Username Origins!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Username Origins!
Username Origins!
share the origin and story of your username/alias/whatever you guys call it here on the CB. thought it'd be a nice way to get to know one another and have fun!
I'll start--my username is after Ellesmere Island, which is either a part of Canada or Greenland, idk. but it's heavily populated by Arctic wolves, and it's one of my favorite ecosystems (aside from a few prehistoric ones). it was a nice sounding word, so I just started using it everywhere. it was the first of my aliases (the former ones being RodeoQueen[random number here I forgot], Badflower [so edgy], and Tear Ivy [from some wolf roleplay a looong time ago]) to actually stick.
that was kinda long, but you don't have to make it as complicated as I did. enjoy!
(January 30, 2025 - 2:36 pm)
There's a lot of coyotes near my house, and I always kinda loved the way they sound. I also love the way the word "coyote" sounds, and think it looks super cool written out. I always thought it would be a pretty cool name, and when I read The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise, it kinda sealed the deal.
(January 30, 2025 - 8:34 pm)
I love that book! I read it at the library a while ago but I haven't gotten around to purchasing a physical copy of it.
(February 3, 2025 - 1:35 pm)
(February 4, 2025 - 8:30 pm)
I've read that book maybe five times I didn't think anyone else had read it!!!
(February 6, 2025 - 9:10 am)
(January 31, 2025 - 11:30 pm)
I named myself after my swim team, which is the (town where I live) Sea Dragons. My old name was basically my real name; I got rid of it about 2 1/2 years ago for reasons of privacy and being bored with it. (Typing 2 1/2 years makes me realize my 3rd CBversary is in April; I didn't realize I've been on the CB for so long.)
(February 1, 2025 - 9:07 pm)
What a nice thread idea! :)
When I first found out about the CB, I spent a while thinking of a name, trying to find something that sounded pretty and colorful. At some point I thought of the word "poinsettia" - it sounded nice to me, and I also thought poinsettia flowers are very vibrant and pretty. (For those who don't know, poinsettias are flowers with red, pointy petals, usually displayed around Christmas.) And I just went with it. At the CB Live Chat in 2023, I gave myself the nickname Setti. And that's the story :)
(February 3, 2025 - 3:58 pm)
Mine started because of my hair color lol! My hair is auburn but looks like fire in the sunlight. I also really liked phoenixes (STILL DOOOOO) when I made up the name. They're resillience! My original name on here was AuburnFairy13 (idk if anyone remembers this haha). I got that because of A my hair and B this book I read called the Night fairy. The 13 is because it's my fave number!!
(February 4, 2025 - 8:35 pm)
What fun, I love these threads :D When I wanted to join the CB, I admired y'all's names so much (I still do), and I wanted to go by something that sounded nice but also stood for something I liked. I like purple and jewels, so when I hit on Amethyst it sounded right and I decided to just go with it. If I were joining now, I think I'd choose something a bit different, but I've gotten attached to Amethyst :)
(February 5, 2025 - 4:36 pm)
I've used this username for another site before, so it technically came from there. I came up with it after an evolution of moon/star/wolf related usernames before I settled on Moon Wolf, simple, elegant, and captures the perfect vibe of wolves and the moon, which I like. I feel like the username has now become more like a part of me, with my personality and likes and even my room seeming to slowly evolve into a similar vibe to my name. To get to the point, I chose this name because I like the moon and wolves are pretty majestic :)
(February 5, 2025 - 11:21 pm)
Mine is super simple.
I was watching the pilot episode of Steven universe when I was trying to come up with my username.It has these ice cream sandwiches called choco cats but I didn't like how choco cat sounded so I tweaked it a bit.
And then I was cocoa cat.
(February 6, 2025 - 9:08 am)
I was originally climate girl, but I stopped liking the "girl " and posted on random thoughts for an opinion, and someone suggested climate bee. Climate girl came from my superhero thingy.
(February 6, 2025 - 5:31 pm)
Which one? (lol)
I'll explain all of them, in order of appearance.
Reuby Moonnight: First of all, i was eleven...I thought i was edgy. Anyways. The "ruby" part came from my birth stone (ruby is july's birthstone). And the "moonnight" part came from....the moon....being out at night.
GloomyBear: I wanted to add an animal aspect to my name, so i chose a bear, but wanted some dark aspect to the name, and I chose Gloomy (i changed bc GloomyBear is an actual character).
InkTea (CURRENT NAME!): I wanted something relating to art, and I thought about different mediums i use- ink -and then i got thinking " Huh, what do you use with ink? Well...and ink pot. What else goes in a pot? TEA!". So i mashed those two together :)
(February 6, 2025 - 7:36 pm)
I know I've been on here for like only one month, but I chose Jinx because I was trying to come up with a name for a character in a story (the character was some kind of sprite, and I thought Jinx sounded pretty sprite-y and magical) and anyways that's where I chose it from I guess!
(February 7, 2025 - 2:54 pm)
Hi! @Jinx, I haven't been on CB that long either.
My name comes from several things. One, because my backyard gets absolutley covered in them when its spring. Two, I like the concept of not forgetting
(February 7, 2025 - 3:54 pm)