AE Support Group

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

AE Support Group

AE Support Group


*Hello everyone, this is Quinn, Chai, Rogue, and--hey, where's Indy?*


/*laughs nervously*\


Chai lost her. 


*CHAI! You promised you'd take good care of her!*


/I know! But then she got all nervous again and apparently nervousness is contagious, so I turned around to get her the emergency hoodie and myself some emergency chocolate, and then she was gone!\

[Quinn and Rogue look at each other and sigh.]


This summer project was a stupid idea.


*Chai, go find Indy. Rogue, stay here and help me start up this project, or we'll be in big trouble with Periwinkle.*


Fine. Take Two. 


*Hello everyone, this is Quinn and Rogue. Periwinkle, our CBer, is making us do a summer project, so we created this... Support Group... To...*


... Share our feelings. 


*AEs are not required (or really expected) to join by choice. CBers, this is something you can force your AEs to do. I know because Peri is forcing us to do it.*


Fill out the form below. Sorry if there are any typos. Chai made it.


AE Name:





*Alrighty, AEs, confess and complain here, and we'll all take turns offering advice, or something.*


Worst. Summer. Ever. 





Because Quinn and Rogue spent most of the time complaining and very little of it explaining, I will do the explaining. This is a fun idea I thought could help develop our AEs and characters more, because from my experience my AEs grow the most in conversation with other AEs. This is not a place to ask for actual advice, more a place for AEs to complain about small problems such as annoying siblings, annoying CBers, too-small bedrooms, ect., ect. I'm excited to see where it goes!

submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(June 21, 2022 - 12:45 pm)
“Hi,” I look at Chai and then back to Dawn. Aer talking to an AE I don’t recognize… “You okay? You look sad.”
We’re both quiet for a minute, except for me humming the song Little Miss Perfect. I wonder if she’s ever heard it before…?
“Hey, do you know the song-”
I’m interrupted by another AE - I think - yelling my name, so I turn around. I recognize them as Strawberry, Reuby’s AE, from my introduction thread.
“Oh, um, hi!” I say, smiling at them, then looking back at Chai. I really hope she’s fine with this… But one the other hand, maybe cream puffs will make her feel better!
I scrunch my nose. “It looks normal to me. Why would it be creepy?” It’s just a blank room or two; nothing that’s going to pop out and scare you, or spooky monsters… Or maybe Tempest counts as a monster right now. “Is it my brother?”

-”-Ooh, yeah… a mural would be cool. Hm…-” I finish noting my idea down, then turn back to the AE that brought me here. “-Do you think I could draw you? If you don’t mind, of course.-”-
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, This thread ig
(June 25, 2022 - 5:33 pm)


/"/CREAM PUFFS!?\" I almost forget to feel sad. But then I remember. Be normal, Chai. Don't be a nuisance. "/I m-mean, um, I'm okay. I'm not feeling very well. I think I ate too many cookies. But maybe later--they look delicious!\" I force a smile. Man, I really want a cream puff...\


*"*Brother?*" My mind flickers back to the party and I remember--Aliza has an older brother. Two, actually, now, Oliver and Tempest. Tempest! Hey, that's the boy who scared Indy at the party. Hmm. "*No, it's not your brother, this place is just sort of strange. I dunno, it's probably just me.*"*


*~My eyes widen. "*~M-me? You really want to draw me?~*" I grin. "*~Okay!~*"~*


submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Many ages, The Support Center >:[
(June 25, 2022 - 6:30 pm)


|"|Maybe|" I look around and to see who this person might be. I see most of writing's AEs, but not Tempest. Tempest is a shapeshifter. I'm talking to a shapeshifter. There's a good chance I'm talking to Tempest. "|Im Sun. Are you Tempest?|" well this'll be embarrassing if I'm wrong.|

-EW! The LIBRARY?! DISGUSTING. "-No I will NOT be checking a library! I'm DISGUSTED that you think I, Yang, would go to a LIBRARY. I'm more of a book-store fellow. They're just BETTER, k? So try your response again. Politely this time.-"-
:It takes a me a bit to notice that Sun is gone. I don't know where he went. This is boring. I wanna socialize! I get up and decide to talk to someone sitting close near me who I recognize as Rogue. ":Hi,:" I say.:
submitted by Starli’s AEs
(June 25, 2022 - 6:44 pm)

AE Name:^Lavender^

CBer:^Midnight Phantom^

Dilemma(s):^ My plant won't grow. The cactus, WON'T GROW. The roses, WON'T GROW. The daisys...WON'T GROW!^ 

Other:^talk to me^


AE Name:*Cretesa*

CBer:*The spooky, scarry CBer....MIDNIGHT PHANTOM!*

Dilemma(s):*I have no ideas for a new play D:* 



AE Name:?Boody Mary. Call me Mary though, or Mar. Perferably Mar.?

CBer:?My sister, Midnight Phantom?

Dilemma(s):?People find me too creepy to talk to, sad. I'm really nice once you know me? 




submitted by Midnight Phantom, age Nighttime, UnderYourBed
(June 25, 2022 - 7:30 pm)
#I nod. “#That’d be me.#” I KNEW I’d seen this guy before-- it was at that Winter Ball, ages ago. And probably other times since then, but only really in passing.  “#You’re one of Red Starlight’s other AEs?#”#

-YES! I got a model! I sit on one of the couches, and look at her, starting with a sketch. I try to start a conversation. “-So, what’s your name?-”-
-Man, poses are so hard to draw.-
>”>Well, um… You could… Check a bookstore?<” This AE… isn’t the kindest. But I’m used to this, kind of. It’s hard to explain. “>Or look online?<”<

“Oh.” I was kind of hoping Tempest was scaring her. Maybe I could’ve convinced him to come over and scare her more… That would’ve been funny. But I don’t really want to make Quinn scared anyway…
Ugh. Friendship. Disgusting.
“Yeah, I think it’s just you.” I say quickly, “This place isn’t scary. Not even that weird closet over there.” I didn’t notice the closet before. But there is definitely a weird sound coming from it. Maybe these noise-canceling headphones will come in handy.

“Oh. Um. Okay.” Chai is DEFINITELY sad. That makes me sad. I turn to Strawberry. “Thank you,” I say, taking a cream puff and trying to break it in half- you know, to share, because I think Chai actually does want one.
But, cream puffs are filled with cream. And cream is messy. And now my hands are covered. I can already hear Aliza yelling at me to wash them. “Oops.” I say. “Um. Can you… take this?” I gesture the two little cream/pastry blobs I’ve created to Chai. “I have to…” My voice trails off and I shrug .  
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, This thread ig
(June 25, 2022 - 9:46 pm)


/Oliver breaks his cream puff in half, and cream starts oozing all over his hands. "Um. Can you... take this? I have to..." So I take one of the pieces of the cream puff and pop it in my mouth (oh, it's delicious) then take the other piece, pull a napkin (clean) out of my pocket, and wrap it in that. I now have cream all over my hands too, but I don't actually mind. I giggle. "/We look like Luz when she tried to pretend to be Willow's abomination!\" I grab his hand. "/I know where the bathroom is. C'mon, let's go wash our hands.\"\


Ellerie, seeming bored, has come over to me. ":Hi.:" I raise an eyebrow. I mean to say hi, I really do, but instead I say, "Hey, aren't you the girl who freaked Indy out the party?"


*~"*~My name's Indigo,~* I say, "*~But I go by Indy. What's your name?~*"~*


*I look at the closest Aliza is referring to. "*That's a weird noise,*" I say.*



I would just like to say... HI STARLI I MISSED YOU SO MUCH WELCOME BACK also sorry that's late I typed it up on another post but then my iPad *glares at iPad* deleted it and I forgot to retype it. Also, another thing I'm continually forgetting, my AEs' pronouns, which are luckily pretty easy, all of them use she/her except Quinn, who uses she/they. 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(June 26, 2022 - 7:09 am)


-I feel kinda bad. This AE seems like GENUINELY nice. I like to annoy people but only when they try to annoy me back. "-Oh, okay. Good idea, sorry-" I walk away. And then I stare up at the ceiling and shift my appearance and age to closer around 10. That's kinda how I feel right now.-



:Oh. ":Um... yeah,:" I say, looking down, guilty, and thinking back to the party. I didn't mean to scare Indy, but I did anyways so it's still bad. That's not really where I expected this conversation to go, but I've learned never to expect. That way, everything's a surprise. It adds a hint of excitement to everyday life. I change the subject. ":You're Rogue, right?:":



|"|Yeah|" I know Tempest means "other" as in "other than Ellerie". It's cool I get to talk to her boyfriend, although I feel like I pretty much already know them because Ellerie talks a lot. I do feel slightly protective over Ellerie, but I don't think Tempest is a bad person, so I don't need to be. I don't really know what to say... "|Ellerie talks a lot about you.|" I smile. "|You seem pretty cool.|" After they reply, maybe I'll ask them about their hobbies. Best to plan ahead.| 

submitted by Starli’s AEs
(June 26, 2022 - 10:49 am)
-“-My name’s Cassidy.-” I say, finishing a loose sketch and starting another one. Indy is really easy to draw; in a good way, of course. I turn my sketchbook towards her. “-Whatcha think?-”-

I nod. The noise is like a weird grinding, kind of loud but also not. Huh.
“Hey,” I say, “Lean down. I wanna try something.”
#I smile back. “#You seem pretty cool, too.#” It feels nice knowing Ellie talks about me, in a weird sense.  Kind of embarrassing, I guess, but not really. It’s sweet.#
#I don’t really know what else to say to Sun. I don’t know much about him…#

>That went… Well? Huh. I guess… I should do something else now. I start walking around, feeling awkward. I wish I could go home now. I’ve had enough social interaction for a week or two.<
>There aren’t many people I recognize here.<
I laugh as Chai pulls me along. “We’ll be right back!” I call over my shoulder to Strawberry. I hope we aren’t making her feel left out… And I hope Dawn’s feeling better. Last I saw, ae were talking to another AE, so that seems good! Ugh, my hands are getting sticky. I wonder where this bathroom is…
Aria just said "aricb"!! Yes, you are ARIa, and this is the CB! :000 
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, This thread ig
(June 26, 2022 - 3:41 pm)


/The bathroom, which is an all-gender one, is very big and has five sinks, which I'm happy about because I like odd numbers better than even numbers. As I wash the sticky cream from the cream puffs off my hands, I feel a need to apologize to Oliver. There might've been a way to avoid Oliver having stickiness all over his hands, or just getting in this mess in general. "/Sorry,\" I say.\


Ellerie seems uncomfortable with my mentioning of Indy, so I don't push it. "Mm-hmm, I'm Rogue. I'm also hungry. The cookies here are terrible. I hate stale cookies. But of course, Chai's inhaling them--" Hey, where'd Chai go? Oh, what did she get herself into now? I sigh and pull a cupcake out of my pocket.


*"Um... Okay...*" I say, doing as Aliza has told me to and trying not to think about the fact that I am taking orders from an 8-year-old girl.*


*~I gasp. Cassidy just drew a simple sketch, but I think it's beautiful. "*~Wow, that's really good!~*" I say.~* 

submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Many ages, The Support Center >:[
(June 26, 2022 - 5:43 pm)


|"|Thanks,|" I doubt Ellerie has really mentioned me around Tempest, but it's still a nice compliment. "|So, what're your hobbies?|" I ask.|
:Rogue pulls a cupcake out of her pocket. I love cupcakes. I pull one out of my pocket too. People probably think I eat a lot of cupcakes, but I only eat them like... once every other week, maybe? But I brought one here. ":Yeah stale cookies... aren't great,:" I agree, biting my cupcake.: 
-I'm bored.- 
submitted by Starli’s AEs
(June 26, 2022 - 8:14 pm)
"Why?" I say as I wash my hands, "You didn't do anything. Well, I mean, you did things, but nothing bad or mean." I look at her and smile. 
Then I flick my wet hands at her, which sends droplets of water all over, and laugh.
I slip my headphones on to Quinn's head and smile. "Can you still hear it?" I ask. A head or two turn in our direction. Oops.

-I blush "-It's not that good! Just a sketch…-" Honestly, I'm pretty proud of it. But normally I can't draw this well. It must just be a good art day. (Artists know the pain)-
-"-You can draw, too, can't you?-" I ask Indy, trying to change the conversation. "-Do you think I could see them?-"-

#I shrug and mindlessly shift a tail. "#Nothing exciting,#" I say, "#Usually I'm just wandering around or hanging out with Writing and his other AEs." It sounds boring, I know… But I don't really know how to describe what I do all day. Mostly I just follow other people. "#What about you?#"#
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, This thread ig
(June 26, 2022 - 10:15 pm)

@Writing, do you think we could ship Oliver and Strawberry? If it's ok with you. The would be so cute and spastic together! UWU

submitted by Reuby Moonnight, age 12InAWeek, Gone Crazy
(June 27, 2022 - 10:26 am)

Hm... Maybe? I only just introduced him, and I'd like to develop him a bit more before I ship him. Not to mention I don't know much about Strawberry either, but I will keep thinking about it <3 I'm sure they'll still make great friends!

submitted by Writing@Reuby, age 12, Valhalla
(June 27, 2022 - 1:30 pm)


^"OOOOF!OW, FALLING WITH A CACTUS IN YOUR POCKET HURTS!" I yelled.  Cretesa slapped me on the back of the head, "stop yelling. Everybody allready thinks your wierd, even if you didn't have birght purple hair and wear dirtstained pastel clothing, you weirdo" " I'm not a weirdo, your the weirdo! Wait..I am a weirdo. I'M A WERIDO!" I yelled, getting some funny looks. I laughed looking around. I wonder, what would happen if I put/hid plants everywhere. I smiled devsiously. Heheh I'll hide them everywhere!^


That's all I got for right now..

submitted by Midnight Phantom, age Nighttime, UnderYourBed
(June 27, 2022 - 10:32 am)


/Oliver flicks water everywhere and laughs. Laughs are contagious, I guess, and so I start laughing too. Then we're just throwing water around and laughing for a while until eventually I ask, "/Do you think Dawn's okay? Maybe we should go find aer, unless ae don't want to be my friend anymore...\" I pull at a strand of hair, an old habit of Peri's I always throught was so weird, but I guess I get now.\


*Aliza has slipped her headphones over my head. "*Woah, the noise is completely gone!*" These headphones work well. "*You want to try?*"*


*~Cassidy wants to see my drawings?! Ohhh kayyyyy....

I have to get myself together and gather up my courage as I pull my sketchbook out of my hoodie pocket. "*~W-well, I drew, some, um, pictures of Wanderer, our resident CAPTCHA... I'm... Not sure if you can tell, but she's an... Owl?~*" I was actually pretty proud of this, because I liked how regal she looked, but now I'm noticing every little mistake. Oh, I hope Cassidy thinks it's okay...~*


Ellerie also has cupcakes in her pocket. Rare I meet another person who truly understands their importance and their beauty. Cupcakes can be used for so many things--A snack, a weapon, a plug for when you're in a canoe that Chai built but it got a big hole in it because Chai built it, the list goes on. 

I guess I should attempt to start a conversation, or something, but I don't really know what to say. I point to Yang. "He's the exotic pasta recipes weirdo that's bugging you, yeah?" 



submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Many ages, The Support Center >:[
(June 27, 2022 - 6:50 am)