Helko to eberyome

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Helko to eberyome

Helko to eberyome on this spdier web site !! It the QEUEEN ;.;; me eliabet ii/



i am om a compumter11 ! CAN YOU BELISE THIS I CERTANLY CANnot <<< who would evet hav e though that me, 9 5 yrs old Qwen of Comon Wealtth could be on compumter! **( *&

cpmuter is realy simple to us,e,,, it `s liek a typewritter an d a telling vision at the same tim;'[[e now ueen had Not Use d a Tipe Writer in a looooooooooooooooooooonoooong time so is a litel tricksy, &%(*#UOLKS<:V

9sorry that was mistak with coputer0

but i am trying my vary best bee cause quen`s Ministery beliive that i should contact with Childs of Today to  pass on my Widsom ;';l';432.';23. and talk abuot things liek Ecomony and the Envirlo Mint. minsitery also say`s that the Cricket site is vary safe an there are no Spies looking at me (qeuen) through thier telling vision Screns. on this web site. so here is QUENE, Wav ing At You from Her Majesjty```s COMPATER. hello childs, i am sure we wil have Elightening Coverstions. 987w09w7099&*&%$#@*(">@:


(((sory another miss take from cupumpter!11)

love QUen E. (her mijesty) 

submitted by Quenn E,, age 95, Buckin gham, palave
(August 8, 2021 - 10:20 am)

Hi Queen!! It is very nice to meet you! Do you have any pets? I bet a Queen would have very cool pets like maybe a gorilla! Anyway it is nice to meet you and I hope to also have enlightening conversations with you too!!

submitted by PinkAxolotl, They/them!
(August 8, 2021 - 11:31 am)

O Yed 1111!1!1 i did habve a Gornilla at ome point but he is Porbably Deaed Now bee cauase I Haeve Not scene him in a vary l2(*^ ong time liek maybe %$#@ 150005003050242834108 day`s but Other Then Tha T i have Cnady my Corky dog gg g """.'"]|\}[ (silly copater porblem again sorrry!!}

Candy is so sweet t hat i sometiems for Get &^67 that Cand`y is Not a Food instead a Corky Dog and try to Eat Her. eben quoen make`s lotsa mis taeks just liek u Child of Future !!11!

lov froem

quen elzabeth (marjety) 

submitted by Quenn E., age 95, buck ham palsase
(August 8, 2021 - 12:39 pm)
submitted by Top
(August 8, 2021 - 12:26 pm)

(I am assuming this is satire)

WoNDErFUL to meet you your majesty! Eh, what's the envirlo mint? 

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(August 10, 2021 - 1:08 pm)

Chil,d of Today liek you should Know That ((#( )($* Eviro Mint is whare gornilla lifes!..! per Haps you are too busny online @: @)#)7 #6b#))jsnsj that you dont know EVIVIROMANT. My (qieen:s) )0 opinon of Inviralment is that It Is Vary GOOD and we should have It At Buckin g Ham Palsase. would luv to know your's,

lov froem the,

Quen Elsbeth 2 (magenty) (#6 *$8#7#*#( 8 8#* **(#$*#& copoter mistak agein!, ! !,!!  ! !!' ' ! 

submitted by Qeuun E., age 95, buckinhammm,, plasce
(August 10, 2021 - 6:48 pm)