What do you

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

What do you

What do you imagine different Chatterboxers to look like?


Weird question, yes. But I want to see how far away I am from the truth, and whatnot. Yeah. Ready, set, go.

Elizabeth M.-- long brown hair, blue eyes, and really tall. Always smiles and is reading a book.

TNÖ -- brown shiny hair. A lot of brown shiny hair. And Harry Potter-ish glasses (don't ask!)

Olive-- brown eyes, olive skin, and dark brown hair.

Coral-- I imagine her as a tortoiseshell cat :3

Everrine-- ice blue, as in actually ice blue, not natural blue eyes. Armor. Light hair. She's always on a ship (hm, where'd that come from?)

 Gigi-- Um, I imagine her as Ginny. I have no idea why.

Melody-- long brown hair, and a long t-shirt with something Disney-related on it.

Saz-- cheery, green-haired girl eating ice cream (WHAT THE HECK?!)

Gollum- Gollum.

Snake-- either a snake, or Aleakim.

 Blue Fairy- a Fablehaven-type fairy with blue wings and hair

Holmes -- auburn hair in a pony tail and a hat.

Emily L. -- a black braid and a red cloak (now where did I get that from....)

SC-- boy-cut black/brown hair. Tall. 

Blue Moon -- pale skin and long dark blue hair. She has a Squirtle sitting on her shoulder :D

 Mattie-- I just think of The Lord of the Rings when I think of her... So I'm not sure.

Sam-- blond, shoulder-length hair. Grey eyes. (SOMEONE NORMAL LOOKING!)


I probably forgot a few people... To be continued later. 

submitted by Tiffany W.
(July 7, 2012 - 3:56 pm)

Whoop.  The Lord of the Rings, no?  Well I've certainly made that...ahem...*side* of me known.  But that, as far as appearance goes, means divinely beautiful and immortal to boot.  So yeah.  *grins wickedly.*

Actually, no.  I'm not beautiful.  Never thought of myself that way.  At least I hope I don't. *shudder*  Neither am I charmingly un-beautiful.  Just tallish, with a lot of red hair (not Princess Merida red but a more understated auburn), brown eyes, pale skin that refuses to tan but only gets freckles when exposed to sunlight.  Also teeth that need braces and bunions on my feet.  You get the picture.

As far as imagining other CBers...hmmm.

Elizabeth M. has always been blonde.  And shortish, with a winning smile.

TNO- pretty much the same as yours.  Long shiny brown hair- in a ponytail- and glasses.  A wry sense of humor and a fairly understated manner.  I don't know why I think of the latter.  The weird thing is, I actually dreamed about her last night, and she had short, dark brown hair, cut like Rihanna's, and lots of freckles.  Which is not at all how I think of her.  So yeah.

...I know, I'm weird.  Go ahead and say it.

submitted by Mattie, District 12, Panem
(July 7, 2012 - 5:17 pm)

My hair's past my shoulders, but not quite long. I'm going to use your list, Tiffany.  If she left someone out, I'll post that later.

Tiffany W.: Short, Blond hair, Either wearing teal or purple

Elizabeth M.: brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin

TNÖ: brown hair, funny hat

Olive: dark hair, dark brown eyes

Coral: someone wearing a light  pink dress

Everinne: blond hair, blue eyes, Cinderella princess dress

Gigi: Gigi's the one who I think of as a cat

Saz: like Lagoona Blue from Monster High, but with tan skin

Gollum: Yeah, Gollum

Snake: like Mulan, but with more hair with pink streaks in it

Blue Fairy: is my sister, so....

Holmes: like Sherlock Holmes, but a girl... And wearing powder blue

Emily L.: red hair, blue eyes

SC: Percy Jackson, but a girl

Blue Moon: Pale blue skin, dark black hair

Mattie: Auburn hair, brown eyes

Sam: Annabeth... The book version, not the movie version


This has been weird.  I don't normally visualize people.  I make up voices for you guys in my head, though. I'm more of a verbal person. 

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(July 7, 2012 - 5:17 pm)

@ Melody What do I sound like?

submitted by Saz
(July 8, 2012 - 2:51 am)

Australian.  That's about the best I can describe it as.

submitted by Melody, age 13, just being awesome
(July 9, 2012 - 5:21 pm)

*laughs* Well I would!

Where are you from?

submitted by Saz
(July 11, 2012 - 6:11 pm)

New England.

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(July 11, 2012 - 7:24 pm)

Haha really?  Cause that's what I look like.

submitted by Mattie, District 12, Panem
(July 8, 2012 - 5:15 pm)

Really? Blond hair -giggles-

More people...

Vida- long, auburn hair. Wears sleeveless shirts with butterflies on them. (I don't know, okay?)

Alexandra- she's gotten too tied up with Elyana. So, Elyana.

ZNZ- spiky black hair.

Claire H.-- dirty blonde hair, eating a muffin.

Quintus- silver hair and pale skin. 

 Blackberry E.-- a short girl with dark brown shiny hair. She wears glittery purple shirts.

 Ivy-- brown hair, wears green, and sits on a wall.


submitted by Tiffany W.
(July 7, 2012 - 7:44 pm)

Haha. Actually, I have blond hair. Green is my favorite though! Tiffany, I imagine you with long brown hair.

submitted by Ivy
(July 7, 2012 - 10:49 pm)

Vida: dark brown hair, small, really animated

Alexandra: She has the same name as my friend and likes the same stuff as her, so like my friend: a tall girl with short blond hair

ZNZ: short brown hair

Claire H.: blond hair, wearing earrings

Quintus: This is going to sound really weird, but an automaton *apologizes*

Blackberry E.: curly black hair, purple eyes, wears dark purple

Ivy: a vampire with black hair and very pale skin.  That's because my friend always used to name vampire characters Ivy, which led to ~Blue Fairy~ being a vampire named Ivy in a movie.  But wait... Blu's blond.

submitted by Melody, age 13, just being awesome
(July 9, 2012 - 5:27 pm)

Why does everyone think I have blond hair? And... I am Maple now.

submitted by Maple
(July 13, 2012 - 3:23 pm)

I have curly red-auburn hair... I'm 5'1 so short but not small... and as for really animated haha yup !

submitted by V/.I./D./A/.
(July 24, 2012 - 2:08 pm)


So weird. My skin is as pale as you can get it, and I was seriously considering asking my mom if I could dye my hair silver or green or something.

Garthwumpian Flopp says hupr.

~Quintus is thoroughly creeped out now.

submitted by Quintus, Calveicia
(July 12, 2012 - 11:27 am)

Oh dang you got me close ! I have pretty long reddish-auburn curly hair.. I'm always wearing sleeveless shirts...  ahhahaha but not with butterflies....

submitted by Vida(:
(July 24, 2012 - 2:05 pm)

LOL! I do not have black hair. I do not have red hair. Still waiting on the red cloak. ;) I do in fact have blue eyes, though. :P

I have now seen pictures of most of the Chatterboxers. (I have skyped with ZB!) I did think of Mattie, who I have not seen a picture of, as having red hair, though.

submitted by Emily L., age 17
(July 7, 2012 - 10:11 pm)