For Very GOOD

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

For Very GOOD

For Very GOOD

*Squaishey in a beautiful light blue dress with white frills and a glittery head band enters nervously*

Very are you there *looks around shyly* well, Where ever you are I would like to go out with you*blushes*It is my B-day today Feb.15th. I really do like you 

What is up Squaishey!Ooooooh Are you talking to Very!*evil grinn*heehee! JACK get out of here! Sorry ,This is my brother Jack The JOCK No he is not.....*Jack leaves room laughing*

Sorry... If this is to much you can say no 


submitted by SquaisheyandJack, age 14!!!!!!!!, My very lovely World
(February 15, 2017 - 5:33 pm)

*blushes* Man.  You look amazing! I only brought my tattered suit and top hat... *scratches head nervouly* I  already told you that the answer is yes! I would like to, but maybe you didn't see mah post or something... also, my last name is Bad, and it will stay that way if that's OK. Anyway, what do you wan to do for first date?

submitted by Very Bad, age 14-ish
(February 15, 2017 - 8:51 pm)

*blushes* Man.  You look amazing! I only brought my tattered suit and top hat... *scratches head nervouly* I  already told you that the answer is yes! I would like to, but maybe you didn't see mah post or something... also, my last name is Bad, and it will stay that way if that's OK. Anyway, what do you wan to do for first date?

submitted by Very Bad, age 14-ish
(February 15, 2017 - 8:52 pm)