Midnight is leaving.

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Midnight is leaving.

Midnight is leaving.

But before all that sadness and explaining and AE dialouge, Sage, Levana, and Dewy now have full names! I was bothered dy the fact that they didn't have middle or even last names bacause I always wanted them to feel real and human. And now, I presnt to you once more:

Sage Samantha Sylvia Skyler Sierra Saniam [part of the Latin word for 'insane' but still going with the s theme here XD] Aliu-Hominem [last name, meaning 'different person']

You named me that???? Respect. This is cool. I declare the letter s to be the bestest in the alphabet!

Meghan Levana Aliu-Hominem [goes by middle name]

Hi, CBers, AEs, and other creatures. And whatever you are. *Turns to Soren* There, I said hello for you. Now may I just go practice violin?

No, you gotta stay for a little. And last but not least... Dewdrop Hope Aliu-Hominem!

My middle name is Hope? that's pretty, thank you. *Sees other people* I, uh... hi! Um. Nice to see you again...!

So, back to the main topic, Midnight Soul will be leaving. He's a part of me, sure, but a small one that Dewy has in her too. And no matter how hard I tried, he was never flawed or had any weaknesses. Plus, he could never connect with the other AEs that I wnated. He was supposed to be friendly and easy to talk to, but instead he ended up kinda standing around like uhh hey watcha doin'... . I found him less easy to 'use' than the others. So basically, he's leaving, but he'll be missed by me and Lev and Dewy. And Sage, too. 

*Hello, everyone. I'll miss this beautiful place and all its wonderful people dearly, and I am sorry I didn't get to know you very well. I wasn't here long, but I cherished all the good times. *Turns back to family* and I will especially miss you girls. We've lived together, gone to ski lodges that ended too quickly together, found ourselves at balls together, even put up with Electric when he was around. I can't tell you how much you mean to me.*

*Hugs* Midnight Soul Aliu-Hominem, you are an amazing AE and I will never forget you.

I know Soren told us earlier you were leaving, but... why thisisawful

*I'm not being blinked out of existance. Soren couldn't even if she wnated to. I'm just not going to be a part of the Chatterbox any longer.*

Will we ever see you again? Where... exactly... are you going?

He's going to a part in my head with everything I still remember... just don't think about. Books I've read, assorted memories, songs, ideas for novelles to write. As for seeing him again... I actually haven't worked that part out yet. But you will, I promise.

*Bring it in, guys. *Tight group hug* *steps back* Goodbye, everyone.*fades into oblivion**

*Runs away and hides* 

*stands around with head lowered*

*Doesn't know what to do*

*goes to finish post* Well... that's that. 'Bye, Midnight. I'll see you in my imagination. 

submitted by Soren's hooligans
(January 31, 2019 - 3:09 pm)

So Midnight is going to your Void! I visit mine often, and it's where I found Cap, who is changing fast, and I don't even know what she's changing into. She's never really had a shape for me, and I assigned her name to a shell of an AE. I need for this new AE to have an actual body that fits their personality, but so far, nothing's come up. Nothing seems right. Plus, my AE will have no home. The place where my AEs reside is a closed world, devoid of shape or color 'cause it's an illusion. I need help.

Oh gosh that turned into a rant I'm sorry. 

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(February 1, 2019 - 12:48 pm)
submitted by top, the top of the world
(February 1, 2019 - 4:13 pm)