To a Certain

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

To a Certain

To a Certain Someone Else:


Have you never heard of mercy? 

I sit here, on the sidelines, watching as you unfairly get mad at a younger and newer CBer. 

But enough is enough. 

This CBer admires your work, sir, and does not mean to intentionally copy you. 

But I suppose to make you notice I have to fight passive aggressive with passive aggressive. 

So please. 

Be kinder to them. Show them mercy. Let them know that they have a beautiful mind like you that is capable of making new worlds and stories. 

Work with them. Compromise with them. But do not be rude or short or cross with them. 

The world has enough of those people, without needing a mimic of those people on the CB. 

Thank you for listening. And know I love you all. <3

submitted by Anonymous for now
(April 1, 2018 - 10:59 am)
submitted by What Happened, A concerned person
(April 1, 2018 - 7:49 pm)
submitted by Top!
(April 1, 2018 - 7:50 pm)

Just because that person is younger, and is newer does not mean that they have no sense of right or wrong, and we should just let it fly. I belive I know of the two people you are refering to, and the person who you called "A Certain Someone Else" was not being rude. They had tried over and over again to settle things nicely and quietly, and their post few days ago was rightly so.

submitted by . . . .
(April 2, 2018 - 7:56 am)

But this person has made their annoyance with the other person clear, and by posting a poem like that...I just don’t think it was right. Now you can argue all day long that “how come you did it if you didn’t like it?” but I wanted to get this persons attention. I also accidentally thought this person posted the poem on DTE, when they posted it on Pudding’s Place, so I apologise. 

And I’ve looked at the younger CBer’s work, and they don’t do it intentionally. I think they just really admire the older CBer. 

submitted by Anonymous for now
(April 2, 2018 - 6:38 pm)

Okay, so I never post anymore but I bthink its necessary for someone to step in. First of all, I'm not sure anyone knows who are what event you're talking about. Maybe of you explain it in better detail, we can help fix the problem. Second of all, my nosy  but concerned little self wants to know, what happened? Is everything okay? Is everybody okay? Are you okay? Can I help? 

submitted by Butterfly, age 14, Waving through a window
(April 2, 2018 - 9:37 am)

I think I understand what's happening, and if I'm right, this is in responce to a poem posted on Pudding's Place and a little argument that the poem was written about. I agree with ... that the someone else did try to settle it quietly and politely, but I don't think the poem was very nice. I also don't think it's a huge deal and it doesn't involve most of us, so is okay if we let it be for now? 

submitted by :)
(April 2, 2018 - 11:51 am)

Butterfly!!!!!!!!!! *Hugs* I haven't seen you around in forever! How are you?


Also, what is going on...? 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(April 2, 2018 - 1:57 pm)

Silverwaxwing!!!! *hugs back* Hi! I've been busy and feeling kinda out of place here to post, but I've still been here watching! ❤

submitted by Butterfly, age 14, Would you be so kind?
(April 2, 2018 - 3:13 pm)

So this is a poem in response to a poem in response to something...

But what was the original problem?

And I'm relatively new... did I do something? I am one of the older CBers, though...

submitted by Alizarine, age 14, as you may know
(April 2, 2018 - 3:43 pm)

Thank you for the link. I was confused until I saw that and GW's posts on here. If I'm correct in my understanding, the poster of this thread saw that poem and assumed it was directed at someone on here, when in fact it was not. Is that the case? Can anyone confirm?

Yes, that's what the author of the poem said. The poem is not about anyone on Chatterbox.


submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 3, 2018 - 10:35 pm)

I can rightly say, @Alizarine, that you did nothing wrong. But I do agree with :) that it's not a huge deal. Plus I don't really want to name the people we're referring to unless they themselves wish to be named.

submitted by . . . .@Alizarine
(April 2, 2018 - 4:51 pm)

Woah woah woah woah woah. Guys. Chill. That poem that I wrote had NOTHING to do with the CB. I posted it because I felt like I hadn’t posted anything in a while, and I wanted to share the poem I’d written. Please, do not accuse me of being an awful person who’s never heard of mercy. That poem was directed at something that involved plagiarism and one of my friends. If you want more details before you believe that I’m not a cruel and evil person with no soul or ounce of kindness in me, I will gladly provide them. I don’t like being accused of things, but I’m not going to take offense, because I don’t feel like starting a war and having to leave again. I will bottom that thread so it cannot cause any more trouble and confusion.

It's a poem you submitted with no background comment. Some people jumped to an inaccurate conclusion. I'm so sorry. Let's hope all have learned something from this. The internet lends itself easly to misinterpretation.


submitted by General Waffleson
(April 2, 2018 - 7:57 pm)

This site is for kind, honest, innocent people, and if you don’t see me as one of those anymore, maybe I shouldn’t stay.

Oh, no one feels that way, GW. It was just a misunderstanding. I encourage everyone to forgive, forget, and move on.


submitted by General Waffleson
(April 2, 2018 - 8:23 pm)

Oh nononononono! I'm so sorry.

I don't know who the younger CBer is, or what they did, or who got angry at whom. "This CBer admires your work, sir, and does not mean to intentionally copy you" made me think of your mimic poem. There's two sides to every argument, and I thought you might have gotton mad at someone. That doesn't mean I think you're merciless; I thought maybe you were on the right side and someone unjustly copied you, and then someone else took it the wrong way. I still have no idea what's going on, but I definitly don't think you're an awful person. I'm sorry that I jumped to conclusions. I was just trying to investigate. Please forgive me.

submitted by Alizarine
(April 3, 2018 - 6:02 am)

Nonononono we can't have you leaving on us too. Like Admin said, whoever posted this thread must have misinterpreted what your poem was about. That's all. You are kind and honest and you should stay. Please, don't leave over a misunderstanding.

submitted by hotairballoon
(April 3, 2018 - 6:45 am)