Willy Wonka AE

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Willy Wonka AE

Willy Wonka AE Ski Lodge?
I have an idea. Has anyone watched or read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? I was thinking, and I thought that it would make a great Ski Lodge! No one would die, and there would only be about 5 AE contestants, and their Cber. Here’s the plan:
You will each choose 1 AE to go to the factory, (You will also be going, because it has to be one AE and 1 Cber) and make sure to put on their sheet their greatest weakness. For example, do not put that they're too nice, or that they can’t see very well, or something like that. Put a personal weakness, like that they're too shallow, or think too highly of themselves.
I will choose one AE (at random) to be eliminated each time I write, until there is only one AE left. It will be a tour of the factory, just like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Also, be free to guess who I am, because I am a certain Cber...
You get out of bed after a long night of tossing and turning, thinking about what you would do if you got 1 of the 5 golden tickets. You’ve always admired Willy Wonka’s work, and loved candy oh so much. 
You quickly comb your hair out and change out of your PJs, and head out into the CB, with ten dollars in your pocket. After a long while of walking, you find your destination; the candy store. 
Running in at full speed, you get out your ten dollars, handing it to the Candy Man in return for a Triple Scrumptious Fudge Delight. He hands you your change and the Chocolate bar, and you tear it open, not expecting...
A flash of gold glints in the light of the store, and you gasp. A golden slip of laminated paper glistens with the words GOLDEN TICKET engraved into it. You can hardly contain yourself as you rush home and announce to your Cber that you’ve found it. You’ve found the Golden Ticket!
Again, only 5 AE’s and their CBers are allowed. No more, no less. Also, PLEASE no reserving! Reserving just holds back the fun, so please if you want to do it, fill in the sheet before it’s too late. I won’t be choosing who will be the last AE to be standing, I will randomly choose one from a spinner website. 
AE’s Name:
Short descriptive appearance:
Weak point/Flaw: (2 or more, please!)
AE’s fears: (like spiders, or something like that)
Gender, pronouns:
Age, or how old they look:  
CBer’s Gender/Pronouns:  
I hope you enjoy your trip around the factory! (This will be fun the write!!!) :) 
submitted by Willy Wonka, ‘S Chocolate Factory
(July 4, 2019 - 1:23 pm)

ooooooh, it's due today boys! cannot wait! 

submitted by Ella Starburst, Breaking Down Barriers
(July 14, 2019 - 10:04 am)

The 5 Æs and their CBers wait anxiously outside of the magnificent golden gates that protect the factory from people ever coming in or out. People are also waiting outside of the gates, impatiently bickering about how Willy Wonka was supposed to arrive outside and greet the contestants ten minutes ago. No one has seen Willy Wonka for years now, and news reporters from all around the world have arrived at the event to finally see him after what seems like forever. 

The sun is starting to go down when the gates finally open, revealing the giant, magnificent factory in front of them. It somehow seems to be bigger than what any child could ever wonder. A deep violet covers the entire factory, with highlights of white and gold that make the factory somewhat beautiful, while still being ultimately intimidating as the contestants crane their necks upwards to try and see the top of the factory that towers over them.

“That’s... amazing.” Breeze whispers to herself, and LeAnn puts down her phone to see as well. All the contestants start shuffling their way into the factory, as the civilians are forced to stop by local police force sent their to protect the factory.

Void is the first person to step into the gates, and is soon followed by everyone else.  Once everyone finally strides in, the gates snap shut, making Zeke and Sage jump up, quickly trying to keep pace with everyone else. 

The doors that lead inside the factory open up to reveal a tall man with black hair, wearing a purple and green accented pan suit and top hat. He has a long, purple striped cane with a gold grip were he holds it as he takes quick steps towards the contestants. The civilians and Æs all gasp to see that Willy Wonka has finally come out, holding a sheet of paper and pen in his free hand. 

”Good morning, children! Welcome to my factory-“ He says with a some what squeaky voice.

”it’s 5:30 PM.” Zeke interrupts, with his hands tucked away in his pockets. Ella Starburst glares at him, and he grunts. 

“Oh, is it?” Willy checks his wrist, (which has no watch on it) and stutters, “I guess your right, little boy. Anyways, you all must be the golden ticket winners! Please hand me your golden tickets, and sign this paper, which lets you not sue me if you... get into any trouble.”

He eyes LeAnn, and mumbles, “Little girl? You won’t be using your device inside the factory. There’s no service.”

LeAnn looks up at him in shock, her eyes widened to the size of walnuts. “W-what?” Her hands start shaking as she puts her phone in her pocket. 

Sage hands over her ticket to Willy first, and grabs the pen out of his hand rather haphazardly. She takes the paper and quickly writes her name and hands it to Void, who’s looking at Willy Wonka angerly.

Void mumbles something under her breath before scribbling her name on the paper, and Zeke snatching it away from her and writing his name as neat as possible. He flattens it out and hands it to LeAnn, who sniffs before taking it and shakily writing down her name. 

Breeze watches as everyone signs it, and finally reaches to grab it out of LeAnn’s hands and pushing her hair out of her face to see were she’s writing. Her eyebrows go up as she reads the paper, which says in tiny font; ‘We are not responsible for any cuts, burns, bone fractures, internal injuries, or any others of the sorts. The children must be responsible for themselves.’ 

Breeze turns her head and looks at Willy Wonka, who’s managed to keep a smile on his face for the whole time they’ve been here already. She starts thinking about not signing, but then remembers the message on the back of the golden ticket she found;

A lifetime supply of candy.

She immediately signs the paper and hands it over to Willy Wonka, and does the same thing with her ticket, as do all of the other Æ contentants.

“Good, good. Absolutely wonderful! Is everybody ready to go inside?” Willy Wonka announces.

“Yeah!” Sage cheers over everybody, standing right in front of Willy and putting her hands up so he can see her.

All the other Æs either just say yes or nod in agreement, and they walk to the giant violet door that Willy Wonka came in through before. He raps his cane on the door two times, and a second goes by of complete silence.

Then the door opens.


this was getting really long. I also don’t want to rush this. I had a lot going on, that’s why I’m posting it so late. I already know who’s going to be eliminated first, (I did it on wheel decide) and I will post a snapshot of it in the next post I do, which at the latest will probably be around Wednesday. This is super fun to write, and I just can’t wait to write more. Also, make sure to give me tips on what your Æ would do in a situation like this, because I would love to add more character elements. Again, no one has guessed who I am correctly yet... 

submitted by Willy Wonka, The Chocolate Factory
(July 14, 2019 - 10:04 pm)

something kind of bad, not like murder level or anything, and Zeke just saying "This is so sad Alexa play my raiding Area 51 playlist"

submitted by Ella Starburst, Breaking Down Barriers
(July 15, 2019 - 8:07 pm)

its actually storming Area 51, not raiding. (I’ll keep that in mind while I write him, though.)

submitted by Willy Wonka, My Chocolate Factory
(July 15, 2019 - 8:47 pm)

Sage cheering and wooping loudly is accurate, and this is cool!

Ten pints to Griffindor (or whatever your Hogwarts house is) if Sage says omething about a Yeeting FerretGoat along the line 

submitted by Luna-Starr/Soren, age 27 eons, Existential Ponderment
(July 17, 2019 - 8:33 am)
submitted by It started!
(July 15, 2019 - 6:30 pm)
submitted by Delayed- I have too, Many ideas
(July 17, 2019 - 8:16 pm)

Once LeAnn gets over the lack of cell service she will be looking out for her favorite candy, Lollipops (especially the kind with something in the middle).

submitted by Diamond Fox, age 14, Lost in a Book
(July 17, 2019 - 10:28 pm)
submitted by Bop to the TOP!!
(July 25, 2019 - 12:46 pm)
submitted by Top, age To the top, the top?
(July 28, 2019 - 11:05 am)

First of all, this is really good! Secondly, Breeze would probably get really mad at WW for calling her a “little girl.”

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(July 29, 2019 - 10:32 pm)
submitted by Top, age Topped, the top?
(September 30, 2019 - 8:58 pm)