Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Luke Skywalker is a Sith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, this is a very convincing fan-theory I've heard. I saw the movies again with the theory in mind, and it all makes so much more sense! I'm going to try and explain it-- it won't be very eloquent or well-thought-out, but I hope you can grasp the general message.

Luke doesn't start out as a Sith-- the movies track his journey to, and ultimate arrival at, the Dark Side.

So we all know Luke Skywalker, yes? His defining characteristics are fearlessness, a good deal of self-directed emotion, complete self-assurance, and love for his family and friends. He has great Force-powers. He is rather naive, and this trait, coupled with his self-assurance, is instantly dangerous. Let's explore why.

When Luke goes to Yoda to learn to be a Jedi, Yoda at first refuses to take him. He makes this decision on the grounds that Luke is "reckless". Luke has too much emotion. He's too much like his father-- remember Uncle Owen saw this at the beginning, and was afraid for his ward. But Obi-wan convinces Yoda otherwise, and the ancient Jedi agrees to take Luke as a pupil. This doesn't go well. Luke is entirely confident in himself, refusing to trust Yoda-- for example, he doesn't believe that the X-wing can be lifted from the water. Yoda attributes this to his hastiness, and impatience. Later, when they're training, Luke is disturbed by emotional vibes from Han and Leia, and is entirely unable to control the resulting feelings. He immediately sets out on an ill-fated rescue-mission. Yoda warns him not to go, telling him that he must remain, and complete his training. This is actually very important. When a Padawan begins to explore the Force-- from the very moment his powers begin to stir-- the Dark Side is always there, like an irresistible  vacuum. To resist this vacuum, one must train to control oneself and one's powers. Even full-fledged Jedi may struggle with the Dark all their lives. One must train with a competent master early on, or one is lost to the Dark. But Luke, with his customary emotion, hastiness, and disregard of authority-- which is understandable to us, would you leave your loved ones to uncertain fate?-- loads into the newly resurrected X-wing and books it. At this, Yoda considers the deal completely off. Luke is lost. Even Obi-wan is certain-- "That boy was our only hope."

Consider also the scene with Yoda, when Luke steps into the strange Force dream-world, and encounters a dream-Vader. Before Luke enters this territory, Yoda tells him not to bring any weapons, and that the only things waiting for him in there are "What you take with you." Luke, with his usual lack of faith and surplus of self-confidence, takes his saber anyway. Within the dream-environment, he fights a perfunctory duel with the supposed Vader, defeats him, and removes his mask. There he finds his own face, staring back at him.

Now, this can be taken a variety of ways. The most common assumption is that this is a revelation that Vader is Luke's father. But does this really make sense? Upon seeing your own face within someone else's helmet, would you immediately say, "Oh, yeah, this must mean this guy is my long-lost parent!" What seems vastly more intelligible is the idea that this vision is a dark prediction that Luke will become the image of darkness-- his father-- that he just chopped up. When Luke gazes down upon the gruesome-and-surreal sight, he has literally just unmasked himself.

Then there is the significantly less surreal duel between Luke and the real Vader far up in Cloud City. Through this entire contact, Luke is vindictive, explosive, and totally confident. This is actually part of what makes Luke such an interesting character-- he has zero control over his emotions, but his assurance gives him a sort of supreme, physical and mental self-possession, especially when he is accomplishing something. They fight it out a while, and then Vader slices his son's hand off. Luke clings, entirely helpless yet still defiant, to a high-tech outcropping. Then Vader reaches down a helping hand, and Luke, totally throbbing with rage and pain, refuses it, voicing the fact that Vader killed his father. Then Vader delivers his famous parental-reveal speech, and Luke has his equally famous reaction.

Again, this reaction can be taken many different ways. The common idea is that Luke is horrified that the father he worshipped is this sinister lawn-mower, and doesn't want to believe it. This is certainly part of the equation, but it is by no means the lone factor. Just think about it. Luke has probably been wondering about what Obi-wan told him for some time. It's in his nature, after all, to question authority. So this discovery, although extremely disturbing, is not necessarily as much of a surprise as we would think. Luke himself has been rejecting his doubts time and time again, unwilling to believe that the figure he has been taught to regard as the pinnacle of evil, should be his own father. He doesn't want to believe it. And not only for the reasons previously given.

Obi-wan, whom Luke saw as the epitome of good and all a Jedi should be, lied to him. He has been manipulating Luke all along, using him as a tool to fulfill his own "for the greater good"ends. He did not trust Luke with the information Vader has just disclosed-- seeing the young man's emotion and family attachments, he thought it better that Luke should be trained to take Vader out, without knowing the identity of his own father. That's got to hurt. And remember how, ever since his childhood, Luke has day-dreamed about his dad, and wanted to be just like him. Luke's abilities have also given him a good deal of self-assured ambition. When Vader reaches out his hand, he holds out also everything Luke ever wanted-- to be united with his father, and to exercise the power he has just begun to taste. Luke realizes this for the first time. Once again, he is confronted with himself, and he glimpses the Dark future laid out before him. His well-known cry, and the horror and hopelessness therein, represents a turning point in his life. All the coaching and instruction of his tutors, events tragic, catastrophic and loving, and Luke's own lifelong emotions-- in short, Luke's entire existence-- come to internal breaking point within him. It is impossible for someone to contain so many contradictory factors, without one of those factors expiring. Something has to die. A new direction is the inevitable result. Which is it? Knowing Luke, it's not so difficult for us to guess. Movie V closes, but not before Luke has received a telepathic message from his father, urging him again to join the Dark Side. Luke seems no longer resistant to this message-- the breaking point is past. Luke's mind has settled, his sanity is preserved. Let's see what happens next...

Movie VI. Han Solo is imprisoned within a block of carbonite, in Jabba the Hutt's base, and in great need of rescuing. First two familiar droids show up with a holographic-message for the big boss. Through this message, Luke informs Jabba, with a dark confidence and convincing-ness, that these unfortunate droids are now Jabba's property. Not only does this prove Luke to be an assured and accomplished liar, but also that he deliberately withholds the truth from those that trust him-- judging by C3PO's reaction. Of course, this is deceit to which Luke was subjected by Obi-wan-- it's small wonder that he should recognize the useful potency of such behavior. Nevertheless, we see, even before Luke has physically entered the scene, that he is grown in boldness and mastery since last episode-- he is now fully comfortable with exercising his power over other people, 'for the greater good,' obviously. How could he have come so far, without a tutor? How could he have reached such Force-maturity, when both Yoda and Obi-wan are out of the picture? Hmmmm...

Following many events, Luke shows up. Slowly and dramatically, the door rattles open. Light pierces through to the eye of the viewer. And from the light emerges a figure, cloaked and hooded in black. When the overweight Gamorreans attempt to intervene, they are subjected to a brief version of what sure looks like the classic choke-hold. The figure passes on. Oh, look! The loquacious tentacled chap is here, in customary wordfulness! It's the Jedi mind-trick for him, delivered with a good deal of assured authority. Luke has changed a good deal. His light-colored garments have been deposed by sweeping black, and his rather petulant temper is replaced by an air of superior dominance. Again, remember that he has broken off his apprenticeship. What's going on?

Luke has been teaching himself. Following his own inclination, he has decided that he is fully capable of reaching the right side, alone. He can become a Jedi, all by himself. In the absence of guidance, Luke has taken the quick and easy path to power, just as Yoda warned he would. When has Yoda ever been wrong?


The next part will be posted as soon as this thread shows up. 

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(April 22, 2017 - 12:40 pm)

A scene at the very beginning of Movie VI, cut for time, shows Luke in a cave, creating his green lightsaber and giving it to R2D2. This is something no mere amateur could do. It requires a good deal of Force mastery. Later in the film, Vader recognizes the significance of this: "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber." Was Vader just making small talk? I don't think so.

However, at the present time, in Jabba's base, Luke has characteristically overestimated his abilities. Jabba isn't fooled, and Luke is dropped into an unpleasant spot. He proves perfectly able to cope with the situation, however, plunging a barrier on top of and into the devourer of countless, less talented people. Jabba is furious. Han Solo and Chewbacca are hauled out to participate in a new horrendous fate, brought on their heads by Luke's vexing survival. Han, though blinded, is immediately, recognizably Han-like. Luke's behavior, in comparison, is very different-- he addresses Jabba with a dark, knowing arrogance  we've never seen to such an extent. "You should have bargained, Jabba." And the shadowy vindictiveness of his "That's the last mistake you'll ever make!" Where is the control-of-emotion Yoda defined as the only way for Luke to become a Jedi? Markedly absent.

Luke handles the situation, just as he always knew he could. The entirety of Jabba's ship, and everyone inside, are summarily blown up, and our heroes depart in triumph. This victory, of Luke's designing, is rather different from past occurrences. Even Han, who knows Luke well, notes the strangeness here-- "Luke! Luke can't even take care of himself, much less rescue anybody!" There have obviously been some marked changes.

Luke has every reason to be pleased with himself. His self-directed path is working just fine. He is able to overcome all obstacles to save his friends. He's using his powers for good! He's totally got this. Right.

Then Luke goes to see Yoda. Notice he has no qualms about this-- he even refers to Yoda, not as a teacher or better, but as "An old friend." When he arrives, Yoda informs him that he, Yoda, is about to die. Luke is incredulous at this: "Master Yoda, you can't die." Luke can't imagine that the greatest Jedi of all time would be so weak as to accept, or even succumb to, death. This tells a lot about Luke's views on the Force, and power in general, yes? Yoda's reply: "Strong in the Force I am, but not that strong," kicks off a new train of thought in Luke's mind. Yoda is the highest of the Jedi order. He followed the golden path all the way-- and yet here he is, dying before Luke's very eyes. So sticking to the beaten path obviously doesn't work. There's got to be another way.

When Luke informs Yoda that he came to complete his training-- no apologies or explanations, just his expectations-- Yoda tells him that he requires no further training. This is true- Luke has, quite effectively, trained himself.

Luke is hardly surprised, and very gratified. "Then I am a Jedi." Yoda laughs at this example of youthful confidence, and redirects Luke back to the point both he and Obi-wan have been pushing since the start: Darth Vader must be eliminated. Notice that both wise Jedi, though with the best of intentions, see Luke as the Final Hope, the tool they must use to defeat the power of Darkness and reinstate the Jedi Order. Vader has to be disposed of, and there's no one but Luke to do it. "Only then a Jedi will you be," Yoda says-- Luke must put aside his family feelings and unbridled emotions and act for the greater good of the galaxy. But now, especially since Vader's paternal claims have been reluctantly confirmed by Yoda, Luke is exceedingly reluctant to do this. He wants to act for good, but he just can't kill his own father! Yoda gives him his final warnings: Do not underestimate the power of the Dark Side. Once you start down that path, it will dominate your destiny forever. Yoda saw Luke's arrogance at the beginning; he knows that he underestimates the power of pretty much everybody except himself. And Yoda reminds Luke that the Dark Side is treacherous and hidden-- start off along it's way, and you are lost. As of now, Luke is resisting the Dark by his own sheer willpower and confidence-- he thinks that he is fully able to avoid the fate he saw held out to him in his father’s hand. This is clearly not enough to withstand the immortal vacuum; Luke is already headed in the wrong direction-- and he doesn’t even know it.

Then Yoda dies, and Luke comes out of the hut, looking very thoughtful and a bit disappointed, as well he might. Then we hear a familiar voice. It’s Obi-wan! Oh, joy! But Luke doesn’t seem particularly jubilant to see him-- especially when we consider how upset he was over Kenobi’s death. Luke doesn’t say “Obi-wan! It’s you! I’m so glad you’re here!” or “I know, master. Yoda will always be with me, to give me strength,” or something like that. No, it’s: “Obi-wan. You told me Darth Vader murdered my father.” In a rather resentful tone of voice. Luke doesn’t even acknowledge what Obi-wan told him-- he doesn’t want to talk about Yoda. In fact, it probably wasn’t grief for his former master that lent him such a thoughtful air-- he didn’t look particularly unhappy throughout his entire time in the cottage. Luke has a lot to think over, including whether this whole Jedi thing is actually worth its salt.

But Obi-wan, as usual, has an answer: He didn’t lie to Luke. What he said was true-- from a certain point of view. Ugh. Doesn’t that just send indignant shivers down your spine? Why do you always have to be right, Kenobi? Considering that not one, but two of your former pupils are on the wrong slice of the spectrum, perhaps you shouldn’t be so high-and-mighty-- who gave you your teacher’s license? Was it Yoda? If so-- that may have been the only time in which Yoda was wrong.

Anyway, Obi-wan is just as all-for-the-greater-good and manipulative as ever. He tells Luke that the “Emperor has already won” if he won’t kill his father. If we look at the story following this scene, Luke doesn’t seem to have taken this very much to heart-- as usual.

Over the course of the present conversation, Luke learns that Leia is his sister. With this knowledge comes another wave of familial affection. Obi-wan warns him to keep his emotions under control, but again, Luke appears rather overcome and does not really absorb this instruction.

Now we will skip over the mostly irrelevant portions of the film-- these have little to do with the theory, unless you already believe it and just want to watch Luke being Luke. In the scene with Luke and Leia on the bridge, it is interesting that Leia stands in the light, while Luke is in relative shadow. Symbolism, anyone? Leia has her mother’s adherence to the Light, paired with her father’s force powers. Luke didn’t get much from his mother, except perhaps her less-swayable nature.

Next part coming directly! 

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(April 22, 2017 - 2:29 pm)

But now we jump to Luke’s interview with Vader, when the former gives himself up. Taken from a Luke-is-a-good-guy perspective, this scene really doesn’t click. Was Luke really hanging on the chance that he would be able to convince his father to turn to the Light-- in the five minutes spent in the Emperor’s waiting-room? We know Luke is confident to the point of arrogance, but he’s not an idiot. And what do we make of his assurance when he claims “That’s why you won’t take me to your Emperor, now.” Vader apparently disregards this, because they promptly go to see the Emperor. Was Luke really so sure this assertion would work? What game is he really playing here?

Luke has come to take his father away from the Emperor. But not necessarily to the Light. He’s really not concerned with that right now-- he’s just making sure he gets his father on his side. And what better target than Vader’s notorious weak-spot-- emotional manipulation? Remember, this tactic got Vader on Team Palpatine, in the first place. Luke is working up feelings of guilt in his father-- he’s portraying himself as vulnerable and on the “Right Side.” You’ve got to give it to the guy-- he does take the most efficient road, as always.

But the Emperor is unaware of Luke’s little scheme-- all he knows is, he’s got this great new recruit! Vader was getting rusty, anyway. And if this doesn’t work out-- well, Vader is such a lap-dog that he won’t have any hard feelings. And if anything goes inexplicably wrong, he can just shock it to oblivion. So, as far as Palpatine is concerned, he has full control over the situation.

Luke does a good deal of his infamous play-acting-- working Vader all the way. Then they’re duelling, and Luke gets knocked off the bridge, and Vader begins a little emotional jibing of his own. He reads Luke’s prominent, unburied emotions, discovers Leia, and taunts Luke with threats of her corruption.

Luke’s face is a study, throughout the entire film, but in these scenes especially. Let’s have a brief explanation of his current Force-related status:

Under the brilliant guidance of Obi-wan Kenobi, whatever doubts Luke might have had about his own abilities were entirely dispelled. After all, the exercises he went through with Yoda were about “trusting the Force”-- which Luke interpreted as “trusting your own powers in the Force”-- or, more to the point-- “trusting yourself.” These were lessons that scarcely needed learning. Luke is most unlike his father, in that he has zero problems with fluctuating-self-esteem. This means that Luke believes that he can overcome anything thrown his way-- even massive enForced (teehee) destinies. Because of this confidence, he has forgone full training and moved along entirely under his own guidance. I’ve already explained all this, but it’s important because of the nature of Force-powers untutored. The reason why Jedi are so distant and unemotional is that they’ve trained to separate their feelings from their powers. This is difficult to do, but it has to be done. It is only when you act apart from your own emotions that you can truly work for the Greater Good of the Galaxy. Well, the stronger the emotions, the more difficult they are to detach. The Sith don’t bother with this training-- they allow their emotions free reign, which gives them a great deal of violent power. Their emotions are inextricably entangled in their Force powers-- hence Vader’s (and later Kylo Ren’s) shows of destructive power whenever their emotions are touched or kindled. So the Jedi are enslaved to the Force, while the Sith are enslaved to themselves.

Luke has always had particularly strong emotions, which are very dangerous given his assurance. So, when Vader threatens Leia, he is completely incapable of restraining himself. His face shows immense internal struggle-- he has no wish to hurt his father. But he literally can’t help it. Vader goes too far-- and Luke explodes in an alarming display of rage and malice, all the more startling given the amount of Dark passion surging through that tiny body. How could he have become so merged in the Dark, if he were on the right path up to now? And, people-- he’s beating Darth Vader! Darth Vader, the most deadly duellist in the galaxy. What is going on?

Then Vader goes down, and Luke continues to pound on him in a disturbing show of uncontrollable emotion-- he doesn’t just want to defeat his father, he wants to cause him pain. Vader crashes backwards onto the floor, lacking a hand, and the Emperor comes cackling along. From his perspective, this seals the deal. Remember how Vader’s path was fastened when he cut off Mace Windu’s hands. This is all a replay for the Emperor.

And the Emperor’s not wrong-- but he’s missing a crucial part of the story.

Luke stares down at his hand, flexing the fingers with a look of rapt attention and building emotion. What’s going on here depends on your point of view (Urrgghh! Disregard the Obi-wan-ness, please). From the Luke’s-a-good-guy perspective, Luke feels horror for what he’s done, realizes what the Emperor’s doing, and resists the Dark once and for all. But, given Luke’s actual history, does this follow? Yoda said he would only become a Jedi when he learns to control his feelings. Luke never once did that. Why should he accomplish it, now, when he’s just had the most ferocious emotional fit yet? Here’s what’s really happening: At last, Luke has fully realized his power. He didn’t know he had that much. He just beat Darth Vader! That’s got to feel good. And he’s realized, too, that this power he channels is strong enough to take down immense obstacles, accomplish his goals-- and protect the people he cares about. This may seem counter-intuitive, as his father is currently on the ground in wreckage, but Luke doesn’t-- or can’t?-- think that way. All he knows it that his sister was threatened-- and he defended her. He did it. His escapades and abilities have given him a taste for power-- now he has it like never before, and it goes to his head. So Luke, staring down at his hand, isn’t thinking “Ohdearohdear what’ve I done?” It’s more like “Wow… I am a god.”

And then it happens. Luke straightens round, the picture of confidence and power, and confronts the Emperor. He tells him that he’s a Jedi, like his father before him-- doesn’t this set fire to the whole theory? Nope. Luke, once again, is acting a part-- but for what? Let’s find out.

The Emperor is most displeased. So much so, in fact, that he gives up on his idea of a new apprentice. Why would he do this? Most likely, he finally senses a power in Luke of which he wasn’t aware-- this isn’t a padawan, this is a rival! The Emperor is done. He attempts to dispose of this unpleasant person, by means of Force Lightning.

Now it all comes together. Luke doesn’t resist electrocution, he doesn’t try to stop the Emperor. He’s not stupid-- he must have been expecting this. Why did he throw away his lightsaber? Why doesn’t he stand up for himself? If he’s giving himself up, Jedi-style, why does he call “Father… please!” Why indeed. Luke’s face during this outcry is very informative. I used to think Mark Hamill was just a rather sorry actor, but perhaps not. Luke’s expression, if it were meant to show innocent supplication, is a failure-- but what if it wasn’t? Luke’s countenance is perfect if the actor is trying to communicate innocent supplication-- through a manipulative character. And it works. Anakin Skywalker is all he ever was-- a helpless pawn, caught between two Sith Lords. Remember when Mace Windu got his hands cut off? In that scene, the Emperor emotionally manipulates Anakin into doing the deed, so Palpatine can electrocute Windu out the window. Up and over went Mace Windu-- up and over goes the Emperor, shrieking horrifically. Much dramatic CGI.

And Luke just shakes off his bout of intensive electrocution, like it’s nothing. He’s not even much dazed. And his face just screams, “Well, that worked.”

It did. “Take up your weapon, strike me down, and take your father’s place at my side.” Just as Palpatine encouraged, Luke takes up his weapon--Vader-- and strikes down his assailant; and Vader has taken his place at Luke’s side.

But now Vader is dying. He’s not as young or strong or full-of-Sith as Luke-- he’s always been a damaged vessel. Being mostly metal, and highly vulnerable to electricity, doesn’t help. This, obviously, was not part of Luke’s plan. Now that the Palpatine’s dealt with, he makes every effort to save his father-- drags him through a panicked Death Star, but Vader is too far gone. So Luke watches as his father slips away.

Anakin is happy. He’s been true to his son, his children are safe, he’s redeemed himself to Padme somewhat. He’s on the right side at last. And Luke doesn’t tell him any different-- these are his father’s final moments, after all. But Luke doesn’t show much sorrow-- he doesn’t shed a single tear. He just says “I won’t leave you’ until the end. As a Sith, his main emotion is Anger-- he never had much trouble with Fear. Right now, his lifelong dream of uniting with his father, and ruling together, has drifted away forever, with maddening inevitability. Luke commandeers a Tie-fighter, and leaves-- his expression almost casual. He knows it’s no good crying over spilled milk, although he’s still bitter about it.

Then we see Luke once more, all alone in the shadowy forest, watching the remains of his father burn. Flames and shadows play across his face, mirroring his inner state. Outside, he’s darkly collected, and inside, he’s darkly furious. Then the camera rolls up, and, over this setting of darkness and rage, fireworks cascade across the sky. Ah, comparative symbolism.

Next part forthcoming! 

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(April 22, 2017 - 4:07 pm)

But wait! Then Luke comes down to the other Rebels, and they all (factually) give each other big hugs. Then everyone lines up for a picture-perfect parting shot, and the credits roll.

Even if Luke were a good guy, this scene makes no sense. Think about it. The Rebellion is in tatters-- most of the Rebels are dead. And the only difference between their blowing up this Death Star, and the exploding of the last one, is that this time, the mastermind/figurehead went down with the ship. But was every Imperial officer in existence on that ship? Does the Empire rule most of the entire galaxy from one tiny point in it? Of course not! Nearly every planet is swarming with all manner of Imperials, from troopers to dictators. The Imperial system has not been toppled. The destruction of the Death Star, and of the Emperor, is a violent bow, but not a fatal one. The citizens wouldn’t be out lighting fireworks-- they would be confined to their dwellings, and the Imperials would all make sure that as few people as possible knew about the Emperor’s demise. However, the Empire will be in disarray. Palpatine’s death leaves a power vacuum, and everyone will be scrambling to fill it. But eventually a new dictator, or new system, will rise-- now is the time to strike, while the Empire is weak. Unfortunately, the Rebels are in no position to do that-- even if that Empire is in turmoil, it would be foolish not to deploy some force for the extermination of the Rebel remainder. The Rebellion should be making a last stand, or, more reasonably, flying for its life. They don’t have time to party with a lot of Ewoks! So-- where did this scene come from?

Turns out, there was another ending in the works, which would have made a lot more sense:The Rebellion is in rags, Leia has to be Queen and is struggling with her duties-- and Luke walks off by himself, into the darkness. This makes a perfect, bittersweet ending. So what happened?
Well, it turns out that, at the time, the sale of Star Wars toys outdid the sale of Star Wars movie tickets, on a ratio of three to one. So George Lucas needed a happy ending, if the film was to remain popular with children-- or at least with the children’s parents. He went through and changed things-- it was his choice to make, with his own story, but I still wish he had done otherwise.


That's that, folks! Thank you so much, Admin, for the light-speed posting.  

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(April 22, 2017 - 4:31 pm)

Obi-Wan: Luke was our only hope. 



It is widely assumed he was referring to Anakin, but what if.... he was referring to Rey? Or Rey's parents? After all, all that Anikan did was toss the Emperor off a ledge after (as you say) Luke manipulated him. So he didn't really do much of anything. So....

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(April 22, 2017 - 4:45 pm)

Really? I always thought Yoda meant Leia, by "There is another." That's why Leia was kept secret from Vader, and therefore the Emperor-- and why Vader says "Obi-wan was wise to keep her from me." I never considered that Anakin was the "another"-- he's already lost, in the eyes of the Jedi, or they would have done something about him before then. I don't think it's Rey either-- at least not originally. Was her character developed when the original trilogy was? 

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(April 22, 2017 - 6:59 pm)

I always thought that was referring to Leia, because she was the other twin, and is strongly force sensitive herself. 

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, Thyferra
(April 22, 2017 - 8:16 pm)

Also, Leia is always on the right side, even when everyone else is losing it.

submitted by Esthelle, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(April 29, 2017 - 1:11 pm)

In light of the new Star Wars preview, and given Luke's character, I'm going to contradict myself: it actually makes more sense that Luke is neither a Sith nor a Jedi. If he were something in between, it actually ties up any lose ends in my evidence. He's drawing power from the Dark, and so there' little he can do to escape it, but if he were insanely powerful...

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(May 6, 2017 - 5:17 pm)

I have yet to see the newest Star Wars installment, so I'm not sure what the studio did with Luke's character. Does anyone have any thoughts? TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Esthelle, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(February 6, 2018 - 4:21 pm)


submitted by Esthelle, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(February 6, 2018 - 6:56 pm)

Please, please TOP!

submitted by Esthelle, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(February 6, 2018 - 8:33 pm)

Oh, man, you have to see it Esthelle. I’m not saying it was my favorite Star Wars Mmovies, but it explains a lot about Luke in the movie. And, I’m kinda thinking that they totally screwed up his character :(

submitted by Tuxedo Kitten
(February 7, 2018 - 10:26 am)

My only thought is that it's amazing because Star Wars is so well written and/or developed that there are endless possiblities for plots and/or's incredible. And I loved reading this, Esthelle, it's very well thought out.


submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(February 7, 2018 - 10:48 am)

Thanks, guys! :)


I'm really looking forward to seeing it. I know they're never going to portray Luke as Sith-inclined, because that goes against the concept everyone has of the story, and where the story ultimately went. Still, it would be fun... ;D

submitted by Esthelle, age Anonymous, Schokolade
(February 7, 2018 - 3:53 pm)