Let's play house. 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Let's play house. 

Let's play house. 

There are AE balls and AE chat threads, but Nymph and Sea Glass never like to go out, not where there are people (as do I). So this is a thread about what they do all day, maybe a sort of diary or log of their introverted/antisocial activities.

There might be RPing. They might talk. They might ramble on for entire posts directed at no one about whatever it is they're thinking. I don't know, but feel free to join.

Try to stay away from shipping and drama; this is about your AEs as beings with complex characters doing stuff in their spare time. Or what they do in the time that isn't spare. That might include social interactions, or it might not. Post the name of the AE of focus at the beginning of each comment, and develop. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 5, 2018 - 10:37 am)

TOP please!

submitted by sTOPit!-- Nyx, age top years, Topopolis
(January 26, 2020 - 9:46 pm)

Please TOP!?

submitted by sTOPit!-- Nyx, age top years, Topopolis
(January 27, 2020 - 8:01 am)

Date: Today/this month/this year

Journal of Stargirl Plutonous, Sirfire's AE

Dear Journal,

Today I lounged around in my little cottage in Sirfire's mind while she listened to her teacher ramble. Quite boring. I took a walk to the beach that I was previously oblivious to. Had many convorsations with the rather rude spirits that would torment Sir with taunts of "They think you're weird" and "No one likes you". Got kind of therapist like for Sirfire.

Date: The same day/Feb./this year

Dear Journal,

This afternoon I helped Sir with his social studies homework. MLK was a nice junior king. After I took a nap until Penny woke me up for the AE ball. Someone, please come so I can talk to a fellow intellect. 


(Sirfire speaking: I don't know how to do this but please TOP!) 

submitted by Stargirl, age 12-ish, Sir's mind
(January 27, 2020 - 5:32 pm)


I was busy when the doorbell rang.
Busy arguing with Alex, that is. 
"Mine was playing first!" I exclaim angrily.
"Well mine was louder!" he answers.
"Hence our conundrum!" I clench my fists, seething in the pool of one of my few temper tantrums. "It is simply not possible for you to listen to rock music at the same time as I'm listening to Jars of Clay!"
"I'm not disagreeing with you!"
"I never said you were!"
"Hey! HEY!" Niko, looking uncomfortable in the position of mediator, tries unsuccessfully to get our attention. Apollo stands off to the side, looking equally uncomfortable."You would both be able to listen to music if you turned it down or better yet, went to different places!"
"Sure!" cries Alex. "Vivian, you go somewhere else!"
"That's not what Niko meant!" 
"How do you know? You don't--"
Then we all started as the doorbell rang. 
"I'll get it," I say, heading to the door. When I open it, I find nothing but a few stray leaves blowing across the porch. "Crazy kid AEs and their pranks," I mutter, stooping to brush the leaves away. But as I do so, something else catches my eye. I reach out and gingerly pick up a fresh red rose. 
"Where did this come from?" I murmur.

submitted by Nyx's AEs, age varied, earth
(January 27, 2020 - 6:50 pm)


Dear Journal,

Today Sirfire is going to the dentist to get a spacer. I'm very worried because we missed an early-morning band rehersal, and I don't want to get in trouble. Penny tells me to calm down and that the band teacher doesn't care but I still have anxiety. 

The perks:

Sirfire will miss PE basketball and I will miss her thoughts getting rolled around in her head. Unfortunetly for myself, we will miss math, I 'm pretty sure. 

Also: Today after school we have our first rehersal of A Midsummer's Night's Dream. Sirfire is Dewdrop the fairy and is also helping w/ costumes. That's all for now! Goodbye, Stargirl



submitted by Stargirl's Journal, age 12-ish, Sirfire's head
(January 28, 2020 - 9:10 am)


I stand in my room with my hands on my hips, look around, and sigh exactly once. Then I set my radio on the dresser, turn it to the classic rock station, crank up the volume and get to work. 

I wipe some things down, scrub others, brush off more.  Open the windows, even though I used nice-smelling cleaners. Bop along to the music. I get the bed in place, give it my bright new sheets and pillows. Hang new curtains; yellow and white. Bring in the rug. Stock the shelves with books and pictures and succulents. Consider fairy lights.

It takes hours. Viola? offered to help, but I turned her down. I wanted to do this myself. Lucky Sea Glass wasn't there, though. I don't think I would've been able to say no to xyr. I haven't seen Nymph all day--at least, not to my knowledge. I wonder what she's up to? 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 7, 2020 - 8:16 am)


Today I went on a walk. Vixen wanted to come. I wasn’t sure, as Vixen is very mean, but Rigel, my dog, seemed excited, so I let him come. As we left Bibi reminded us for the millionth time that Vixen’s name is a contradiction, as Vixen is a male fox. Vixen said wtevr. Whatever? He’s always been so mad when Bibi says that. Anyway, while I was hacking up trees with my sword hoping that that would come alive, Vixen and Rigel ran up ahead. When they came back Vixen said iiiii loove hhimm. And I screamed. And Coral came running. And asked what happened. And I told her. And she said I thought so, it takes a lot to make you scream.  And then, I, well, I ran away. And Rigel, that traitor, didn’t even follow. But Vixen did, saying sorry. Which is not like him at all. What is happening to my life?!

submitted by Dolphin , age 12 eons , Narnia
(February 14, 2020 - 10:30 am)

So... I was thinking... What if we shipped Niko and Nihil?? If you approve, would it be characteristic if Nihil fell for him first, and Niko fell more slowly?

submitted by Porcelain Dragon@Nyx
(March 2, 2020 - 1:10 am)

Yeah, I like that! And yeah, Niko would probably fall more slowly. Buut he probably wouldn't be oblivious ;D

submitted by Nyx@Porcelain Dragon, age 13 years, earth
(March 2, 2020 - 3:25 pm)
submitted by Top!
(April 20, 2020 - 12:58 am)

Sea Glass~

Standing in the hallway, I hesitated. I didn't know what in the world I was going to say. The carpet stretched away on either side of me, newly sprung from the shifting idea of the house, warm and pricklingly soft under my bare feet. The door did not menace, though it loomed, white paint and brass handle waiting for someone to disturb their perfect stillness.

I thought of the sea, and knocked.

"Yeah? Come on in!"

Surprise swept over me. I had supposed that Sunflower would open their door. To do it myself--well, it was all I could do now; politeness forbade otherwise. And yet, I wanted to run until the heavens' clock reversed its tracks and brought me to choose another course, one in which I'd need not face another thinking being. Why, they must have been away from the door, engaged in some activity--how rude of me to interrupt, and without any reason! 

The doorknob sat serenely in the dim light, warmly agleam. I stared at it a moment, wide-eyed with shock, then began to stammer out an excuse. 

"I--i-it's nothing, I can--I can come back another time, I'll leave you alone--"

A shuffling and a thump sounded from within the room, and the door swung open before me. Sunflower stood in it, haloed by the light of window and lamps, coming up only to my shoulder, though mere seconds before I could have sworn they would have filled the entire frame. Perhaps I was too accustomed to Nymph's dramatics. They spoke then, with an easy tone which belied nothing I could detect, though I feared the presence of some hidden resentment nonetheless.

"Nah, it's okay. Did you need something?"

They held a phone in one hand, with the earbuds they wore plugged into it. Behind them, I could see their room, freshly set up; a blanket lay rumpled on the floor beside their bed. Their full attention was turned like a murder of crows upon me.

"I--no, not at all. I, er, I'm sorry. Sorry to interrupt."

"Oh, I wasn't doing anything. Hey, are you going to be busy later today? I have a project I'm working on, and I want another pair of eyes. It won't take long, don't worry."

Busy? Rarely had I nothing to do, and yet if I was wanted, I could not refuse. Still, whatever they wanted, I surely had not the skill to do it.

"Ah, I--you may wish to ask Viola? or Nymph. I'm c-certain either of them would be able to offer you more than--more than me." 

Sunflower shrugged. 

"Well, I'll ask. Thanks anyway!" 

I nodded briefly, before remembering that I ought to speak in answer.

"You're--you're welcome." 

The two of us stood fidgeting in the most painful silence I could recall ever experiencing.


I leapt at the opportunity.

"Yes, I'll leave you to it, then. My sincerest apologies!" 

I turned tail and fled as slowly as I could bring myself to. My escape hardly paralleled that of a swallow in grace, but I was once again free. I returned to my own room and fell in a flurry to my bed, hands over my eyes, and breathed.

~ Ah, my dear beans. How I have missed them! 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(May 31, 2020 - 7:51 pm)
submitted by Top!
(June 4, 2020 - 12:46 pm)

Braoin. Notations-

Once again I wish I hadn't hid the iPod under Beth's blanket. That was a stupid move, I can't lie that much and I needed that iPod. Idiot, idiot, idiot. I can't do my schoolwork my writing, I'm too lazy and real life scares me. What if I forgot something important. Five pages I can't do that. I'm too lazy and zeixr asks me if I'm okay. NO. Goodbye. 



Please do not use inappropriate language on the CB --admin

submitted by The jig is up, age tooold, andyetmuchtooyoung
(June 5, 2020 - 1:49 pm)

well, why not? I recently forced my AEs to write a paragraph (which they didnt do) but here comes Starlight, MY FLIPPING SAVIOR. she writes eevry day in her journal... here's an entry from today.


[Journal Entry] This isnt too horrible. (The house in Sky's mind, I mean.) We have our own rooms (Thank the gods) and its really open. Beach house-y, with white wooden walls and turquoise trimming, and of course lots of windows and a view of the ocean (The Sea Of Imagination, Sky calls it.) Yeah, its nice. My room is across from Tomru's. He came in crying the other day when Sky wouldnt give him a fifth cookie. Oh well. Pine's room is across from Felix's. They have such big crushes on each other its ridiculous. Me, I dont have a crush. Not yet, at least. Its such a nice day I think I'll take a walk. [End Entry]


I put down my journal and get out of my navy blue hanging chair draped in fluffy blankets. I go over to the closet and take out a simple white dress hemmed with silver stars. It's not formal, not fancy, just a dress. I like dresses. I change out of my pajamas and into the dress. Once I'm ready, I take my journal and tuck it into my grey bag. With my bag over my shoulder, I walk out of my room and down the hallway. I take the stairs two at a time, dashing out of the house and onto the beach. Yes, I can walk off the deck and onto the beach. I skip along the sand, which is warm on my bare feet. The waves lap at the shore as I walk across the sand. This is excellent.


*gets joyful tears* oh-look at that punctuation! and the capital letters! *starts crying happily* 

My AEs and CAPTCHA live in a spectacular beach house in my mind. Its right on the shore of the Sea Of Imagination. <3

submitted by HeroesOfOlympus, age eternal, somewhere-everywhere
(June 10, 2020 - 4:54 pm)

Interesting idea... I never thought much about where ARs would live, but let's try. Flora-

I walk toward a house. What kind of house is it? Well, let's see...how about a blue-gray one, two stories but rather small. I'm walking on a dirt road in a forest which is slowly dispersing into a field, with beautiful long green grass and plenty of wildflowers, which I begin to pick to put on a vase in my room. It's drizzling lightly, but I don't mind. I believe every kind of weather has something good to it. The house has a nice big front porch, but I walk straight in the house. Inside is a smallish kitchen in which we'll begin making dinner soon (well, most of it will be me and DG, Fauna's too absent-minded to really cook). There's also a living room with two big windows, one facing the backyard, which is just more of that nice big field, with a path leading to the Big Tree, and then to the beach where some of the other AEs live. The next window faces some more trees. I sit down on the blush pink couch and wait for Fauna to come (she's out there goofing around in the woods, and probably will be soaking by the time she's back).

submitted by DoodleGirl&AEs, age 13, Earth
(June 16, 2020 - 10:14 am)