Hello Alter Egos—

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hello Alter Egos—

Hello Alter Egos—


Wildflower: No, wait actually, I think it should be, "friends, Chatterboxers, countrymen, lend me your—" 

Sam: YES! Enough! Can we just get on with it?

Okay then. 

As I was saying. Hello. It's us. You haven't seen Sam and Wildflower for almost a year now. Well, they are making a—


Sam: Quick exit

um, I was saying, they're making a return! Mostly, all my alter egos do is—

Wildflower: Steal the spotlight!

Sam: Disappear...

..well, that's kind of it. They tag along in my posts and make...ahem...unhelpful comments. 

Wildflower: Theater quotes are helpful in any circumstances.

Sam: So if I was dangling over a lava pit held up by a chain of toothpics and some evil all-powerful villian who wears a Newsies cap and only speaks in quotes from Nancy Drew, some dumb musical called Hamilton, and A Series of Unfortunate Events was about to pour a container of fast-melting acid onto it if I didn't eat a tomatoe in order to get me out of the situation (which I would never do) how would, "To be or not to be" help me in any way? 

Ummm...how would you even get in that situation? Never mind. I don't want to know. And if you call Hamilton dumb ONE MORE TIME MISTER I swear on the river Styx I will—

Sam: Well, Wildflower?  

Wildflower: Oh that's easy! It makes you think about your circumstances in life! 

Sam: My circumstance is that I'm allergic to tomatoes!!!

Wildflower: Exactly! 

*An extemely violenet fight ensues*

Oh great. Maybe this was a bad idea. Anyways, now you know about the two little imps tagging about in some of my posts. 


submitted by Rose bud and friends, Rose bud's brain
(April 16, 2018 - 3:20 pm)

Puck: *Waves* Oh, hey Wildflower! Hi Sam! 

Wildflower-so good to see you around! Did you know that my name and Ariel's come from Shakespeare's plays? I bet you already did. *Hyper giggle* 

Ariel: *Long sigh* Man, she's super hyped at the moment. It's been a while since we've been on. We pop up from time to time. Although... it's nice to see her so energetic. She hasn't been this happy since... well a while.  Anyways, good to see you around. 

Puck: Oh yeah Wildflower-I totally agree that theater quotes are helpful-in a ton of circumstances! 

*Thinks* Actually... you're right they're helpful in tons of circumstances. Sam-I can think of how "to be or not to be" would work in that circumstances. You would basically say "to eat, or not to eat, that is the question..." instead of "to be or not to be..." and you would (maybe) change your mind about eating the tomatoe/tomato! *Hyper giggle* Ta-ta for now! :) 


submitted by Joan's AEs
(April 18, 2018 - 6:38 pm)

Wildflower: *sings* helloooooo

Sam: and goodbye...*disappears*

Wildflower: I completely agree, Puck! Theater changes lives! 

Wow. This enthusiasm and use of exclamation points is...new. 

Sam: *reappears for a second* just so you know, I would never eat a tomatoe under any circumstances. 

Wildflower: Okay, get out of here and let the girls talk. On very important girl matters such as murder, betrayal, and poetry. Shoo! 

Sam: *is very happy to oblige*  

submitted by Rose bud
(April 19, 2018 - 7:49 pm)

Top this thread please! TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP!!!! :)

submitted by TOP, age TOP , TOP
(April 19, 2018 - 8:46 am)

Oh, hey Wildflower! Hey, Sam! It's nice to meet ya. :)

~Zoey (Starseeker's AE) 

submitted by Zoey(Starseeker'sAE), age 156 moons, Enterprise
(April 19, 2018 - 7:03 pm)