Hero or Heroine

Chatterbox: Crowd Sorcery

Hero or Heroine

Hero or Heroine

I’m so excited when I start a new story! Most writers believe that the single most important part is the characters. If readers fall in love with your characters—especially the main character—they will read to the end, feeling every emotion, taking part in the adventures. So as we work together toward building our story, please give a lot of thought to the conversation on this thread. Share your own best ideas, think about ideas others come up with, and discuss ways to make the character as interesting and memorable as possible.

Be original, and don’t be afraid to be surprising! What if the main character had a really unusual background or ability or fear? What if she were a girl who could only come out in the moonlight because a witch cast a spell on her great-grandmother? If you’re like me, you’ll find that the more questions you ask and answer about the main character, the more the story will begin to write itself in your head!

For example, if I wanted to introduce the girl who could only come out in the moonlight, I might write: “Quill pushed aside the velvet drape and peeked out through the window’s glass to where the moon glowed, huge and silver, behind the oak trees. It was their nightly ritual, Quill and the moon each peeping through curtains to see if the other were awake.”

I can’t wait to see your ideas! Here’s my list of traits for brainstorming the main character. After you have your ideas, you can write a Crowd Sorcery Sentence, or two or three, that might introduce your character in the story.

1. Name

2. Appearance

3. Background

4. Personality

5. How is he/she different from others?

6. What does he/she most desire or hope for?

7. How is he/she strong?

8. How is he/she weak or vulnerable?

9. What does he/she fear most?

10. Your Crowd Sorcery Sentence(s)


The voting for hero and heroine is now complete. Go here to see our main character and learn the schedule for creating and voting on a villain and sidekick.

You can still add to this Hero and Heroine thread for fun.


submitted by Fred Durbin
(April 23, 2014 - 10:05 am)


Appearance:5 feet. Bright blue eyes, like rain drops. Black, shoulder length hair which is perfectly straight. wears a plain, brown short-sleeved dress. Tanned, sunburned skin.

Backround: Kelda never knew her parents. Her earliest memorys are being a household slave in a large, wealthy home. Kelda was sold many times, and when she was 12, her master granted her freedom. Since  she had no friends or relitives to help her, she found her way by traveling from town to town, begging. Throuth a series of events she is capturd by pirates. 

Pesonality:Kelda is shy and easily frightend. She will never meet your eye and has a constant habit of sweeping her hair behind her ear.  Kelda tends to worry, but she almost never crys. 

Kelda is differant from others beacause of het eyes. They are the first thing you notice about her beacause they seem to shine. But she is very shy about them. 

Kelda hopes that somday she will meet her parents, however she feels this is impossible.

Kelda's strength is her trait of being quiet, and tendency to stay in the backround. This has gotten her out of many difficult situations. Her weakness is her fear and timidness and her unibility to stand up for herself. She fears danger of any kind.



What had happened? The last thing she had known was that man dragging her away......... Kelda rolled over and found that her wrists were tied with tightly knotted cord. Her mouth was gagged. She opend her eyes and found herself in a dark- pitch black - room. she was lying on a wood floor. And everything was moving. She was on the pirate's ship! She struggled frantically at her bonds. The door swung open.

" Ready to meet her majesty girl? a skinny pirate with a gotee asked her " Just hope she kills you quickly!'

submitted by Helen.S, age 12, Cleveland,OH
(September 8, 2014 - 3:41 pm)

Name: Tierre

Appearance: long hair like strands of wheat. She has leaf- green eyes, that are speckled with gold. Galaxies of freckles cover her pale face. She's about 5' 5", and her worn denim sundress is flecked with splotches of color. She wears no shoes.

Background: Tierre grew from the earth. She has no parents, and she was just a sunflower seed. But unlike all other plants, she was made with more than just instinct. She was able to think, wonder, and feel emotion. This capacity gradually transformed her into a plantborn, the first of her kind. 

Personality: Tierre has never felt afraid because she never had reason to. She drinks sunlight and water, and chlorophyll runs through her veins. Tierre is honest, because she never had a reason to lie. She is playful, and follows her own ideas. 

Tierre never felt alone. She was used to being by herself, because that was the only thing she knew. But one day, she noticed how every animal, every plant always had others like it. This led her to think that there might be another like her. She wasn't scared by this theory, just fascinated and very curious. She decided to leave her life, and search for her own kind.  

submitted by Skye K., age 13, Atlantis
(September 13, 2014 - 2:45 pm)

These main characters are all great! They're creative and so much fun to read! I'm very happy to see more and more of them arriving here. It's a host of heroes and heroines, each of whom could be at the center of a new story. Give them story life, writer friends! Write those stories! :-)

submitted by Fred D., Pennsylvania
(September 15, 2014 - 3:17 pm)

Why does it have to be over!!!!?????!!!! 






Can you do this again??? 

submitted by Young Writer
(September 20, 2014 - 4:32 pm)

Hi Fred! I love the Starshard! Can you do this again? I would love it!

submitted by Winter Firefly
(September 30, 2014 - 9:01 am)

Name: Grace

Appearence: Pale , neon blue hair , 5 ft tall

Background: Her parents died when she was young . She was raised by her older sister. She found out she was a niad when she turned 16.

Personality: Shy, not very comfortable with other people, awkward

How she is different: She is a 17 year old girl who lives in the water and can only get out at night to stay hidden from all society to keep from dying.

What she desires most: She's always wanted to be a normal girl just like you would excpect but only because she hates the water because that's how her parents died by driving off the side of a bridge and drowning.

How is she strong: She takes care of all the other niads in the lake; she's kind of the leader of the pack .

How is she weak: She has always liked this boy but one night while she was out of the lake she saw him turn into a wolf. a niad's worst enemy, but she still likes him.

What she fears most: She fears she will never become human and someone will find out her secret about the boy.


submitted by Ashlyn, age 13, united states, MO
(October 1, 2014 - 7:07 pm)

Well, here's my character!

Name: Bjorn (Meaning "bear" in old norse) Eklund 

Appearance: Semi-fair skin, short, dark, hair with a cowlick in the front, almond-shaped hazel eyes, is tall, lean, wears a grey long-sleeve shirt rolled up to his elbows, camo-green cargo pants, dark brown work boots, and black, fingerless gloves. Is 16 years old. Carries a simple bronze dagger, with a blue crystal on the hilt.

Background: He's mixed-race, Asian-European. He grew up with his mom, and never knew his father because as soon as his father found out that his mother was pregnant, he left. His mother is the European one. He has her surname. He grew up relatively normal, except for the absencenof a father in his life. He lives in a steampunk version of our world, and lives in London. He loves his mother to death, and according to her, the only things he got from her were her nose, her knack for words, her honesty, and her sense of loyalty. He was born in Norway, but his mother decided it was best to just leave to get rid of the memories of Bjorn's father. The element of magic is also in this world, but it is minor magic, such as healing spells or fire spells and potions and enchantments of every kind. Bjorn can do two spells, healing and fire.

Personality: He's sarcastic, loyal, kind, and has a sharp sense of humor. He can stay calm in almost any stiuation. He resents his dad a bit, since he never got the guts to marry his mom, so he can be bitter at times. He's also brutally honest, almost never sparing one's feelings. He loves this drink called Smoke Ale. It's a magical drink. It has no alchoholic content, but it is a drink that appears to be made of smoke, and it tastes very sweet, like chocolate. It provides the drinker with a small energy boost.

Differences: He's different because he sees the world in a different way. He notices the smallest of details, and can tell the differece between good and evil. He sees the corruption in the world, when others don't.

Desires: He wants to be remembered. He wants to not be a nobody. He wants the corruption gone. He wants to give his mom a good life.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Bjorn is strong in his loyalty. He'll make sure everyone gets out. He'll never turn his back on you. He's also got a steel trap mind. But he's weak because of the way he sees the world, he has difficulties trusting people. And if you get him at the thing he cares about the most -His mother- you could get him to break. He fears of losing the ones he loves, and spiders.


"I can't just sit back and let her do this. It's not right," Bjorn half-whispered, staring off into the distance. "No, Bjorn, It's too-" His mother protested, but was cut off by Bjorn's sharp reply. "Too what, Mom? Dangerous? I've seen more dangerous things than Augusta. I walk these streets daily. I've gotten mugged about seven times. A tiny forty-something lady with a revolver isn't half as bad some of the stuff I've seen."

Sorry that It's long, I just had a lot of ideas!


submitted by Morgan B., age 12, Ohio
(October 3, 2014 - 10:45 pm)

1. His name is Wick.

2. He has dark brown hair and glowing, brown eyes.

3. He was born in the woods, raised by talking trees.

4. He is caring and but tough.

5. He has been cursed with the gift of turning anything he touches into wicker. If it is alive, it will immediately suffocate them.

6. He longs to destroy his curse and is willing to go to the ends of the earth to do just that. 

7. He can ward off any bully with the touch of a finger.

8. He constantly needs help finding his way and is too trusting.

9. He fears that he will accidentally kill someone, namely, a beautiful girl that has offered to be his guide.

10. Anything, everything he touches, turns to wicker.

(P.S. This character is not based on a boyfriend. I totally made him up. I don't even have a boyfriend.) 

submitted by The Novelist, age 11, America
(October 8, 2014 - 9:48 am)

To whoever fixed my submission: Thanks so much! 

submitted by The Novelist, age 11, Amerixa
(November 3, 2014 - 6:56 am)

Haha! I know you based your character off of Elsa from Frozen but that's ok!

submitted by The Novelist, age 11, America
(November 2, 2014 - 3:25 pm)

Now I'm confused. I meant to write that Elsa comment as a reply to someone else. Not my own character. I think the character's name was "Queen". 

submitted by The Novelist, age 11, America
(November 3, 2014 - 7:05 am)

Let it go Let it go Cold never bothered me anyway

submitted by Nothing
(November 6, 2014 - 7:38 pm)

Heeheeeheeeheheehehehehehehehehehehehehe FROZEN IS AWSOMESmile

submitted by Dragonfire
(September 26, 2015 - 12:46 pm)

Name: Crimson

Appearance: Tall and slender, with flexible and unexpectedly strong muscles and brilliant copper-colored hair. About age 14, she is an  extremely agile and quick bounty-hunter (more on that later). She has big, deep blue eyes and long fingers.

Background: She was born during the legendary War of the Elements, during which Water and Air mages fought against Fire and Earth mages. Boys were needed to fight, so she was a great disappointment to her family and her village. At age 8, she apprenticed herself to a bounty-hunter working for Water and Air, and her village had sided with Fire and Earth, determined to prove she was important. When her master died in the 12th year of the war (which had started the year she was born), she became a full bounty-hunter, and does missions for Water and Air while the war rages on.

Personality: She is sharp and and talks rather quickly, yet she pronounces every word perfectly. She has a fiery temper, which often gets her into trouble, so she has developed the habit of stopping mid-sentence, closing her eyes, and taking a deep breath whenever she gets even the tiniest bit angry. She is slow to trust, but fiercely loyal. She is quick to anger and slow to forgive. She also has a beautiful voice (just a fun fact).

How she is different: Her flexiblity and agility make her stand out physically, and she has amazing night vision. Her voice has the power to hypnotise, although she hasn't discovered it yet.

What she desires: She desires revenge on her family and village, but deep down she also yearns for their respect. Even more secretly, she longs for admeration and maybe love, but these emotions rarely surface.

How she is strong: She has physical strength in all the usual ways, including speed, agility, and impresive arm strenth. She is also very smart and she has her hypnotising voice, which she has yet to discover.

How she is weak: She trusts people with care, but once she does, she is very vulnerable and will tell a trusted one everything. She is not a good judge of character and relies on her personal emotions and leanings. She also has almost no resistance to mental telepathy.

What she fears: She fears people will discover her secrets. More importantly, she fears the secrets themselves.


Sentences: Crimson snuck up behind him and readied her knife. She lept down from her tree, agile as a cat, and in one swift movement held her blade to his throat. The man staggered then froze, as if parallyzed. "Where is the shipment of bombs headed?" Crimson whispered. Her voice was smooth and direct, the meaning clear. The man was silent. "I said, where -" Crimson felt her voice rising. She paused, and took a deep breath. She lowered her voice and tightened her grip on his neck, preparing to ask again. Suddenly she stiffened. She felt the man's hand moving at his side, sending hand signals. They weren't alone. "You're comin' with me, buddy," she hissed. Then she grabbed him and bolted into the gloom.

submitted by Katherine H., age 12, MA
(November 2, 2014 - 10:24 am)

1) Name

Guiniver Silvertree

2) Appearance

She has golden brown hair and turquoise blue eyes with a scattering of freckles across her nose. She wears a light green dress and often goes without shoes.

3) Background  

Her father was a carpenter and he died from an accident when she was three and her mother died from an illness when she was eleven. The next day she ran away to the Aja Forest. 

4) Personality

She is smart, fast and quick on her feet, brave, and has a keen eye. She knows how to fight  with a sword and to shoot with a bow. She always has a smile on her face and is ready to laugh at a joke but can be very serious. 

5) How she is different from others.

She never joined the other girls and boys in there games of tag and hide and seek, she was always off practicing sword fighting and archery or just lying in a field and looking up at the sky. 

6) What she most desires

She wants to have a family that loves her and to be normal.

7) How she is strong.

She is able to endure pain and death of friends because of what happend to her parents.

8) How she is weak

She sometimes says the wrong thing at the wrong time, which has gotten her into trouble sometimes. 

9) Her greatest fear

Her greatest fear is the illness that killed her mother and dragons. 

10) Guiniver awoke to the sound of birds chirping. She jumped up and grabbed her green dress that she always wore and slipped it over her head. Then with her wolf cub Toto at her heels and her bow and arrows on her shoulder she walked over the hill to get her breakfast. 

submitted by Cassandra D., age 11, Lubbock Texas
(November 3, 2014 - 9:39 pm)