so, Autumn Moon

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

so, Autumn Moon

so, Autumn Moon has been accusing me of being a emo ae. to show that she’s wrong, i am going to throw an ae party. i’ve booked a place beside a lake with a disco room and lots of pies. the party will last for four days.

Rooms: there is a library, a dance room, a kitchen, a porch that goes out over the lake, a cafe-type dining room, and two rooms with beds for the aes to sleep. there is also a platform in the middle of the lake with an epic 100 foot tall waterslide and a diving board.

day one: a pie war

day two: a insanely complicated obstacle course race(i couldn’t think of anything, so i asked my little brother Pzun. it’s kinda like in harry potter book one, except a race. and more complex.)

day three: all rules go away, you get whichever weapons you want to bring, and CBers, CAPTCHAs, and even OCs and RP characters can come.

have fun! oh, and i almost forgot-





What you are bringing for day three (the only day you get to bring your own stuff): 


Name: cloud

Appearance: Shortish dark silvery gray hair. Light skin. Red eyes-not scarlet, but a muted, pretty shade of red, that changes to a brighter red whenever I have intense emotions(like anger, joy, grief...) Currently wearing a navy blue denim jacket over a white tunic-length chiton and sparkly dark blue jeans.

Personality: Not emo. Rather intense most of the time. 

Powers: Well, I used to have powers, but then when Moon made me into a human they became obsolete except in dire emergencies. I can do karate!

What I’m bringing for day three: My laser gun that can change shape into whatever weapon I want, and a paint set because Moon thinks I should take up painting, I don’t know why. 

Other: n/a for this thread.

Aren’t you going to put an ae ball in there? what? Pzun, you are not invited to this thread! Well that’s not fair and I’m coming and there’s going to be an ae ball and you’re going to ask Cú... alright, Pzun. I’ll put in an ae ball and let you come if you can find a date for the ball by tomorrow. Y’know, just do what you want, okay? I’m going to take Banjo on a walk.

alright, everyone! have fun! 

submitted by cloud(Moon’s AE), age Looks 14., The Party Room
(February 4, 2018 - 1:52 pm)