yourself. 

submitted by Strawberri, age 12 winters, earth
(April 18, 2020 - 3:14 pm)

Thanks Strawberri! And also, Top!

submitted by Tophin, age Top eons, Top of Narnia
(April 19, 2020 - 9:02 am)

Me too! It's so weird, I'm almost a teenager! *shudder* I can't even grasp the concept.

submitted by Jade J., age almost 13
(April 20, 2020 - 10:58 am)