Dear B -

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Dear B -

Dear B - A Message

Dear B,

I don't want to be friends anymore.

Before you act like I'm the worst person in the world, let me explain.

You don't like me.  You've made that clear.  I'd be less offended if you told me to your face that you don't like me.  Pretending you care about my feelings, then yelling at me when I get frustrated -- that's not something friends do.

You have a bad attitude.  You care about me one instant, then yell at me for making a dumb mistake the next.  It makes my self esteem even lower than it is.  I don't trust you with my personal stuff because I know you'll judge me.  (Unlike all of my friends)

I want to go back to not caring about each other's feelings.  I want to go back to having nothing to do with each other.  I want to go back to getting nothing from being around each other.  I want to go back to you being the bully and me being the target.  It's better than this fake friendship.

It's easier to have enemies than friends. 




Elena says your.  Fourth word!! 

submitted by I'd rather not, age go away, whatever
(April 3, 2018 - 1:48 am)