INTJ females

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

INTJ females

INTJ females

Are there any other INTJ myers-briggs personalities (specifically female) on here cause I think I need a support group? It's kind of exhausting being me and I was wondering if maybe there was anyone on here who could relate considering there's almost no way I'm finding anyone in real life. (0.5% of the population! Seriously!) Anyway, if there aren't that's fine but let me know if you are cause I have a small rant in store about other people and social situations and the fact that I have to hear how sad/mad I look on an almost daily basis.

submitted by Spell Caster
(December 16, 2019 - 5:36 pm)

I... may be an INTJ female? I mean, I am a girl, but I'm not sure if I'm an INTJ or INFJ. I've gotten both. I'd love to hear your rant, though!

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(December 16, 2019 - 7:16 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 16, 2019 - 11:00 pm)

INFJs might be able to relate. My mom happens to be an INFJ and usually she agrees with me. It's almost like it's not socially acceptable to be an INTJ and be female. If you're a guy it's like it's the cool silent, smart type but if you're a girl you're just weird. You aren't very feminine so what's wrong with you? Why aren't you talking about all the superficial topics your friends are? Why are you so mad all the time? Are you okay? The truth is I have a really hard time trying to talk to my friends. I mean they're all great people but when they start talking about vines or memes or the skinny jeans they just got I start to glaze over and wonder why I'm even there. No I'm actually not mad all the time. But also why just because I have no expression most of the time, do people seem to take that to mean anger or sadness? Why do I have to smile all the time to seem normal?! And yes, I am okay. But as soon as you asked me if I was, it was like a slap in the face. A reminder that I'm not like most other people and not really understood. But honestly, even if I wasn't feeling that great there's little chance I would actually tell you and I don't feel like I'm the only one who would respond like that so why are you asking? I know that you don't really care. You're just trying to see if there's some tea I'll spill that you can go run and tell your friends right after you pretend to listen and sympathize. Other people don't really know how to act around me. It's like I make them uncomfortable or something. Oh, you look like you're having fun so I'll come over to see what's going on. Wait, where are you going? Maybe not all of this is directly because of my personality but I feel like if I was an ESFP like my sister (wonderful opposites we are) this wouldn't be happening. Or if it was it wouldn't be as exaggerated and severe. I have so much more but I think I'll end this because it's getting a little long. Don't worry, there will be more installments I'm sure. Kudos to you if you actually read through all that.

submitted by Spell Caster
(December 17, 2019 - 9:30 am)

Oh, Spell Caster, I know what you mean. I don't have exactly the same personality type, but I can relate to almost all of that post. Sorry, this would be longer but I smashed my hand and am now typing left-handed. Oof.

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(December 17, 2019 - 4:28 pm)

I'm ISTJ-T. 92% Introverted, 58% Observant, 63% Thinking, 75% Judging, 92% Turbulent. It's weird. 

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(December 17, 2019 - 9:51 am)

INTP-T here. INTPs account for only 3% of the population, and less than 1% are female INTPs. I'm an INTP-T female, which I believe (not certain) are the smallest portion of the population. So I totally get not feeling understood.

And I agree on the "skinny jeans and vines and memes" as conversation topics. I think most personalities with the T (thinking) trait feel the same. 

As for fashion, I could care less. In my opinion beauty is entirely useless and fake and will always remain as such, so it is entirely pointless to even attempt to have a conversation about it. I have one friend (Spell Caster, you know who I'm talking about) that is very, er... Over the top obsessed with makeup and fashion and who has a tendency to attempt to constantly hold conversations about it. This tends to annoy me, because frankly I do not care. If they are truly as close of a friend as they claim to be, they should know this and therefore stop trying to discuss it with me.

Vines and memes are similar. I actually enjoy vines and memes, but they are foolish to actually discuss. I in general prefer to keep the internet and reality very separate. I like the internet to be my escape from reality, so I don't like it when the two are mixed in any sort of fashion. However, I have a terrible tendency to mask my feelings and ideas to blend in. So most people tend to think I actually like talking about these topics when I really don't.

I'm in general fairly non-feminine. Most people think otherwise but really I'm not. I actually consider myself to not be fully female. I typically say I'm a demi-girl, which is a real thing. It's where you are scientifically female, but don't feel or act like one in the slightest and generally relate more to the male gender.

And don't even get me STARTED on how much I utterly DESPISE talking about crushes. I have never had a crush in my life (nor have I ever even felt an attraction to anything. I don't feel attracted even to like celebrities and stuff.) so I don't even really understand what they are. I used to pretend I had crushes in the past though, so people wouldn't think I was weird. I used to think I wasn't human because I didn't have crushes. I've sorta gotten over that now but it still makes me feel uncomfortable when people talk about their crushes.

Wow, okay. That was a long way to say I feel the same, despite the fact we're different personalities. Oh well, I guess.


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(December 17, 2019 - 2:36 pm)

Actually wait, I'm not done yet. XD

I'm also feeling so tired of being asked why I'm sad/mad when I'm not. Some days I actually feel like literal trash but it seems to me nobody ever talks to me on the days I'm obviously actually having problems.

But forbid I ever put my hand on the side of my face in algebra! I did this once because I was bored when I was working in partners. And my gosh, my partner suddenly freaked out over the fact that I looked sad. Like, if you're not gonna talk to me when I'm actually sad, don't try to do it when I'm fine because that just sorta tells me you don't really care but seem to want me to think that.

Okay, I'm actually done now.


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(December 17, 2019 - 2:41 pm)

Yes, I know exactly who you're talking about Sybill.

I'm going to go into a little more detail about the INTJ stare. This is an actual thing. When one of us is in deep thought or wants to take a break from reality, we have a completely emotionless/expressionless stare. I'm still completely aware of what's going on around me! Honestly, I love that about myself. It is a completely relaxing and enjoyable experience. Pick a spot, your eyes gradually unfocus, and tension just kinda drains away. (I don't know if it's exactly like that for others) However, others seem to think that I'm about to burst into tears or something. Are you okay? Is something wrong? What's up, you look kind of sad? What is it with you people!? No, my lack of expression does not mean I am in some sort of deep depression! In fact I was thinking about political philosophy! (no joke, that happened once) 

submitted by Spell Caster
(December 17, 2019 - 6:03 pm)

Wow. Maybe I am the same personality type as you. I can relate to pretty much everything you guys have said in these posts. 

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years , Earth
(December 17, 2019 - 8:39 pm)

As an ENFP, I can't really relate to much of this. Though, I do totally understand the staring out into space and it being a calming experience. I get what ya'll are saying about memes and jeans, but aside from personality type, it has a lot to do about maturity. Girls and guys in highschool ( EVen in collage) tend to be unmature, or are just growing into themsleves, finding who they really are and what they like to talk about. Them just talking about silly things on the internet could be because they are afraid- not afraid per say- but reluctant to talk about things that are not socially exceptable or a topic that interests them, but dont want to share it because they are scared of what people might think. Or brand them as like a nerd or something because they like science, or this one old tv show, etc)

Personally, I like talking about anything and everything, but it does get pretty tiring when most things my friends can be pretty flighty. Which usually is because they have a genuine problem that they dont want to think about, and distract themselves by being pretty or popular in groups. 

Well, Im not an expert, but I just want you to know that your not alone in being tired of hearing fluffy things each day. Sometimes you just want a real, deep conversation with a friend. But I also have to give them space, because they may be having a hard time discovering their true selves, or are just pretty immature at this stage in their life. 

Hope this helps. Not really sure why I wrote all this, seeing as we have different personalitys but things dont change much!

(Also, I looked up INTJ personality and yall have some cool people in your group! Like Katniss, Gandalf, and Michelle Obama! Plus Elon Musk ;D)

submitted by Tuxedo Kitten
(December 18, 2019 - 12:59 pm)

Thanks, that was actually pretty helpful. Honestly, I've never really thought about it like that. Though I'm not sure that some of them are capable of deep thought (a.k.a. soon-to-be-lunch-table-banishee) I suppose that could be the case for some of them. Also, ENFPs have some cool people too: Martin Short, Dr. Seuss, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens. Though my personal favorite INTJ is probably Nikola Tesla.

submitted by Spell Caster
(December 18, 2019 - 4:49 pm)

Ooooh, I totally relate on the memes/vines/jeans thing, Spell Caster! I actually think probably a large portion of the CB feels that way - for the most part, we're not what some people would consider the "popular bunch," as far as I can tell. 

I can't entirely relate on the people-don't-care bit, since I do have a close, amazing friend who is always supportive, but I understand where you're coming from. It can be hard to know if people are actually sad/mad or just zoning out... which reminds me, I do also resonate with the zoning-out-death-stare bit. (Incoming rant warning!) When I was in fifth grade (and in other times, too), I had this teacher who hated doodling. So one day, I was doodling under my desk, just because I was fidgety, and totally paying attention, and my teacher came over and was like, "Stop doodling. Give me your paper." So I gave her the pad of sticky notes I was using and proceeded to stare into space and not pay attention at all. She didn't call me out since I wasn't doodling, which must mean that I was paying attention, right? WRONG!! I was... not the hugest fan of that teacher, to say the least.

Sybill - I completely respect your own beliefs about being a demi-girl. It did remind me a bit of being transgender (biologically female, but feeling more like a boy) or something like agender (not really feeling like any gender). Of course, I don't know what you identify as or if you believe those are real things! And about the not-loving-anyone bit: I can totally relate! I don't think I've ever had a real crush, but I've pretended I have to fit in. I don't know, I might have had one, I might just be too young to have had one yet, or maybe I'm ace! I'll just have to wait and see. 

Anyway, if anyone else has rants of any sort, I'm totally open to hearing them, and I'd love to offer support.

(sorry for the long post!) 

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(December 18, 2019 - 8:41 pm)

I don't know what my personality type is, but I can relate to everything on this thread.

I used to frown when people asked me questions. I was just thinking, but eventually I found out that they thought I was mad. So I started half-frowning, but raising one eyebrow. It worked. I still have trouble figuring out what people interpret from my expressions, though. A closed-mouth smile usually seems safe. It's a little odd trying to constantly be aware of how my face looks... sometimes I decide it isn't worth the effort. Sometimes I'm happiest when I'm not smiling. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(December 20, 2019 - 8:04 am)

This topic is only slightly related to personality. For most of my life I have lived in rural areas where there is often mud, some sort of livestock, and the mentality that you should always be ready to get up and go outside. This has greatly affected the way I dress and I often have to hear about it from other people my age. I usually wear hiking boots or sneakers. I own no Vans or Converse or whatever. I usually have on loose boot cut jeans in the colder months and none of my shorts are overly short or anything. I don't own any skinny jeans though I do have some slim cut that are at the bottom of the drawer. My shirts are pretty much all plain, loose, and have the occasional witty phrase. I have a hoodie or jacket with me almost all the time except in summer. I don't wear any makeup and my long hair is rarely seen in anything besides a braid or pony tail. I do enjoy jewelry. Most of my earrings are studs and most of the necklaces, bracelets, and rings are easy to do things while wearing. (Silver is always better than gold for me) I like the way I dress. I like the way I look. I am completely comfortable with my everyday appearance. I've seen what some of you wear on the "what you're wearing" thread so I'm not sure if this applies to anyone. I like reading about what you guys wear because it's so different from my own style and I appreciate the effort put in. However, mostly at school and mostly with other girls, if I put my hair down or wear some different shoes, I have to hear about it all day. You look so good! Why don't you do that more often? Whoa, guys, she's wearing that! Look her hair is down! AAAHHH! What is wrong with teenage girls? Why on earth does clothing have such a huge part to play in their life? Don't they care about other things? Like, I don't know, maybe paying attention in class so they don't fail miserably instead of constantly pulling down their belly shirts every time an adult passes by! I couldn't care less what other people's priorities were except for the fact that I'm constantly being pulled into their superficial world. Now, I read an article somewhere that hinted about INTJ fashion and it seemed a little familiar so I felt inspired to rant. I'm done now. Bye.

submitted by Spell Caster
(December 27, 2019 - 10:40 am)