Introverts and Extroverts

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Introverts and Extroverts

Introverts and Extroverts

(Side note: Sorry if I seem a bit formal - it's my first post in a while and for some reason I wanted it to be perfect.)

I've been fascinated by this topic lately so I thought I'd share a bit about it.

An introvert is someone who gains their energy by being alone, whereas an extrovert is someone who gains their energy from being around other people. It isn't the same as shy or outgoing; it's possible to have a shy extrovert and an outgoing introvert.

According to a study in which people were given lemon juice and the introverts reacted more, producing more saliva than the extroverts. From this they concluded that introverts are more sensitive and that's what causes them to become overstimulated in some social situations. On the other hand, extroverts crave the stimulation of a crowded room.

So, are you an introvert or an extrovert, and what foibles has it caused you? Or do you think it's a productive discussion at all? 

submitted by Brown Bear
(February 28, 2017 - 8:32 pm)

I'm am introvert. Yes, not all introverts are shy!! I'd say I'm more outgoing in most circles, but I get intimidated and awkward around certain crowds. I am absolutely exhausted after school and social events like parties, and even though it's fun, I'm just emotionally tired. After a point in the day, I kinda shut down- I don't smile as much, I might get sort of irritable, and I don't really want to move... I feel like a turtle, I guess. The experiment with lemon juice is interesting.

submitted by Bluebird
(February 28, 2017 - 9:47 pm)