Holiday Party!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Holiday Party!

Holiday Party!

happy december, folks! it’s the holiday season, so i think it’s time for a CB holiday party! both CBers, AEs, and CAPTCHAs are all invited (you don’t have to fill out a form for captchas—just mention you’re bringing them :)). it’ll be hosted in a ballroom—not sure how we managed to get hold of a ballroom, but—

it was definitely obtained legally.

uhhh…i’ll take your word for it, nix *squints at him suspiciously* anyway, there’ll be cookie decorating and gingerbread house building and just about any holiday-party-appropriate activity you can think of. there’s also plenty of snow outside the ballroom if you want to pelt your AE sibling with snowballs or whatever :) without further ado, here are the forms~



cber or ae:

appearance (and outfit!):

are you bringing anything? if so, what?:

shipping (for aes):


we can start anytime—maybe the sixth? and ofc you can still join after it’s started :D happy holidays, everyone!

submitted by pangolin + crew, age festive, galway bay
(December 4, 2024 - 7:13 am)


{The party seems really nice, it's warm and inviting.

I search for a place to put my food, cranberry brie bites. My mom used to make them for me around thanksgiving. I sigh, scanning the people. From behind me I hear  +"Hey Carmen!"+ Rigel says, striding towards me.

"Oh Rigel! Hello, it's so wonderful to see you again. I'm so sorry I haven't seen you sooner. I've been quite busy. But darling, you look wonderful!".

I opened my arms, "May I hug you?" 

submitted by InkTea
(December 13, 2024 - 9:19 pm)

name: Sinusoidal

pronouns: he/him

cber or ae: CBer

appearance (and outfit!): Full-on ski gear, minus the ski mask plus a kippah.

are you bringing anything? if so, what?: 2 Boeing 737 jet engines and a knife to cut the ballroom from its foundation, as well as some kind of control system (to send the ballroom to Switzerland)

shipping (for aes): seriously?



name: Henry

pronouns: he/him

cber or ae: AE

appearance (and outfit!): Same as Sine

are you bringing anything? if so, what?: A jar full of 1 million frogs

shipping (for aes): seriously?



name: Emmett

pronouns: he/him

cber or ae: Æ

appearance (and outfit!): Same as Sine

are you bringing anything? if so, what?: Ten Airbus jet engines

shipping (for aes): seriously?




submitted by Sinusoidal
(December 15, 2024 - 1:33 pm)


{The girl smiles, the expression matching her green eyes perfectly. "~Hey,~" she says. "~I'm Lorelai. I don't suppose you've seen me, I'm new.~"}

{"Oh, that would explain it," I say with an answering grin. "I thought I would have remembered you if I ever had seen you." I gesture to her. "I love your name, it suits you."}



*":No,:" the girl says frankly. ":But who are you? I'm Cleo.:"*

*"Nice to meet you," I answer. "I'm Agate - I'm pretty new to my group of AEs, so this is my first party. Honestly, pangolin and her AEs did a great job with this. Have you tried any of the food yet?"*

*There's a crash from behind us, and I spin around. I was talking about food, wasn't I? A heap of it is on the floor, and where it used to be on one of the tables crouches a very guilty, very small hedgehog.*

*"Origami!!" I exclaim, scooping her up. "You were supposed to behave yourself, remember? She's our captcha," I add over my shoulder to Cleo. "Aldebaran insisted on bringing her along, and, well, look at this." I start picking up the things that she shoved over the edge of the table. I'm not sure why I have the feeling that this is going to be an eventful evening.*



|As we finish our hot chocolate, Lyra beats me to the question - I should have guessed that she'd have the same thought. "-Do you...want to dance?-" she asks awkwardly, looking shy and beautiful and sweet. It makes me want to hug her until time ends and tell her that she's the most amazing person in the world. But since that isn't exactly what I'm supposed to do in a crowded ballroom, I answer her question instead.|

|"Yes, I'd love to," I say, tilting my head to listen to the song that's playing on the speakers. It sounds like winter and romance, and I couldn't love it more (though I could, and do, obviously love Lyra more, but then Lyra and music don't even begin to compare). "Shall we?" I take her hand, and we go out to the space for dancing, happiness rising up in me. I'm not wonderful at dancing, but hopefully Lyra won't mind, and anyway, we're here, together, which is all that really matters.|

submitted by Amethyst
(December 16, 2024 - 6:09 pm)
+"{Oh Rigel! Hello, it's so wonderful to see you again. I'm so sorry I haven't seen you sooner. I've been quite busy. But darling, you look wonderful!}" Carmen exclaims, though to me, they look even more wonderful. He opened their arms and asked, "{May I hug you?}"+
+"Of course!" I reply, embracing him. It feels so nice to be with them again, after not seeing him for a while. After a few more moments, I step back and glance around at the ballroom, where others are already starting to dance. I ask, "How have you been doing?"
-"|Yes, I'd love to. Shall we?|" He takes my hand as a magical and wintery song plays on the speaker, feeling perfect for the scene.-
-I tried to think back to the time Crescent taught me to dance, after Astra dragged her and Rigel to a dance class. I had learned the most basic steps to the waltz, which was stepping in a box-like pattern according to Crescent. I followed somewhat in time to the wonderful music, with Eri following with the dance about as well as me. Those moments felt amazing, dancing together and both of us having a smile on our face despite our occasional missteps.-
-While we continued our waltz, I asked him, "So, what is your favorite part about the holidays?"- 
submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Holiday Party
(December 18, 2024 - 7:30 pm)


{ +"Of couse!"+, she replys. After a moments embrace she pulls away, looking around. I smile softly. +"How have you been doing?"+ she asks. Thinking for a moment, I reply. "I would say I've been doing well, but that's only partially true. I've never been a fan of the cold, summer preferable. So I haven't been out side lately, and I've absolutely stumpted as to what I should cook for the holidays!". I scratch to back of my head, tilting it to one side. "Anyways, enough about me. You cirtainly look well, but how have you been faring the fold weather?"}



<The party seems nice, there are alot of people though. Carmen has gone off to talk to his beloved (I'm not kidding. The way he talks about, they sound like a shojou anime protagonist.). I sigh, looking for the food table. After placing the Hot Cocoa down, I gaze at the ballroom......dang....I really don't have any friends. I gotta go find someone to talk to.>

submitted by InkTea
(December 19, 2024 - 9:55 am)

gosh, I didn't read this through. Ignore the spelling errors.

submitted by InkTea
(December 19, 2024 - 7:16 pm)


|Lyra pulls us into a waltz, and for a little while we just sway with the music, the rest of the ballroom turning around us. Then Lyra asks me, "-So, what is your favorite part about the holidays?-"|

|I lift my arm so that she can spin underneath it, an impromptu touch. "I'm not sure," I say. "I love the parties. Maybe for practical things, parties, and for spiritual things, the themes of, you know, family and togetherness..." I shrug, which is hard to do in the middle of dancing, but hopefully I pulled it off. "What about you?"|

submitted by Amethyst + AEs, age , r u a bard, Origami??
(December 19, 2024 - 5:09 pm)
this is a bit late D: it's been really busy lately :/ but here i am!! also, @amethyst & celestial_mango, you guys don't have to acknowledge vanadium or anything; i just wanted to actually write with him ToT

|Kaspar’s face breaks into a dazzling smile when he sees me, and I smile in response. It feels like ages since we last properly saw each other, but at the same time, not much seems to have changed between us. He still has the most adorable smile, for instance. “Hi! It’s good to see you!” he says. “How’ve you been?”|
|“I’ve been pretty busy with getting ready for the holidays, to be honest,” I reply. “Oh, and I’ve also taken up the drums! That’s been pretty fun. What’ve you been up to?”|


#I don’t know how I agreed to co-host this party with Pangolin and their AEs. I don’t know how Mirage talked me into putting glitter on my face because I wasn’t “being festive enough.” This is ridiculous. I should’ve stayed home. At least at home, I can listen to my music, not these overplayed holiday songs, and I’m not surrounded by loud, annoying AEs. I have no idea how I’m going to get through the rest of the night.#

#There’s a crash across the ballroom, and my head snaps around. Looks like someone’s captcha knocked some of the dishes off the table. Greeeat. Pangolin’s still greeting guests, Arum is talking with Kaspar, Fir is DJing, and Mirage and Nix are nowhere to be seen (presumably outside?), so I guess I have to clean it up myself. Just my luck.#

#I march over to the mess, grabbing a roll of paper towels on my way, even though it looks mostly salvageable, to be honest. There’s already another AE cleaning up—she has golden hair in a ponytail and a white lace dress. I don’t say anything to her. Pangolin would probably lecture me about Being Nice To People In Order To Make Friends right about now, but Pangolin’s not the one being responsible and cleaning up, so she has no say in this. I sigh, not for the first time. I’m in for a loooong night.#

submitted by pangolin + crew, age a bit late, the ballroom!!
(December 19, 2024 - 6:18 pm)


+After thinking about it for a moment, Carmen replies, ""{I would say I've been doing well, but that's only partially true. I've never been a fan of the cold, summer preferable. So I haven't been outside lately, and I've absolutely stumped as to what I should cook for the holidays!}" He scratches the back of their head, tilting it to one side. "{Anyways, enough about me. You certainly look well, but how have you been faring the cold weather?}"+

+I smile and answer, "Pretty well, because I've been staying mostly indoors. Though I did have to go out once or twice, mainly for gardening or being dragged out by Astra." I laugh slightly. "Summer is nicer, I suppose, though my personal favorite is spring, since that's when all the flowers are in bloom." After a moment's pause of thought, I add, "As for what to cook...I've tried to make eggnog, and it went pretty well. Maybe you could try to make a holiday drink!"+ 



-He lifts his arm, and I spin underneath it, a lovely touch to the overall waltz. He replies, "|I'm not sure. I love the parties. Maybe for practical things, parties, and for spiritual things, the themes of, you know, family and togetherness...|" He shrugs, which seems rather hard while dancing, yet he pulls it off somehow. "|What about you?|"-

-"Probably also the parties and just being together, especially with you," I reply with a soft smile while twirling once more. "The wintery season is nice as well. I think snowflakes are pretty, especially if you look at them from up close...they are surprisingly intricate." We continue dancing to the music, which subtly changes into a different, more energetic tune that equally matches the holiday vibe. "What is your favorite holiday song?"-

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Holiday Party
(December 19, 2024 - 8:08 pm)

{"Oh, that would explain it."} ~He grins at me~ {"I thought I would have remembered you if I ever had seen you." ~He's such a gentleman~ {"I love your name, it suits you."} ~I blush. Shoot, I must look like a tomato right now. Breath, Lor. ~"So, what's your name?~ I ask. As soon as the words come out of my mouth, a mountain of food comes tumbling to the ground. The culprit is a very small, very cute hedgehog. I see a golden-haired girl rush over and scoop up the hedgehog. ~"Who is that?"~


*"Nice to meet you. I'm Agate - I'm pretty new to my group of AEs, so this is my first party. Honestly, pangolin and her AEs did a great job with this. Have you tried any of the food yet?"* The girl, Agate, is about my height and looks nice enough upon further observance. Except just as I'm about to respond, an avalanche of assorted holiday treats crashes off the table and in the center of the mess is a baby hedgehog. Agate rushes over cooing *"Origami!!"* She picks up the thing. *"You were supposed to behave yourself, remember? She's our captcha. Aldebaran insisted on bringing her along, and, well, look at this."*

:CAPTCHAES. Typical. At least I don't need to deal with Keela, who is currently tottering behind Lor and trying not to get stepped on. :"Do you need some help?": I ask. 


submitted by festive_mango
(December 20, 2024 - 1:33 pm)

@pangolin, yeah no it's fine :)


|"-Probably also the parties and just being together, especially with you,-" Lyra says, whirling gracefully and looking like some dream of the winter in her white and blue outfit. "-The wintery season is nice as well. I think snowflakes are pretty, especially if you
look at them from up close...they are surprisingly intricate. What is your favorite holiday song?-

|"The one we're dancing to right now is going to be pretty special to me after today," I say with a grin. "But otherwise, I think I'd go with Holly Jolly Christmas - Michael Buble and all that. What about you? Favorite song in general?" We're still the only couple dancing, but I don't think I care. Lyra could be the only person left in the world and I'd still be happy, as long as we were in the same part of the world.|



{Lorelai looks as if she appreciates the compliment. "~So, what's your name?~" she asks, her words coinciding with a crashing sound that doesn't seem to quite match the general vibe of the ballroom. I look towards it and see Origami crouching on a table and Agate going towards him. I groan, and Lorelai asks, "~Who is that?~"}

{"My captcha," I say, meeting her gaze and not being able to keep back a half-smile even though this whole situation isn't exactly great. "And the girl is Agate, one of my fellow AEs. And while we're on introductions, I'm Aldebaran, the most incredible, most modest boy in the universe." I flash her another smile. "Looks like Agate's got it under control, am I right? Would you like to dance? Strictly platonically, of course."}



*I straighten up to see another AE - I think it's Vanadium - coming over to help. "Thanks so much!" I exclaim. "I think I'm fine, thanks."*

*":Do you need some help?:" Cleo asks.*

*I pick up the last few items and borrow a paper towel from Vanadium. "Looks like that's about it? Thank goodness it wasn't more serious." I look around for Origami, but she's somehow managed to disappear again. "Oh my gosh. If either of you sees Origami, look out for yourself. You're Vanadium, right? I'm Agate, and this is Cleo. Oh right, we were talking about the food..." I pick up some candy from the table (wrapped, so it doesn't matter that I just removed it from the floor) and taste it. "Squee, it's great!"*

submitted by Amethyst
(December 23, 2024 - 5:21 pm)