
Chatterbox: Crowd Sorcery



Sidekicks in great stories come in many shapes and sizes: a jolly traveling companion, a dog or cat, a wise wizard who gives helpful advice, a goldfish in a bowl, a walking stick that talks. A sidekick gives the main character someone to talk to, which allows for dialogue and interaction. With two minds in the story, there’s the possibility for more action, tension, and more unexpected things to happen! 

I can imagine Quill, the moonlight girl I mentioned on the Hero and Heroines thread, having a friend, Colin, whom she meets because he goes into the forest at night to gather Silvercaps, special flowers that sprout up when the moon is shining but wither before dawn.

I might write: “During the daytime, when he was not off in the village selling his Silvercaps, Colin tended to sleep inside his favorite hollow tree trunk. So there were usually bits of bark in his unruly dust-colored hair, and sometimes a centipede would crawl out of his pocket or an ant would drop out of his collar. He scratched his head often and smelled like the forest after a rain.”

Now that we have a main character, Fable Thatcher, what sidekick will you imagine for her? A comical friend? A wise mentor? A romantic interest? Will your sidekick even be human? Let your imaginations run wild!


1. Name

2. Appearance

3. Background

4. Occupation or trade

5. Attitude toward main character

6. Strengths or special abilities

7. Fears, weaknesses, or secrets

8. How is the sidekick helpful?

9. What does the sidekick want most?

10. Your Crowd Sorcery Sentence(s)


Please note that you have until July 14 to create your sidekicks in time for voting.

submitted by Fred Durbin
(April 23, 2014 - 11:52 am)

Awesome Awesome wesome esome some ome me e

submitted by Redbandit
(July 14, 2014 - 4:21 pm)

OK, so I know I already entered for villian, but anyways, here's my sidekick:

Name: Fielie (fee-ell-ee) of Aramby (a-ram-be)

Appearance: Green cat eyes, black cat tail and ears, claw-like fingernails, black and gold dress, pale-ish skin

Backround: Fielie is a Ferus, a half cat, so she has the eyes, ears, and tail of a cat. The village she was raised in was and is called Aramby. Everyone in her town (except for her, because the king was scared or her) was brainwashed by the town's ruler (and Fielie's dad), King Barkinassus, when she was 10, and Fielie became the smartest person in her village. Now she is 13.

Trade: Fielie was a broom. I repeat, a broom. The once intelligent village enchantress turned her into a broom at the age of 5 and made her sweep the floors. Thankfully, once everyone got brainwashed, the spell wore off.

Attitude towards Main Character: Fielie likes Fable because the villian is the enchantress's (see Trade) daughter/son. Also, she believes that Fable might be able to help her find more of her kind (see Backround).

Strenghts/Special Abilities: Fielie can turn into a full cat, see clearly in both night and day, slice your hand off with her unusually long and sharp fingernails, and can speak every animal language.

Fears, Weaknesses or Secrets: Fielie's worst fear is that she is the last living Ferus, her weakness (like most cats) is water, and her darkest secret is that her father is King Barkinassus.

How is the Sidekick helpful?: Fielie is helpful because she knows a tad of magic (living with an enchantress has it's advantages), she can climb extremely well, she is very strong and loyal, she is always willing to use her strength for the good of the people, and she has a SUPER good sense of direction. 

What does the Sidekick want Most?: What Fielie wants most is to find out who (if anybody) killed the rest of her kind, and to kill the villian to get revenge on the sorceress who made her life miserable for 5 years.

My Crowd Sorcery Sentences:

As Fielie brushed the remaining dust off of her dress, she sneezed. "Ah-ah-ah CHOO!"

"Gesunteight!" Fable giggled."Oh, you be quiet. You're the one that made me ask that rabbit for directions!" said Fielie. "Well, you're the one that fell into his hole!" Falbe replied as they started walking again. They were in the Forest of the Flaming Wood looking for signs of the Ghastly Svarmic, a mythical beast supposedly possesed by an evil spirit. They had found evidence earlier that day that the "evil spirit" might be the work of their arch enemy,(villian's name here)."Hey, what's that up there?" asked Fable. "Looks like impending doom to me," answered a wary Fielie, for she had just caught a glimpse of a large storm cloud heading their way. "We're gonna need some shelter, and we're gonna need it fast," said Fable. "Let's use our cloaks and some branches to make a tent!" suggested Fielie, fors she, especially, hated the rain. "I'll climb this big tree and get down some vines to tie it together, and you can go grab the branches," "Alright," agreed Fable. She started off towards a large pile of brush as Fielie made her way expertly up the tree. CRACK! The cloud cracked in half, pouring thousands of gallons of water down on the duo. Fielie started to shake, and then..."AHHH!" Fielie hurtled down to the ground. "Ohh..." she moaned in pain. "Fielie!" shouted Fable, running to kneel by her partner. "Are you all right?"


submitted by Sophie the Fey, age 11, Atlanta
(July 7, 2014 - 10:05 am)

Hello! This is my sidekick entry. Hope you like it!

Name: Tristan Alistair

Appearance: Shaggy blond hair, Ice blue eyes, Dark green tunic with a belt around the waist, Black pants, Black boots, purple amulet.

Background: Tristan was orpaned when he was seven years old. Where ever he went, everyone hated him and he didn't know why. Only one woman was ever nice to him. Her name was Jean Yeager. She gave him food when he was hungry and nursed him when he was sick. Finally, Tristan thought that he was loved again. But it didn't last long. Jean was murdered in her sleep three years later by an unknown criminal, along with many other victims. Tristan was devestated and ran as far as he could away from the village. As he ran, he decided that he would get stonger so he could protect all of mankind from evil and live up to his name, Alistair, which means, protector of mankind.

Occupation or Trade: He is an apprentice blacksmith.

Attitude toward the main character: He is very loyal towards her and trys to make her laugh but in battle, he is very serious and protective.

Strengths or special abilities: He is very skilled in elemental magic (fire, ice, etc.) but he is also good in swordplay.

Fears, weaknesses, or secrets: Tristan fears that he will lose the only person in his life, just like everyone else he has loved.

How is the sidekick helpful: He is very strong and strives to protect mankind from evil people.

What does the sidekick want most: To not be alone.

Crowd Sorcery sentence(s): 

"Jean!" Tristan screamed, jolting up in his bed. He panted for a second then put his hands on his face. Its has been many years since she died and has been haunting his dreams ever since. A few tears escaped his eyes and he wiped them away quickly. He got out of his small bed, grabbed his staff and a small dagger, and went out into the yard.

He practiced his magic on an old, scorched log for a few minutes when he senced a presence behind him. He threw his dagger in the direction and missed the shadowed person by a hair.

"Who's there?" He asked, menaceingly.

"I-I just came to wake you up for work!" A deep voice answered, obviously scared. Tristan relaxed, recognizing his boss's voice. He turned around and followed the blacksmith back to the forge.

He  glanced behind himself and saw a strange glow beside his house. He paused for a moment and blinked, the glow forming to look like Jean, smiling at him. His hand flew up to his mouth, his eyes watering. Jean's spirit smiled brightly at him and waved as she dissapeared in wisps of dust. Tristan rubbed his eyes and hesitated before running to the forge, where his boss waited.



submitted by Elizabeth D., age 13, IN
(July 7, 2014 - 10:34 am)

1. Name

Elii Ficklefire 

2. Appearance

Very short, about three feet tall, greenish brown skin and flaming red hair that is short and choppy on top but is long and braided in the back. His braid often bumps the back of his knees.  Very knobby and bony, but relitvly heathly.  Large brown eyes that glow when doing fire magic, small pointed nose that is turned up slightly at the end a mouth that seems always to have a small smile on it. 

3. Background

He is the last of his kind that he knows of.  The world he came from, the world of fire imps, was lost to a great flood from their jealous cousins the water imps.  He moved to earth, trying to fit in, moving from town to town until he met Fabble.  They were both different and became sort of friends.  

4. Occupation or trade

He works odd jobs, wherever fire is. Blacksmith, lighting fore for homes, cleaning chimmneys.  

5. Attitude toward main character

Thinks he understands her strange writing power  abit because he too his different in this world and knows the lonlyness she feels. 

6. Strengths or special abilities

Can talk to fire, create it and stop it.  When he really mad his hair goes up in flames, but neevr actually gets burned away.  He is amune to the pain of heat and flames. 

7. Fears, weaknesses, or secrets

Is terrified of water, the only thing powerful enaough to kill his fire abilities.  He keeps this quiet, for he knows how cruel some people can be.  His soul is  aflame, and if it goes out, he dies. 

8. How is the sidekick helpful?

He has fire power and understands Fable more than others

9. What does the sidekick want most?

To help Fable find a place in the world and to make her feel less alone. 

10. Your Crowd Sorcery Sentence(s)

Elii Fickfire blew on his fingers and stuck them in the pile of dry sticks in the tavern fireplace.  The flames ignited and he felt a happy warmth run through his body as his soul brightened, as it always did when he created fire.  Elii let the flames lick his hands a moment longer and then straighted to his full height of three feet.  His next stop was the Mistress Goodflight's house; she wanted her fires lit by him, saying he had a special knack for keeping the flames alive.  Well, he should, he was fire imp after all.  Elii left the tavern and strolled down the street, but he kept to the buildings and tried not to attract any attention.  His kind wasn't exactly common around here.  He was the last of his kind, after all.  Elii tried to think of other things when he saw a girl walking toward him.  He smiled.  Ah!  Someone who he could talk to!  Fable smiled a she approached him, and he warmed, feeling glad to have made her happy.  She was never happy.  He would have cried at her lonleyness, if he had tears, but he didn't.  He was fire imp, he cried sparks, and that wasn't usual in town.  But now he was glad, glad he had made her smile.   


submitted by Eve S, United States
(July 7, 2014 - 12:04 pm)




golden monkey with a mane; a golden lion tamrin


Aaron was kidnapped from his home in Brazil when he was a baby, and has forgotten about his family since. Sometimes he remembers a feeling of the warmth of his mothers hugs, but nothing else.

attitude towards main characters

loyalty and gratitude


knows karate


small in size

what he most wants

to reunite with his family


It was just another day of hunger and misery, when he heard a sweet girl's voice. "Don't worry Aaron I'm coming." 

submitted by Flora s., age 9, MD
(July 7, 2014 - 12:55 pm)

WhoopsEmbarassed I accidentely sent out 3 messages saying to fix my sidekick ntry's spelling errors. I only meant to send one. Sorry

submitted by John E, age 12, New York
(July 7, 2014 - 1:22 pm)

1. Name

Mattias Cinn

2. Appearance 

Straw colored hair, laughing blue eyes, freckleys only around his nose and forehead, tall, wears muddy navy overalls and a red shirt.

3. Background 

Mattias lives a very normal life in a farm, on the outskirts of the kingdom Les- Ises. (ley- ice- iss) He helps his family do all sorts of things in the early morning, but the rest of the day he is a Messenger. Messengers deliver all sorts of mail to people from all over the kingdom. Even though he is very content in his life, he wants to know who his real parents are, after his "parents" told him that they found him on their doorstep a late winter night only with a note. The note just said call him Mattias.

4. Occupation or trade

Mattias works on his "parents" farm, mostly helping out with the animals, since he seems to have a special bond with them. Otherwise he is a Messenger. Although Messengers are forbidden to read the mail they are supposed to deliver, Mattias rebels and reads them, for fun.

5. Attitude toward main character

When Mattias meets Fable while delivering mail, he is fascinated by her. He thinks that it is so cool, to have a special power, that he spends all night one day, trying to find his.

6. Strengths or special abilities

Mattias is not like other side kicks. He does not have any special power. The only thing that is special about him is that he is always optimistic, and can always think of a funny or cocky answer, no matter how depressed he is.

7. Fears, weaknesses, or secrets 

Mattias fears not being liked by other people. He fears that he will never have a place in society, with him not knowing who his parents are.

8. How is the sidekick helpful 

Mattias knows pretty much everything about everyone because he reads other people's mail. For example, he knows exactly which perfume someone uses, or where their relatives live. He can also see the light side of the dark.

9. What does the sidekick want most 

Mostly, Mattias wants to know who his parents are. He want to know why they left him, and why this family.

10. Your Crowd Sorcery Sentence

While hiding behind the tree, Mattias peeled open the envelope, reached in and got the letter. It was written on expensive paper, with a big red stamp on it. Mattias leaned closer to read the letter in the diminishing orange sunlight.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cinn,

We are pleased to inform the Mattias parents have been sighted in Newberry last night. We know it is hasty, but we must ask you to come at once... without Mattias.

Without me? Mattias whispered to himself. Why? He continued on reading.

We know that when you see them, immediantly you would know how exactly who Mettias is. Thank you for your time.

Best Wishes,

King Aroslaw the III

Mattias felt the world wirling around him. He felt dizzy, and sank to the ground. He would disobey the king. He would go, in secret, without his parents, and find out the truth about him.

He resealed the letter, and walked home.



submitted by Sophia H., age 11, New Jersey
(July 7, 2014 - 2:16 pm)

name  Enigami

appearance   a green cricket

backround   Fable created him, not knowing they'd be best friends. He had nearly gotten stepped on for his 46th time when she found him. 

Occupation or trade  none, he's a cricket.

Attitude toward main character  friendly, helpful 

Strengths or special abilities  He can talk and no one suspects anything of him. (Exept Fable) His small size can be an advantage.

Fears, weaknesses, or secrets  he's small so he can easily get stepped on.

How is the sidekick helpful?  He can go under doors because he's small and listen to private conversations. He can then tell Fable about the private conversations.

What does the sidekick want most?  to become human

My Crowd Sorcery Sentence

Two hands scooped him up. "You're safe now," said a voice that he had never heard yet sounded oddly familiar.

submitted by Sophie p., age 10, MD
(July 7, 2014 - 3:22 pm)

If I were a cricket I would want to stay one. 

submitted by Tigerlily, Maine
(July 13, 2014 - 6:59 pm)

1. N (Egyptian for water)

2. Old wrinkled skin, wears a silvery blue robe, hair color grey with red streaks, average beard, kind, brown eyes, wears an emerald ring.

3. (lol it's really long.) When N was still young and strong, and the towns around the land were still being built, he ran into a cave while collecting timber. He decided to collect ore, too, and went in. He found no ore, but he did find an envelope. He finished his task and hurried home. On the way, N tried to open the envelope, but soon realized it was sealed by magic. By the time he got back, he considered it trash, and threw it as far as his strong arms could. And by chance, it landed in Fable's chimney. Now, Fable was just an infant at the time, and her parents considered it a blessing from the gods, so they let Fable touch it. But as soon as she did, the envelope disintegrated. Apparently, the envelope was some strange prophecy of the water spirits, and neither of them should have touched it. N, who's name was currently Charles, was changed to N by the spirits. He was also given a ruby ring, which went down a color in the rainbow every decade. Once it reached sea blue, either something wonderful or fatal would happen to N. Fable was cursed as well. Most of you know how. And it didn't take long for Fable and N to find out about each other. As they both grew older, they decided to stop the prophecy together.

4. N used to be a woodworker, but is now retired.

5. There is a strong bond of trust between Fable and N.

6. Even with his age, N is incredibly strong.

7. N fears his ring, and the spirits who created it.

8. Because of his strength and willingness to stop the prophecy, N is extremely helpful.

9. N wants the prophecy to end, and everything to be normal again. But most of all, N wants his name back.

10. "No, no, no! This is to early!" N's ring was already turning aqua. N started flipping through his books, frantically looking for an answer. "Fable hasn't stopped it either. We're both doomed." N's panic then turned to anger. He smashed a crystal ball that was on his desk. "Curse you, water spirits!" suddendly a scream came from the window of his cottage. "No." N dropped the book. "Fable."

submitted by Peter E., age 11, Saratoga, NY
(July 7, 2014 - 3:27 pm)

Know what would be cool? N could be the man who recognized Fable's talents!

submitted by Peter E., age 11, Saratoga, NY
(July 8, 2014 - 8:05 am)

Name: Flit Falconeye

Appearence: Mischievous yet mysterious orange eyes and dark hair that drapes down over his face like a curtain.

Backround: Flit is literally one of a kind. He was inadvertently created when a wise wizard mixed together various potions. Confused at his sudden existence, Flit fled the sorcerer's cottage and has been searching for his purpose in life for nearly fifteen years. By the time he met Fable, they were the same age, but since he appeared 8 or 9 at the time he was created, he looked like a grown man. Flit was surprised to find that Fable, too, didn't quite know her purpose in life. Fable helped Flit discover talents he never knew he had, since he never had any friends to point them out before.

Occupation or Trade: Flit sold magic Drussenberries for a while before he realized they were only edible to him, and caused the death of 3 people. So, he was banished from his village and wandered into Fable's village.

Attitude Towards Main Character: Flit is fascinated by Fable. He loves her magic talent, and is always telling her how good it is in spite of what she thinks of it herself.

Strengths or Special Abilities: He was so focused on staying alive while on the road, he didn't notice he had so many talents before Fable pointed them out. He can not be poisoned, is inflammable, has great eyesight and is a wonderful singer.

Fears, Weaknesses, and Secrets: Fable does not know Flit was created rather than born. This is his greatest secret. He also fears that one day, the wizard who created him will want him back, find him, and stuff him in a potion bottle for a century.

How the Sidekick is Helpful: Flit's talents prove useful in a greeat number of scenarios. for instance, if there is something useful behind a wall of fire, he can walk through the fire to get the item.

What the sidekick wants wants most: Flit wants most  to discover his true purpose in life.

Crowd Sorcery Sentences: Flit stared in amazement as Fable touched the quill to the paper and wrote a single word. "fork". Suddenley, a wooden fork appeared out of midair right in front of Flit's nose. Flit laughed as he tried to balance the fork on his nose before it fell to the dusty ground. Fable didn't laugh back.

"Wow, Fable. You sure are amazing!" Flit exclaimed. Fable only sighed.

"That's what I thought at first, too," she replied. "But then I discovered it was a curse, not a blessing." 


submitted by John E. , age 12, New York
(July 7, 2014 - 7:38 pm)

1. Name

Milla Rover

2. Appearance

Dirty blonde hair that she keeps shortly cropped, brown eyes, tanned skin, average to lower height.

3. Background

Comes from an average, middle class family, though never felt like her life was boring and uninteresting. Wanted more.

4. Occupation or trade

Apprentice to a scientist who thinks girls are intellectually equal to men.

5. Attitude toward main character

Curious, a little indifferent at first, but grows closer.

6. Strengths or special abilities

Is good at solving mysteries and puzzles. She enjoys finding the little things, and studying them. Is sort of like a detective.

7. Fears, weaknesses, or secrets

While she's told it can't happen, she secretly attempts alchemy without her tutor's knowledge. She also fears horses. Can't get near them without feeling jumpy.

8. How is the sidekick helpful?

She is quick witted and clever. Knows a lot of facts and has a great deal of book knowledge. Is blunt yet supportive, and encourages people in their endeavors.

9. What does the sidekick want most?

To be acknowledged as a professional scientist! She enjoys studying the word around her, and wants to help people in her village with her discoveries.

10. Your Crowd Sorcery Sentence(s)

Milla glanced over at the girl beside her, who's face was cast downward in a sorrowful expression.

"You know, your ability really could be a gift," she said quietly. "You have the ability to make change. To make people see reason, and understand. Something I dearly wish I were able to do."

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Never Never Land
(July 7, 2014 - 7:44 pm)

Oops. For background, I meant to say she felt her life was boring and uninteresting. My bad!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(July 10, 2014 - 8:07 pm)

1. Mick

2. He's a broom.

3. Mick was brought to life by the villain, (who still doesn't know this.) got tired of sweeping, an wandered off to Fable's town.

4. Check #2.

5. Mick see's Fable as his only hope to acheive his goal.

6. Unlike other brooms, Mick can move and talk, and is commonly overlooked. This gives him constant chances for sneak attacks.

7. Mick is scared to death of fire, because he is made up of string, straw, and wood.

8. Mick gives information to Fable about the villain, which helps a lot.

9. Mick's one wish and goal: to be a regular broom again. He plans to do this with Fables power.

10. The footsteps got louder. Come on! Move! Mick thought to himself. The window was open, beckoning out. A shadow appeared on the wall behind the stairs. I don't want to sweep again! Finally, Mick twitched, then rolled, out of sight, into the cold, dark night. 

submitted by Peter E., age 11, Saratoga, NY
(July 8, 2014 - 10:22 am)