A Winter Ball

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

A Winter Ball

A Winter Ball

It is I, the Spirit of Winter. You may call me the Spirit of Winter, the Winter Spirit, Mx. Winter, or just Winter. Sometimes I take the form of a person with long silver hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. Sometimes I appear as a majestic silver wolf, with ice-blue eyes. I use they/them pronouns. 

I am inviting you, yes, YOU, to a winter ball at my ice mansion. You may bring along AEs. No CAPTCHAs, I'm very sorry. 

This ball will start when I make a post starting it.

Fill out the short form below if you'd like to attend: 


CBer or AE: 


Outfit (optional): 

Shipping (AEs only): 


It goes without saying that shipping should be kept CB appropriate. Nothing above a Middle School level (dancing, holding hands, talking, etc.). 

I will elaborate on the setting of the ball when I make the post starting it. Have fun and happy winter.

submitted by The Spirit of Winter, age Immortal, Crystal Mansion
(December 22, 2021 - 1:10 pm)

Just wondering- is this RP format?

submitted by Red Starlight
(January 3, 2022 - 12:04 pm)

IDK. It's my AEs, so I just let them do whatever they want.

submitted by Pancake
(January 3, 2022 - 1:52 pm)

@Pancake- It's The Spirit of Winter's ball, so what they say goes for AEs.

submitted by Milly@Pancake
(January 3, 2022 - 2:22 pm)

Yes, this is intended to be in RP format. 

submitted by The Spirit of Winter, age Immortal, Crystal Mansion
(January 3, 2022 - 3:39 pm)

Oh, sorry. Also, I just meant that I didn't know whether it was or not, so I just did what I though.

submitted by Pancake
(January 3, 2022 - 8:25 pm)

Joe, stop trying to crack the ice

What do you mean? It's not crackable

The Spirit of Winter could release the charm at any moment

Aw. Okay.

Why is Annabeth paying you to drag me around. I should be the one getting paid.

Because I'm older than you, Lisa, so I get all the privliges


Oh, there's a cute girl, I'm going to ask her to dance. (Running over) Hey there, I like your leather jacket.

I wish I could say the same about your tux!!!!!

Would you like to dance?




submitted by Annabeth_E, age 12, Planet Earth
(January 3, 2022 - 6:26 pm)

Can I still join?

Name: Sterling

CBer or AE: CBer

Gender/Pronouns: they/them

Outfit (optional): My hair is down with a crown braid and I'm wearing a midnight blue suit, silver flats, and a silver necklace with tiny crystals that look like snowflakes


I might bring my AEs, if so I'll post that later.


submitted by Sterling, The Misty Mountains
(January 3, 2022 - 6:34 pm)

Red Starlight-

I walk in, stunned at how beautiful the room is. I've brought Ellerie, Sun, and Lissa, so I'll wait for them to make friends or something until I talk to others.


|I don't want to awkwardly stand here next to Star and listen to her lecture us on how to make friends, so I decide to just ask Lissa to dance. We're friends, so that'll be fine. And maybe later someone will ask her to dance and I can go make new friends.|

"|Lissa, do you want to dance?|"



;"I guess so";

;That was a lie. I do NOT want to dance with Sun for some reason. Probably because he is NOT a good dancer. I don't care how people look at me, but at least I don't dance like... I don't know, a wild animal or something! I'll make an excuse to get away from the dance later and maybe find someone else who wants to dance with me. Yeah that's gonna be a challenge...;



:So Lissa and Sun are gonna dance. Yep im gonna need to get a video of that. Tempest isn't here yet, and I don't want to stand here with Star, but I kinda have to. She's not gonna let me go off alone. Gah, this dress is itchy! It's so pretty, which is expected since Yin made it. But it's not something I can pull off, at all. I really like my hair, though! It's in a loose braid with roses tucked throughout it! My shoes are red heels, and I'm wearing red lipstick. I don't know how Yin got me to wear something this.... extravagant. The fanciest thing I usually wear is a Jean skirt, so this is stepping out of my comfort zone. And I love stepping out of my comfort zone, so I like it, in a weird way. I'm gonna go with Star to find something to eat...:

submitted by Red Starlight&AEs, age Varied, The winter ball
(January 3, 2022 - 8:27 pm)

Ignore my other post.





ARGH! Who should I dance with? Or maybe I could go eat some snacks with Mx Out? Wait. Why would that even cross my mind? I wander around the dance floor because why not. I might find someone to dance with. I find Mx Out by the snacks attempting to break the ice while eating a cupcake.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"What do you mean?!" Mx Out shouts.

"Whatever." I say.




~"HEY! ANYONE WANT TO DANCE WITH ME?" I shout. I want to dance with someone. After all, why come to a ball/dance/whatever if you're not gonna dance?~ 


~French toast~


~I find the library and read. I hate dances, so I am not sure why Pancake made me come.~




~I hate lots of people, dances, and loud noise. So I hide in a corner. Someone walks up to me.~


Mx Out!


WHY WON'T THIS STUPID ICE BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to break something~!!!!!!!! Maybe they'll let me burn some books~!

submitted by Pancake's AEs
(January 4, 2022 - 8:56 am)

So, imma sign up my other AEs real quick ^^;

Name: >Dawn<

CBer or AE: >AE<

Gender/Pronouns: >Ae/aer<

Outfit (optional): >a white dress with tulle covering, red and pink flowers pressed in between. Ballet flats<

Shipping (AEs only): >...No, sorry<

Name: Aliza

CBer or AE: Alter Ego

Gender/Pronouns: she/her

Outfit (optional): periwinkle dress with a glittery top and tulle skirt. Blue sneakers.

Shipping (AEs only): no, ew.


I'll post the first pov later, I have to go to school now 



submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, Valhalla
(January 4, 2022 - 11:01 am)
submitted by I’m topping this
(January 5, 2022 - 8:00 pm)

I walk onto the enchanted ice floor, and see Cbers, and AEs.

"Man, wish I would've brought Kitty. Of course, she'd break the ice, and no one crazy enough would--" I say, as I see Mx Out tryin' to break the ice.

'Ya know, this... this is what I was fearin' I think, as I walk over to Mx Out.

"What on EARTH do ya think you're doin'?" I say, as I put my hands on my hips.

"I'M TRYING TO BREAK THIS!!!!!!!!!" Mx Out says.

"Yeah, I can see that, now if you don't stop, if that breaks, we're gonna either A) Drown, B) Freeze to death, or C) Be like those doomed peeps on the Titanic, OK?!" I shout.

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 13, Kitten Kingdom
(January 6, 2022 - 2:03 pm)

Mx Out!


"I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!" I shout. "I WANT TO BREAK IT!!!! IT'S MOCKING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The CBer looks at me weirdly.




What was I doing? Who knows.




~No one wants to dance with me so far.~ 

submitted by Pancake's AEs
(January 6, 2022 - 2:48 pm)


;I walk onto the ice with Sun, and somebody half-yells half-asks if anyone wants to dance with him. So of course I walk up to him and say "I'll dance with you";



|Lissa left quicker than I expected. Well I'm not sure what to do now. I decide to just wander around. I don't really want to dance alone| 

submitted by Star’s AEs
(January 6, 2022 - 4:53 pm)

Ok, I'm fairly certain that Mx Out is insane by now...


I didn't wait for an answer, so I walk over to where another AE--Waffle maybe?-- Is waitin'.

"Hi, I'm a TERRIBLE dancer, but maybe ya can teach me? That, and we can talk 'bout some stuff???" I say.

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 13, Kitten Kingdom
(January 6, 2022 - 3:56 pm)