*Whispering* Hey guys

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

*Whispering* Hey guys

*Whispering* Hey guys - Rogue here - this thread is an AE ball. The focus? To ship as many unshipped AEs as possible. If your AE is already shipped, that's fine. Let's practise writing young romance. Keep it clean and innocent, but sweet nonetheless.

What are you doing?


I just got here. Why?

*Relieved* Oh it's nothing-






Basic personality:

Views on romance/significant others:

Shipping status: 



Name: Nihil Etomnia

Gender: Female

Age/Look: 17ish

Appearance: Nihil will be in black, high-waisted, elegantly baggy trousers that have a ribbon-type adjustment stystem on both the waist and the ankles, which are fitted to her proportions. She has a white, fitted button-down with three-quarter sleeves. Barefoot (Rogue - *Sighs*).

Basic personality: Introverted, seems confident, competitive, and smart. Analysis EVERYTHING, but is a bit lonely.

Views on romance/significant others: Eh. It'd be nice.

Shipping status: Open to be shipped with a boy her age.

Other: Has ONE friend, Rhaksha. Would like more though.


I'll do Lux later

submitted by The Rogues
(September 9, 2019 - 5:43 pm)


I gaze at Khione, bouncing around the room, and smile. Suddenly she springs over to Apollo and grabs his hand. She pulls him over to Fleet's AE WILDCARD, and I stifle a laugh this time, envisioning Apollo and WILDCARD vainly trying to outchatter each other once my brother got over his nervousness. He certainly seems nervous at the moment, and as I watch he seems to make up his mind and jerk away from Khione and run through the crowd, stopping near me. Khione barely bats an eyelash before turning back to WILDCARD and starting to talk. I walk over to Apollo, who is pinned against the wall, panting. 
"Whatcha doing?" I ask. 
He jumps.
"0h, try1ng t0 g3t 4way fr0m Kh10ne."
"Go dance with someone."
Wh4t? Wh0?"
I turn in a slow circle, until I recognize a dark curly-haired head among the crowd. "Go dance with Caribbean, she's over there," I say. Apollo hesitates, so I put my arm around him and steer him over to Caribbean.
"Hey, Bean," I call. "My brother want's to dance with you."
She turns to answer. 

submitted by Nyx's AEs, age 12 years, earth
(October 2, 2019 - 6:53 am)


An AE whose name I am fairly certain is Ace is at the other end of the buffet, happily snacking on scrumptiously unhealthy treats. I watch him for a few seconds, turn to graze my eyes over the ballroom again, and nibble on a strawberry before turning the other way to see him making a beeline for me. I glance at him for a second, then look away, then realize it would be strange to look away once he has already seen me notice him, then look back at him and begin to smile in what I hope is a very welcoming sort of way. Only does it accur to me that he wouldn't care what I was looking at when he arrives beside me, carrying a green-trimmed paper plate haphazardly in one hand.

"Hey!" he greets cheerfully and with an impressive lack of hesitation, "Levana, right? Have you tried this cake? It's amazing!"

I keep my smile steady, trying to decide in my head his sencerity. He appears quite good-natured, and lacks cruelty. Still, it amazes me that one could walk up to another and talk about cake quality.

"It's Estrella now, actually. It changed recently. Apologies, that would be confusing." My gaze falls to my silver, glossed shoes for a split second. I snap them back at him. "As for the cake," I continue, grabbing a plate, "I have not tried it yet. Shall we see if your assessment is correct?" I ask pleasantly, standing up straight and ready to move back towards the imfamous chocolate cake.

~Sorry, I didn't quite make it clear that her name had officially changed!  

Boo says dgmit. My first thought is "dangit", though he's acticulating about as well as a hip-hip artist.

submitted by LS+Estrella
(October 2, 2019 - 6:12 pm)

Whoops! Sorry about that.

submitted by Quill
(October 4, 2019 - 3:40 pm)


Glass walks over to me, and I smile. I really don't know what to do with myself at this ball...

"H-hi, how's it going?" She asks, fidgeting with her hair.

"It's going alright. Heh, look. I think Vivian over there is trying to ship her brother, Apollo, with Carribean. That'll make for a fun one." Did Glass just flinch when I mentioned Viv? Ah, no matter. She's smiling now.

"You're right, that will be funny to see." She nods. Suddenly, Vivian catches sight of me. Her face, which already has a smile on it, almost splits as her smile broadens. Her flowing hair tries to tangle her feet as she jogs over to us. Glass turns away.


I kind of imagine this rivalry between Glass and Vivian...? 

submitted by The Rogues
(October 2, 2019 - 4:14 pm)


I finish up with the snacks and, with nothing better to do, begin to play with void. It's especially sticky today, and it gets all over my hands, but it's nothing that would cause much trouble. I wish I could just talk to people like Lux does. He's already got two beautiful girls falling all over him. I analyze the nearest AEs. Taking a breath, I walk over to the one that looks the most friendly.

"Hello." I say. They turn, and, to my relief, they smile.



submitted by The Rogues
(October 2, 2019 - 11:26 pm)


I see Nihil talking to someone I don't know. I hesitate wondering if the pros of going over to say hi to basically my only friend outweigh the cons of meeting someone new. I decide to go over, thinking that if it goes well, I might have another friend, and if it doesn't I can walk away and deal with it. 
"Hey, Nihil," I say, coming up. "Who's this?"



"Hey, WILDCARD!" I call, dragging Apollo over. WILDCARD looks over and grins.
"Who's this?" she asks. 
"It's my brother, Apollo!" I sqeal. "He's new!" I lean in and whisper, loud enough for Apollo to hear, "Nyx modeled him after a fictional crush she has from a book, who's named....... Heartthrone? Pinecone?"
"H3arthst0n3." Apollo's face turns red. "He4rth. St0n3." 
"Fine, whatever." I start to say something else, but Apollo jerks away and runs over to Vivian. Typical. Even in the short time that he's existed, he's formed a habit of hiding behind our tallest sister when Rhaksha's grumpy or I'm excited. I decide to ignore him and turn back to WILDCARD. "SO," I ask. "Is it just you here or did your sisters come too?"



I run 0ver t0 V1vi4n, gl4d t0 3scap3 Kh10ne's gr4sp. Sh3 m4y app3ar 0ld3r th4n m3, but th3 s1st3r n4med 4fter a c0ld and unfr13ndly Gre3k g0dd3ss 1s as w4rm and fr13ndly as th3y c0m3. I s1dl3 cl0ser to V1vi4n unt1l Kh10ne's b4ck 1s turn3d aga1n. V1vi4n turns to me.
"Whatcha doing?" sh3 asks. I jump.
"0h, try1ng t0 g3t aw4y from Kh10ne," I r3ply. 
"Go dance with someone."
"Wh4t?" I 4sk, 1ncr3dul0s. "Wh0?"
V1vi4n sc4ns th3 cr0wd. "Go dance with Caribbean, she's over there." Sh3 l3ads m3 0v3r t0 a curly-h41red AE w1th tann3d sk1n and a blu3 dr3ss. "Hey, Bean," c4lls V1vi4n. "My brother wants to dance with you." Th3n sh3 le4ves t0 g0 s4y h1 t0 Lux, wh1ch pl4c3s m3 1n th3 w0rst p0ss1bl3 pl4c3. 



I leave Apollo with Bean and jog over to Lux and Glass, smiling. Glass turns away, and I have a split second where my emotions clash. I can't tell if I feel sorry that Glass and I seem to be jealous of each other, or selfish satisfaction that she's leaving. Making up my mind, I squash the selfishness."
"Wait, Glass," I say. She turns back. I try my best not to glare at her, and I can't tell how successful I am. "How are you guys doing?" I put subtle emphasis on the fact that I'm including both Glass and Lux. My brain is melting from trying to be nice when I don't feel like it. 


submitted by Nyx's AEs, age 12 years, earth
(October 3, 2019 - 10:39 am)

Top please, admins.

submitted by Uh, guys? Where RU?, age top years, Topopolis
(October 7, 2019 - 5:16 pm)


"It's Estrella now, actually," she says. "It changed recently. Apologies, that would be confusing." She looks down, then back up. "As for the cake, I have not tried it yet. Shall we see if your assesment is correct?" She moves towards the chocolate cake, and I walk with her.

"Estrella! That's right," I say, remembering now. "Yeah. That's pretty."

"Thank you," she replies, slicing the cake. She takes a bite and nods thoughtfully. After a moment, she says, "It appears you would be right. This is fantastic cake." I grin.

"See? Told you so."


I'm debating whether to go join Ace and whoever he's with over at the snack table when I hear a voice call out to me. I turn, and see Vivian steering Apollo in my direction.

"Hey Bean! My brother wants to dance with you." She pushes Apollo towards me, then walks off. We stand awakwardly for a moment, looking at one another.

"S0rry 4b0ut V1v14n," he finally says. "1f y0u d0n't w4nt t0 d4nc3..."

"Dancing sounds fun," I venture. "Would you like to?" 

submitted by Quill's AEs
(October 8, 2019 - 4:39 pm)


"Dancing sounds fun," says Bean. "Would you like to?"

My j4w dr0ps. "R34lly? I m34n, y3s, I w0uld."


Sorry this is so short, I'm trying to finish all my chores by 9:00 so we can go Mass and then the library, which is the highlight of each week. 

submitted by Nyx's AEs, age varied, earth
(October 9, 2019 - 7:24 am)

(Sorry about the late reply!) Estrella~

I slice the cake decicively, inwardly being relieved over the smoothness of the cut- I doubt I'd be able to stay collected as I have if the knife had gotten stuck.

I chew thoughtfully, letting the flavor sit on my tongue. The texture is perfect, and the flavor is sweet and craveable. "It appears you would be right; this is fantastic cake."

His grin is jovial and childish. "See? I told you so." I can't help but smile back.

A new song picks up, with the lively strumming of a guitar. I haven't heard it. It has a pleasant lilt, and the singer's voice is emotional and full. "Have you heard this song before? I don't believe I have."


submitted by LS+Estrella
(October 13, 2019 - 4:02 pm)
submitted by Top!
(October 12, 2019 - 3:38 pm)


"I'm doing well, thank you, Vivian! How are you?" I reply. Glass shuffles her feet and mumbles something, but her voice is too quiet for me to catch. 


Sorry for the short post. *._. 

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(October 13, 2019 - 5:28 pm)

Name: Adelaide

Gender: female

Age/Look: around 9

Appearance:Tan skin, blonde hair and it has a tint of red in it. Grey-ish green-ish eyes. Glasses. Freckles. Hair is in a tight bun, it's really pretty. A few stray curly hairs frame her face and it has a tint of red in it. VERY beautiful white dress with black velvet swirls at the bottom. Small slit on side, no sleeves, you can barely see her shoes. They are black heels, very tall ones and have a little bow on the front

Basic personality:  Loving, helpful, a bit shy. Not afraid to protect and stand up for people. Loyal, kind, sweet. Smart, loves reading.

Views on romance/significant others: Doesnt really care, not like passionate but won't refuse.

Shipping status: doesn't matter gender, but likes people with the same intrests. (so basically smart, nerdy, loves books, loyal and brave.) 

Other: nope!


Phox says hurym, I think she wants adelaide to get shipped fast or I guess faster! 

submitted by Sunshine Wings, age 10, nowhere to be found
(October 18, 2019 - 7:31 pm)


"I'm doing okay," I say. "I just got Apollo over to Caribbean to see if he'll dance with her. I think she said yes, so this will be fun to watch." I look over at my brother, who's staring in disbelief at Bean, so I guess she said yes. Glass murmurs an answer, looking at her feet, and I grit my teeth. It's hard to be nice when she's not participating. 

submitted by Nyx's AEs, age varied, earth
(October 19, 2019 - 9:10 am)


The last person to catch my eye--fairer than Sea Glass, and more feminine, but wearing silver and blue--looks at me just as I look at... her. Yes. Harper, she/her. My memory fails me not. She smiles and walks up to me; I let her and smile slightly in return. 

"Hi, Nymph! Um, how are you? Are you enjoying the ball so far?"

I shrug. "Not much has happened yet, good or bad. I expect that'll change soon." 

~Sorry this is so late! If you never forgive me, I will understand. (Sea Glass actually reprimanded me. I'm so proud of xyr.)

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 22, 2019 - 3:05 pm)