Anxiety, depression, nega

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Anxiety, depression, nega

Anxiety, depression, negativity, etc.

So... this is a discussion thread for anxiety, depression, and any other mental health issues. 

I recently found out that I probably struggle with anxiety, (more than what is a usual amount for a person...) and I'm not really accepting it. I also struggle with negativity, (a lot,) and I usually don't look on the bright side of things. 

I stumble into a huge dark void of nothingness when I get really upset about something, and the thoughts just keep spinning and tumbling into more "what if's" and it just spirals down deeper and deeper. I also struggle accepting myself. Accepting who I am, and that it's all going to be ok. 

So... I was wondering if any of you CBers on the CB struggle with these kind of things? Anxiety, depression, etc. You name it. 

Do you have any way of how you cope with it? Have you learned to accept it and if so how? 

I'd love some advice, and I would also love to hear your experiences too if you have gone through it, are going through it, or have friends going through it and have advice about it.

I might share a few experiences I'm having later on this thread... but we'll see what happens. I'm really nervous to post this already... so we'll see.  

Also, if you post on this thread, please don't judge those who are going through things like this. If you post on this thread, please be respectful and understanding, and not joking around with this, because the people going through these kinds of things are real people too, who have feelings, so please please be respectful and genuine with your comments of advice and other comments. Thank you. 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 16, Camelot
(March 21, 2019 - 12:45 pm)

I probably have an over developed sense of failure, and it doesn't help that I'm easily distracted by rabbit holes. So basically I often beat myself up and wonder why can't I be better and why is nothing happening no matter how hard I try etc. Imma go lay down for a bit now-

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(March 21, 2019 - 2:33 pm)

Top! :)

submitted by TOP, age TOP, TOP
(March 21, 2019 - 3:19 pm)
submitted by topbumppokenudge
(March 21, 2019 - 6:43 pm)

Hey, Joan. *hugs*

And now I'm going to take a deep breath, and confess.

Yeah, I've dealt with depression. I wanted to tell everyone at the reunion, but somehow I couldn't. Or didn't. I wrote out the words again and again, but never found the courage to click submit. To admit that I'm super flawed. I may have anxiety for all I know, as stress has played a huge role this last time.

And yes, I did write 'last time'. I think I've been through depression three times now. (At least) I say I think because I didn't realize it the first two times, but looking back I think so, and I've never been to the doctor for this. So I'm not officially diagnosed, but I'm 99% that this is the case.

I'm aware at this point that I need to take better care of my physical needs. If I do that, then my mental state is much better. Being social seems to be the key for me to get 'unstuck' as it were. If I hang out with my friends, it seems to stop a central negative thought which loops "Oh, I don't have any real friends, no one likes me, etc." I have also found that coloring and writing help. Writing is harder for me to do while depressed, but with coloring I have absolutely no judgment. Whatever I put on the paper is automatically right, if that makes sense. I don't let myself critique it. Tea helps. My mom makes me an Earl Grey half-caf mixture with lemonbalm every morning. Praying to God helps. Reading through Job has helped me learn about it in retrospect-these problems are not a judgment from God, but rather a test. And you won't fail the test. There's a passage in (I think) Romans about how God will never test you beyond the limit. And remember that your strength is really in God, not you.

I have talked to my parents about it, but only mostly because they noticed that I was doing super, uber bad last time. I haven't really talked to them about the whys because sometimes those whys are too awkward. I know I should just tell them, but I've been so private that I'm having a hard time bridging that gap between talking about my geeky stuff to talking about emotional needs & wants.

I haven't really accepted it, but I think I'm close. I'm fairly certain that I'm going to be very susceptible to depression for the rest of my life, and that's a thought that scares me a little. I think I just need to understand that I'm not quite as capable as I'd like to think, and I need friends who support.

Thank you for posting this thread, Joan. I know that took a lot of courage. Especially as I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to press the submit button. I'll continue praying for you. I hope that my semi-rant was helpful, and please, please, let your parents know if they don't already. 

And thank you to anyone who read this semi-rant. <3 

God loves you all. 

submitted by Cho Chang, age Thx Tux ;), Eating Ramen With Hawkeye
(March 22, 2019 - 3:22 am)
submitted by eating ramen with, age love it, hawkeye xD
(March 26, 2019 - 10:04 am)


Thank you! I was inspired after I saw the latest Endgame trailer I saw Hawkeye standing by a Ramen sign. My reaction was "WAIT WHY IS HE IN JAPAN" and all of the rest of the trailer was lost on me. XD

Then posting here and I thought about Tux's "playing PS4 with Ant-man" location so. :) I'm so glad that you enjoyed. 

submitted by Cho Chang
(March 26, 2019 - 8:12 pm)

Before I say anything I just want to say thank you for posting this Joan, and for anyone here I just want to give encouragement. All of ya'll are such amazing people and don't deserve any of this.

Me on the other hand though... I don't even know when to trust myself anymore. I was almost normal and then all of this sudden I'm worse than before. I'm so mad that I can't just move on. I'm so mad that I don't have the courage to really open up about it. I'm so mad that if my friends ever see any part of this side of me all this sudden I pull back. I've only truly said what I actually thought once, and then as soon as I realized that I pulled back and covered it all up again. I hate how weak and cowardly and fake I feel. Also, my health is awful.

To everyone, thank you for your time. 

submitted by Rather not say, age ..., ...
(March 22, 2019 - 4:27 pm)

Thanks for cutting that last part out Admins.

You're welcome.


submitted by Rather not say, age ..., ...
(March 22, 2019 - 5:21 pm)

Sorry my post kind of just jumbled around, there's just a lot going on right now.

submitted by Rather not say, age ..., ...
(March 22, 2019 - 4:44 pm)

Look, thank God I've never had to deal with anything like the things that you guys are right now. I am, however, going through a difficult phase (I thought I had earlier in my life, but it seems it's not yet over). Friend issues, family issues, grades issues, emotion issues, talent issues, the fact that I feel like my character traits are changing, and not for the best. I'm trying to be positive, but it's hard when nothing is going my way right now. 

I'm sorry to all of you who are going through hard things, and I just want you guys to know that I really love you all. You are amazing, amazing people, and you should always stay this way. You've made me a little different from the time I've spent on here. I will be praying for all of you who are having a hard time. And a big shout-out to all who read this post.  

Everyone experieces hard times at some time of life. And hard times can make you stronger!


submitted by Twirlgirl, age 13, My Imagianry Dance Studio
(March 22, 2019 - 5:45 pm)

*Hugs for all*

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(March 22, 2019 - 6:32 pm)


submitted by Top
(March 23, 2019 - 8:54 pm)

Hey. Guys, I’m here. If anyone ever needs to rant I’m on nano, dm me, I won’t judge. I have no right to.

First of all, yes, healthy coping methods. I am...not the best at these. Just ask Vi, lol. It helps to have friends you can open up to. Even if it’s just small things at first, your family and friends love you and they only want the best. Therapy helps. If you talk. (My therapists hate me for heh Things You Shouldn’t Do In A Therapy Session Or Ever so they won’t judge any of you guys) Visiting a professional will help. It will help you accept that this is you, this is part of you, and it’s something you will have to control your whole life. But it gets better, my loves. With time you will get better. You might have your off weeks but, doesn’t everyone? We’re all down sometimes, and we’re all happy sometimes. It’s part of life. As Cho said, writing and coloring helps. Word vomiting everything in your mind helps, even if it’s just for you and you never tell anyone. Finding your passion in life and putting all of your strength and focus into that will take your mind off things and the adrenaline it gives you will make you feel better. Don’t ever judge yourself on said passion, you only strive to be better then you were, nothing else. Maybe you messed up a little there but that’s ok, keep going, keep practicing. Keep doing what you love. That’s a very important thing to remember when you’re depressed. When your depressed you often loose sight of what’s important to you and who you’re important too, which is more people then you would think. Doodling helps. Drawing lines on ur hands helps, or anywhere on your body. Grab a fidget or something to do whenever you get negitive thoughts or feel terrible. Eat something. Txt a friend. Go on a walk, enjoy the senery around your neighborhood or place you live: listen to the birds or the dogs barking and remember that you are not alone.

Depression and anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of. 1 of 4 will get depression in their life times. Both of these mental illnesses can be controlled and they will go away, on their own with time or with the help of a therapist right away. Mental illness is nothing anyone should be ashamed of. Many many many people suffer from these, and they should not be treated any differently then physical illnesses. It is very important to remeber that you are you and that’s an amazing thing and nothing that anyone should put you down for. Life is a marvelous thing, enjoy it while you can. Live every day to the fullest. Be who you want to be, not who others make you or precive you as.

Stay safe, be yourselves, i love all of you guys!!!! 

submitted by Claaws, Going crazy, what’s new
(March 25, 2019 - 3:36 pm)

You summarized all the helpful things far better than I did, Claaws. :)


submitted by Cho Chang
(March 25, 2019 - 8:12 pm)

Hey, Joan.

I am so sorry that you’re going through that.

I have anxiety, depression, and am dealing with the aftermath of emotionally abusive relationships. 

I still very much struggle with my mental health, especially with my self esteem. I think for me, one thing that works sometimes is knowing that it’s ok to need help. It’s ok to rely on people. It’s ok to not be ok. You don’t have to be happy all the time; in fact, it’s unhealthy to be.

I’m currently in counseling and on meds, and, although i dreaded it for the first few months, counseling has really helped. Talking to someone who won’t put up with you talking about yourself badly, and instead asking why you think that way, really helps.  

Everyone’s experience is different, so don’t feel like you need to fit in a “box” or anything.

Your struggles and experiences are valid. You are valid. 

You are a beautiful human being, no matter what you’re going through. I dearly hope that things get better for you.

Thank you for sharing this with us, and i hope this helped even a bit.

have a great day/night :)


submitted by Nighthawk, age -15, Aftershocks-Next2Normal
(March 25, 2019 - 9:27 pm)