Chatterbox: Down to Earth
This is a place for us to state, debate and discuss politics! I encourage everyone to do so rationally and maturely, and would ask that all participants would refrain from abuse, even when in the heat of an argument, and that some of the more mature subjects would not be presented here. The Admins wll not publish any inappropriate comments.
However, I would discourage anyone from participating if they are easily offended, or dislike having their views challenged.
This may not be a popular idea, but I wanted to give people a chance to present their views and discuss the larger issues in our world today. I hope that this idea takes, and that it will also be enjoyable and informative! :)
I will begin by introducing a topic that is curently at large in America, but is also, I believe, appropriate for CB. I would ask the Admins to correct me if I am mistaken. :)
So-- what do you all think about the idea of including women in the military draft?
This thread is now closed for new comments.
(February 28, 2016 - 3:12 pm)
I wish that mess would be over.
And someone keeps bringing it up.
It makes me wish to leave.
I can't.
I won't.
Because this is my only refuge.
Because this is my only refuge,
I won't,
I can't.
(May 10, 2016 - 7:00 am)
"someone keeps bringing it up"
Gee, I wonder who that could be.
(May 11, 2016 - 6:35 am)
Mei-xue, we appreciate your opinions and thank you for your feedback
about that. Cayke was trying to make her point, that she wants to see
more happy, positive stuff, you were trying to make your point, that you
do not want to be singled out like that. Everyone's opinion matters,
and everyone gets a chance to make their opinion heard here, on the
(May 9, 2016 - 10:15 pm)
How many people saw Trump's crazy "I love Hispanics" tweet? REALLY????????
And did you guys see the "No Trump Anytime" street signs that were posted near busy intersections around april 30??? SO FUNNY!!!!!
(May 10, 2016 - 9:50 am)
1. HORRIBLE! (Searched it.)
(May 10, 2016 - 7:04 pm)
Pearl, you may be right that bulling MAY not seem like a big deal when we are kids. That the government shouldn't worry…Yet. But think about it. Some adults are paid less, maybe even not hired, because of their race or religion. Why were the Boston Bombers so evil? Because they were bullied at school when they were children. Perhaps a mean word or two is trivial to the government, but a terrorist attack certainly isn't. If bullying didn't exist, then a lot of other bad things wouldn't exist, either.
(May 10, 2016 - 2:06 pm)
I KNOW that underpayment for some people happens sometimes. But a) It doesn't neccesarily have to be because of race, religion, or gender, it may be ANY reason and b)I'm just saying that we have more important things to worry about NOW. And if someone lies to a black person in Trump's hotel or company, that doesn't mean that Rump is behind it. You can't just order your employees to be racist. It just means that he hired a racist employee. He might not even be the one who hired them! And Trump doesn't exactly work as a clerk in his own hotel, does he? He's got more important things to do.
(May 11, 2016 - 12:19 am)
I am going to express my opinion now. I am a Republican. I do not like the Democratic candidates. I do not like Trump. In my view, Trump is not a real Republican. The main reasons I don't like him are these:
-The wall is a pretty good idea. The problem with it is that he might not be able to do it.
-He changes his opinion every once in a while. He used to support Democrats.
These are the reasons I don't like Democrats:
-According to me, they twist the Constitution. Take Obama for instance. He is the president, part of the Executive branch. The Executive branch's main job is to execute laws, not make them.
-They believe in running people's lives, not the country.
-They tax the rich and give the money to poor people so that rich people work for others and the poor people just sit and get taken care of.
I pick Trump over Hillary.
(May 10, 2016 - 6:01 pm)
I'm leaving this thread. It's creating to much negativity. I think it made Cayke leave. I don't want to part of this anymore.
(May 10, 2016 - 6:22 pm)
What do you mean? A) I thought you already left, and B) Cayke came back!
(May 10, 2016 - 8:03 pm)
1. My comment was made before Cayke came back.
2. I left for Lent, that's all. And I still posted on Sundays.
3. I'm just not going to post on this thread.
4. I'm usually the only person asides from one other on this thread who shares my views, and all the opposition is ... strong? I dunno what word to use. It kinda feels like people are trying to shove their opinons onto me again, even though I know it's not the case.
(May 11, 2016 - 6:08 am)
(May 11, 2016 - 11:52 am)
How is the wall a good idea? A) He's copying China. B) There is NO WAY that he can do it. C) Why do we have to shut the Mexicans out? They need our help!
Also, Democratics aren't about having people sit around while the rich work for them. The poor need our help! We can spare a little money to help them put food on their table, can't we? Also, I think Republicans hate immigrants, especially Asians, so there's no way I'll ever be a Republican. #DemocracyAndDemocrats
(May 11, 2016 - 2:05 pm)
Helping the poor is a wonderful thing, but should you really be forced to pay a portion of your income to support people you know nothing about, some of whom need help, and some of whom are simply gaming the system. Charity should be voluntary. What evidence do you have that Republicans hate Asians more than other minorities? I don't love Republicans, but Democrats tend to think it's their job to control my life. I prefer to have less powerful parties than the system we have now. #Libretarian
(May 11, 2016 - 6:02 pm)
I think it's in their values. They are against immigration, and are therefore against immigrants. They are jealous of us, and think that we stole their jobs and should go back to where we "belong".
And no, it seems to me that Republicans don't like ANY minorities. We are apparently intruders and don't belong. It's just that we are thieves and stole their jobs even though we had to work HARDER than them and are still BETTER, so they especially hate Asians.
If you were a poor person, struggling to pay the bills and even put food on the table, having kids who are bullied at school and scraping pennies to get by, wouldn't you want a little help?
(May 11, 2016 - 6:18 pm)