Help me. Th

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Help me. Th

Help me. 

That's a terrible title but I'm in awful need of help right now and I need to run to my CBers for sympathy. This month is so stressful for me right now that I need to just list/rant out all my troubles in hopes that I'll get over it. I don't know what else to say right now so I'll just start listing stuff.


1. Halloween. So...for basically the whole year, I've been planning to be a wili for Halloween. That's a sort of ghost lady from the ballet Giselle, which I saw with my friends in the...winter? Spring? Not sure. But they were so cool and I decided...that was what I wanted to be for Halloween. I even had this piece of gauzy fabric that would have been perfect for a veil.

Except that, a couple weeks ago, before I had really started planning on a costume, I remembered that a year or two ago, I had been planning to be Rey (Star Wars) for Halloween...for this year, I think. And so I remembered that and then I was instantly caught in a mental struggle for what I should do. I've sort of decided to be Rey, but I still have to make a costume and Halloween's coming up and I still sort of want to be a wili. Because that's what I've been planning to do for months. And months. And so I'm super stressed about that and for some reason, I'm making it a huge deal...and last year, I made this really cool Jyn Erso costume but I knew I wanted to be her, I had time to make the costume, and I was excited. But this year I'm not even excited for Halloween yet. I can't remind myself that it's supposed to be fun and the point is to dress up and go collect candy. 

2. Illness-- about 2 weeks ago, I got a bad cold and I felt horrible for a couple days. But then I was getting better again. I felt almost fine except for a bit of a cough still--but then I got sick again. And I'm still sick. I think I'm getting better now, but I feel sucky and it's pretty much the worst time ever for me to get sick, because with all the stress I have right now, I'm just rolled into this big ball of misery--physically and mentally.

3. My birthday. So my birthday is two days after Halloween. It's always meant excitement and happiness and candy and birthday cake. But this year, I'm turning thirteen, and I'm not excited for my birthday. Maybe if I had a little bit less stress I would be. But I am not excited for my birthday. Not quite. I really really don't want to grow up. It's terrible. I just can't be excited for my birthday...not at this time. And I'm going to have a couple things happening on my birthday, our new co-op which is in the morning and then our monthly homeschool roller/inline skating thing, which I've always loved. But I wanted to have my friends over after that, because this year I finally have a (3/4 person) group of friends that know each other. They're great. But my best friend has dance practice that night, which according to both her and her mom she can't miss, even to come over on my birthday. Because her ballet classes are expensive and even though she dances many hours each week, she can't miss a single one...apparently. And if she was to come over after her class, with my other friends, (her sister and our friend, who sleeps over at their house after skating) we would only get to have about an hour before they would have to go home. And I wanted to watch a movie or something. 

So, I'm turning 13, I'm not exactly excited, I feel awful, and I'm sort of depressed about it...and there are a couple other things which I was planning to mention, but that will have to wait until tomorrow because I have to get off the computer. 

Hazel says uwoe. Yes.

submitted by Leafpool
(October 8, 2018 - 9:56 am)

Awwww, Leafy. *hugs* I’m sorry. Life can really suck sometimes, I get it.

I’m not really sure what to tell you about your Halloween costume. I think both of those ideas sound cool, and you should go with whichever one inspires you or whichever one you think would the most fun. But I get the stress of trying to choose and feeling torn; it’s awful.

I’m sorry you’re sick! I hate being sick. I hope you feel better soon!

And let me just say, I completely get how you feel about your birthday. When I turned thirteen I kinda freaked out. I wasn’t ready to be a teenager, I didn’t want to grow up, and I didn’t want everything to change. I still feel that way, but what I realized was that being thirteen actually wasn’t so bad. I honestly didn’t feel any different. It was just a number, and it didn’t change who I was. I still get depressed when I think about growing up, though. It scares me. 

I’m not exactly sure what to tell you about your friends, either, except that I hope you work it out. Maybe you could have a sort of belated birthday party a day or two after your actual birthday so that your best friend could come?

Anyway, all of this is to basically say that I get it. I get stressed out and overwhelmed all the time, and it stinks. In fact, I’m stressing right now just thinking about all of the things I need to do and probably should be doing instead of procrastinating on the CB. I wish I could help somehow, fix things for you, but since I can’t, I will at least sympathize. I hope I’ve been of some help, and I hope you feel better soon. Just know that you aren’t alone. <3


submitted by Leeli
(October 8, 2018 - 1:53 pm)

Leafpool, I'm so sorry *hugs*.

I'm terrible at giving advice but I'll give it a go.

1. Since you've been sick and halloween's so close, maybe try the easiest costume out of the two. It might not be what you planned, but there's always next year.

I promise you'll have a great time.  

2. Being sick really sucks, but remember it'll get better. Take it easy, okay? *hugs again*

3. Turning thirteen is...scary. I know how you feel, when I turned thirteen I was a little skeptical. I don't want to grow up so quickly, and no way was I ready to be a teenager! But, as Leeli said, you're not a different person. It's just a number.

On my birthday a few of my friends couldn't make it (it was on a Thursday, which wasn't particularly convenient) so we had a sleepover and watched a movie the weekend after. It was still fine. I know, it's not the same though. 

submitted by Coroline
(October 8, 2018 - 5:38 pm)

Aww. *hugs* That sucks. I'll tell you what I can think of.

1. This is either the best idea or the worst: Go as all of them. At the same time. (Don't) Trust me. Wili veil and skirt, Jyn's bangs, scarf and vest, Rey's triple bun thingy and whatever it is that goes over her shirt and pants, and a choice of footwear and under-top. I drew it. It's crazy, but it just might work. Might.

Don't worry about having fun. Worry about how cold you're going to be, how long you can walk, and how much candy you're going to get. Candy heals many wounds. 

2. Use the fact that you're sick and miserable to get out of doing stuff. What kind of stuff is up to you. Wallow in thy germified state. Drink hot beverages and indulge yourself completely. Cuddle a plushie. Watch TV. Eat cough drops like candy (I recommend the strawberry ones). Carefully knot tissues together into a more-hole-than-pseudo-fabric shawl. Make informational charts. Go crazy. It's your right as a sick person. 

3. I hold the opinion that having a birthday only makes you one day older. The only thing that changes is you have a new number to remember and try to work into equations so that you can more fully become one with math, hopefully gaining some shred of understanding of its mysteries in the process. Getting your new number doesn't mean you have to grow up. You'll grow up when you're good and ready, and if that's never, it's never. The Changeling by Zilpha Keatley Snyder says that there are four simple rules for staying young: Know all the questions, but not the answers. Look for the different instead of the same. Never walk where there's room for running, and don't do anything that can't be a game. Also, I paid simulated checks today. It was weird.

So you're having your birthday party on your birthday? *squints at her mental image of a calendar* And that's... Friday? Well, then, why not have your party on Saturday? It might not be quite the same, I suppose, but like I said, the anniversary itself only gives you a number. Birthday parties are simply parties that use the excuse of birthdays to happen. Assuming your friends don't have anything going on Saturday, you can spend an entire day with them, maybe even the whole weekend! Make it a birthday festival! There shall be cakes and flowers and movies in your honor for a whole week if you can wrangle space for them out of your Halloween-candy-induced coma. 

Now, remember to take care of yourself, and I hope that if this wasn't helpful, it at least made you laugh. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 8, 2018 - 10:52 pm)

That is...seriously cool. It did make me laugh. Thank you, guys. I have more to post but I feel a little better.

submitted by Leafpool
(October 9, 2018 - 12:07 pm)

Part 2. (*thunk*)

4. There is more about growing up and especially about careers but let's just leave it at this one sentence.

5. Non-lucidity? So...I don't know how to explain this but sometimes, I'll just be doing something normal and all of a sudden I'll feel very removed from it, like I'm not really there or everyone else is not really there, or nothing is significant or I'll know everything is real, but I'll feel like I'm in a dream, or's like I zone out and can't help it, and I keep doing whatever and I just have to wait until it passes. It's not like, depression or something, it's a physical feeling that I get that makes it feel almost like I'm in a holodeck (Star Trek) or....I don't even know. I only got it once in a while for a long time but now I feel like it happens all the time. Like, I'll just stop recognizing things as being completely real. Maybe it's because I spend too much time thinking about scenarios that may or may not happen or imagining things in the future or thinking about other people's lives, or maybe it's a stress thing. I have no idea. But on Sunday I was at a small fall festival with my older sister, walking around and looking at the booths, and she was talking to someone she knew and all of a sudden I just zoned out, and I could do nothing to help myself and when I feel like that, I can talk to people and move around and stuff but just nothing feels absolutely real, even though I know and remind myself that it is, and so I think I did speak a few words to someone but I was still feeling zoned out. I could act normal, but it's just such a weird I'm watching myself from far away or not even completely controlling my actions with all of my feelings. 

And I have to get off the computer again so there will be a part three. I might continue talking about the out-of-reality feeling.  

submitted by Leafpool
(October 9, 2018 - 12:18 pm)

My goodness...Leafpool, I get that as well! Not as severe as you, and probably not as frequently but it happens from time to time. I was drawing the other day and suddenly it was as if it was someone else drawing, and I felt so...odd. 

That probably didn't help, but Leafy, just letting you know you're not alone. 

submitted by Coroline
(October 9, 2018 - 4:00 pm)

4. It's not unusual to decide what you want to do with your life when you're in college. I think you've got a few years. If you're really worried, talk to some old people. They usually have good advice.  

5. I feel like that sometimes, usually when I'm tired or I've been laughing too hard. I like it because I can focus on it for a few minutes and not worry about whatever else is going on. The best thing to do is to have fun; it goes away on its own and doesn't last forever, so tell whoever you're with that you just suddenly got this feeling like nothing is real and enjoy the experience. It's really cool to just walk, the way the limb/eye coordination is suddenly different, or to stand very still and try to float. Also, make sure you're getting enough sleep. Even if it doesn't help, it doesn't hurt. The recommended amount is 8-10 hours. 

Mexi says diry! Diary? Dirty? 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 10, 2018 - 3:09 pm)

1.) I propose Viola?'s idea, because #1, I cannot top that, #2 Its original, #3 It looks fun!


2.) To get rid of sicknesses, sleep a lot, eat healthily, find a good book, and a little chocolate (JK  a lot) are the key ingredients to feel better!


3.) I just turned 13 this year, and though its a little spoopy and scry at first, you get to LEGALLY WATCH PG13 MOVIES, and you can't get a job till you're 15-16! Also, reassuring the fact that one never can grow up if they don't want to, I have three stepsisters (all older than us), and they are all just as childish as me and Darkking!


4.)  About the best-friend-coming-over thing, propose a sleepover? (heh sleepover, its impossible to sleep when you're having fun! hehehehheh) It would mean spending more time, and if there is a younger sibling, you said there was an hour before she had to leave, right? So, their mom could take the younger one home, and leave your friend there! (To bring her stuff, leave it in the car and don't bring it into ballet)

Hope this helps! (also, feel better) 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(October 9, 2018 - 7:49 pm)

I don't know how helpful I am, but I have some advice for numbers 3 and 4!

3. I think I've found that that happens over time. My brother's 14, and he didn't want a big fuss over his birthday. My dad doesn't even want presents ("hey Dad, what do you want for your birthday?" "I don't want nothing, Liza.") Every year. 

You don't have to be exited for it to turn out fun! I promise, whatever you do, you're going to enjoy yourself. 

4. Think of growing up like this: once you turn 13, you have 365 days until you need to worry about what happens when your 14. As for career choices, dude, you got time. Once you find what you really love, you can decide what you want to be.

This is pretty lousy advice, but I hope it helps a little! 

Boo finally said his first word! Mode.  

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(October 10, 2018 - 7:21 am)

Thanks, guys. Yes, that's a super-cool costume but I don't actually think I'll go as that. It's a little too crazy for my tastes. (Crazy cool, though.)

I think I only have one last thing at the moment. And it's kinda silly. 

6) IthinkI'mgonnabeinthesameco-opclassasmycrushonFridayandaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

Um. So I'm homeschooled. I go to a Catholic co-op on the second Friday of every month. This fall, I've started going to a new co-op that meets every Friday morning, too, but that's not relevant to this. I've loved going to the monthly co-op. We've been doing it for a couple years, and it's not very big (and not very well-organized) but we kinda made it ourselves with the other families, whom we mostly all know. It used to be a book group. So anyway, the boy I have a crush on goes to it. His name is Sam, and he's really cute. Basically, he's my best friend's younger brother's friend. He has a younger brother who is more like friends with my best friend's brother, but anyway. I've sorta vaguely known him for years, just because they do the same things that my family and our friends do. We've never really known each other, though, because my friend's family has a weird thing where they basically seperate the girls and the boys and it's kind of just a habit to have the boys hang out together and the girls hang out together, and why would they ever want to mix? It's sort of a thing in our co-op, too. But it's never been something where we would do stuff with them. There's an age difference, too, between the main group of boys in our co-op and the main group of girls. (Which consists of me, my friend, her sister, and like 2 others). I feel like I'm not explaining this well.

So...out of habit we never interacted with each other. At all. He was just like, Sam. One of the boys and my friend's brother's friend. But last summer, I kinda realized that he was my age...ish. And cute. Since then, I've had a crush on him. Long-distance, basically. I know almost nothing about him. Almost. 

I'm not sure exactly when his birthday is and I think he's a little younger than I am, but he's the same numerary age and my height. He has brown hair and he's really athletic--not muscly, just like...graceful, and he can run fast. 

So. I've had a crush on him, and in our co-op, he's always gone in the group of younger boys, since he's friends with them. I've been with the high-schoolers. But this year, for the high schoolers, we had an Apologetics class and that's basically learning how to argue the Catholic faith to athiests. I'm not technically Christian myself and...I have to get off. Tomorrow.

submitted by Leafpool
(October 10, 2018 - 2:42 pm)

Ugh sorry this is so insanely long, I had no time to edit anything. (I usually don't. I only get 30 minutes of computer time on weekdays)

The Apologetics class did not seem like something good for me--I would be the youngest in the class and probably the only one not actually Catholic. My mom took a look at the textbook we got and said that it seemed like something good for people in college or grad school. XD So, long story short I'm not doing that. 

On the way back from co-op last month, my younger brother was talking and talking about all the fun stuff they did in his class, Blue Knights, which is basically for all the boys in the co-op that aren't in high school. They make up a lot of it. But he was saying how they played this game sorta like musical chairs and then they did skits, and I was just thinking..."gosh, they do all the things I would like to do most in this co-op." It's one of the only other options and I wish I could do it! It's technically just for boys though. :/ mom said that probably I could join it as a helper, and to be sort of a companion to my littlest brother, who's only 5 and one of the youngest in the class (and kinda shy.) So that's probably what I'm going to be doing and...aaaah. My crush is in that class and if I do it, I'm going to be interacting with him more, maybe. And. Yipes. Over the summer we had this thing where our co-op group and other homeschoolers would meet at playgrounds once a week, and a couple times I was doing things near him, like climbing the same tree but ummm....It's so weird. Like I mentioned, there's sort of a boy/girl seperation thing where it's just habit for the boys to hang out together, because they're friends. And generally younger than the girls in my co-op. So, even though I like to run around and play tag and the stuff that the boys do, I usually just hang out with my couple friends. And so I think my crush sorta knows who I am, but I'm pretty sure he's never really thought about me as like, someone, and tomorrow I'm likely going to be in his class.


If you understood any of that, I applaud you. Thanks.  

submitted by Leafpool
(October 11, 2018 - 10:34 am)

Good luck! Try talking to him. Maybe he doesn't know he likes you yet. XD

submitted by Coroline
(October 11, 2018 - 4:33 pm)