It's my pseudoversary

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

It's my pseudoversary

It's my pseudoversary!

So, around this time last year-- Inktober, to be exact-- I posted my first drawing under this pseudonym. Now it's been a whole year, and I've posted countless other drawings, sketches, and digital paintings. I can't believe it's been this long!

To celebrate, I'm bringing everyone a cake! *distributes cake* Haha, sorry I don't have an actual picture right now, but maybe later!) And, I'm opening a question thing. You can ask me anything, from the mundane (what's the weather like? What's your favorite color?) to the creative (if cats took over the world, what would you do first?). Just abide by CB rules when asking, and please don't ask me my CBer identity/any clues about who I am/anything like that.

Enjoy your cake, and ask away! 

submitted by Shhh... Not Telling
(October 2, 2018 - 1:08 pm)

Happy psuedoversary!!! I may as well go with the question you offered haha: If cats took over the world, what would you do first? 

submitted by Vyolette
(October 3, 2018 - 8:19 am)
submitted by TOP, age NUDGE, POKE
(October 3, 2018 - 10:45 am)

Happy pseudoversary! Questions, hmm... How many birthday songs do you know?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 7, 2018 - 8:02 am)

You may tell confetti angel that I did indeed.

submitted by Leeli
(October 7, 2018 - 3:33 pm)