It's been over
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
It's been over
It's been over five years since I joined the CB... man, what happened?! I've been on here for half a decade! I feel old (jk). Here's a five-year recap of how I've changed since I joined:
-I was only 11, and I'm gonna be 17 in June... man, I'm gonna be 20 before I know it!
-My old CB name was Emekittycon K, and then I added the Kitten, which made me Emekittycon Kitten. Then, maybe a little over a year ago, I changed it to Thunder.
-I didn't have many friends irl back then. Now I have 2 group chats, and a LOT more friends, includin' my BFF, R.
-I didn't have a boyfriend then, and thought I had no chance of ever havin' one. Now, I have one... kinda.
-I started a channel! :)
-My grandma passed away in May of last year. Rest in Peace, Grandma <3
-I didn't even know who Technoblade was until 'bout a year after he passed away. Rest in Peace, Techno <3
-I got a phone!
-I also got a guitar!
-I didn't know what the DSMP was... to be fair, it wasn't even formed at the time I came on here, it formed a couple months afterward, but I didn't really start gettin' into it until last year, and it's been over for almost 2 years!
-I've has so many sleepovers, and sometimes when I get up before my friend(s), I post a comment on the CB on Random Thoughts/Things, LOL.
That's 'bout it! I appreciate y'all for bein' my CB friends, and I appreciate and love y'all for makin' me laugh when I need it the most! Love y'all! <3
Bradley said, "udeep". I am deep. Huh.
(February 4, 2025 - 12:27 pm)
Wowwwww five years!! It's definitely been a minute. Happy CBversery! *Tosses party hats to everyone* I personally enjoy reading the things you post about your friends and stuff, it's always interesting to hear what's going on. I haven't really gotten to know you, but you seem pretty cool! Glad to have you in here :)
(February 4, 2025 - 6:17 pm)
Aw, thank you, Hawkstar! I enjoy bein' on the CB; I don't think I'll ever leave :)
(February 6, 2025 - 11:28 am)
(February 5, 2025 - 5:15 pm)
Wow happy 5 year (or half a decade) CBversary, Thunder!! *confetti confetti* You are a really cool presence on CB, and we've interacted from time to time, though it would be great to get to know you more.
anyways, yes, rest in peace technoblade (I only heard of his name, though I knew he was famous)
wow you got a guitar! what type? and how is guitar playing going?
as for dsmp, tbh I've actually never really got into it---I mainly watched dream manhunts when they were popular, and I thought it was pretty cool.
well, it's nice that you've been here for 5 years!! and it will be great to continue to read you around!
(February 5, 2025 - 11:27 pm)
Thank you, Moon Wolf! We should start a chat thread sometime.
I don't remember what type of guitar I have, but it's more expensive than my previous one. I haven't taken guitar lessons or practiced in over a year now, but my uncle hopes to start lessons again soon. I'm gonna see if I can learn "Vibrant Eyes" by CG5.
Yeah, I don't watch the DSMP ('cause swearin'), but my maybe-bf A watches it. He's told me 'bout it, and I've written some stories on it for this Netflix series I wanna have in the future. I have crushes on, like, four of the members, LOL (Tubbo, Ranboo, Dream, and a new one on George).
I don't remember if I heard Techno's name before he passsed away, but when I heard 'bout his death, it was either very close to a year or just after a year that he passed away.
(February 6, 2025 - 11:27 am)
wow, that's crazy! happy half-decade :0
(February 5, 2025 - 11:49 pm)
I'm SO excited for you, Thunder! I joined a couple of months after you, and you were the first person to greet me. You are such a kind and cool person, and I hope you stay on CB forever!
(February 6, 2025 - 1:29 pm)
Hellooo!!! Oh my goodness this is wild! Do you still love the Monkees? I remember doing the Forest RP with you XD
I used to go by Cynthia Maple when I was 12 and now I drop by once a year or so XD
(February 7, 2025 - 1:43 pm)
I remember doin' the Forest RP with you, too! Oh, man, that was so fun! I should read it again sometime.
I still listen to the Monkees' music, but I don't have a crush on Mike Nesmith anymore. It's, like, I get these crushes for a year or two (or three), but then I get a new crush, LOL.
It's so good to see you again! :)
(February 8, 2025 - 7:47 am)
Pituresque says {gtofr}
(Sorry! I kinda bombed you with questions!!! XP lol)
(February 7, 2025 - 7:32 pm)
I don't remember exactly when my CBversary was, but I think I settled on January 19th.
I've been interested in music for a while. I took piano lessons from my cousin before he went to college, and I didn't play the piano for a while so I forgot how. Then a couple years ago I started takin' guitar lessons from my uncle before he got too busy for lessons. I've also been writin' songs and I hope to have an album with songs about the DSMP members and maybe an album collab with Dream. That's be AWESOME!! :)
My b-day is June 12. Fun fact: I got a friend who is literally 6 days older than me. :)
(February 8, 2025 - 7:50 am)
Wow, happy late CBversary, Thunder! :D I haven't talked to you that much, but you're really cool and fun :)
(February 8, 2025 - 8:40 am)
Yay! *confetti and balloons* Happy CBversary! Congratulations! 5 years is really impressive. And congratulations too on everything you've accomplished since you first joined :) You're such a great part of the CB, you have such a great sense of humor and lots of interesting things to say... Love you too (/p) <333
(February 8, 2025 - 4:28 pm)