MY FIRST AE!!!!!!!!(Sorry

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

MY FIRST AE!!!!!!!!(Sorry

MY FIRST AE!!!!!!!!(Sorry Bagel Princess)

Name: Stargirl

Age: 12 (human) years 

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet, gentle, extremely smart(in the sense of caculating, ratios, and angles[like catapults, etc;]). Mildly socially awkward, doesn't like loud parties, loud genaral. Kind of judging; this makes it diffucult to keep friends. When she does find people who pass her criteria, though, she is protective of them. Likes to get things done. Straight-foward. Stargirl is also stragetic, since she has gotten over her anger with the world and can clear her mind.

Appearance: Long, frizzy hair, slightly simalar to April from the Lumberjanes. Long, straight nose. Amber eyes, and light orange-brown hair. Her white shirt exposes her shoulders, which are dotted with freckles. Stargirl usually wears Aladdin-like pants. Bare feet. Her weapon is a bow and arrow.

Species: AE(human)

Other: Likes equations

Talks in: Italics

So that's Stargirl!

..Wanna say hi, Star?

Hiiii. Who are we talking to?

Welll....this is called Chatterbox...

I know that.

And I can post threads, which is like this, then people from all around the world can respond. Quite magical, actually, I-


*looks around*

Finds her sitting at a computer, caculator in hand.



Well, bye!!


submitted by Sirfire , age stop!, leave me alone!!!
(January 15, 2020 - 5:45 pm)

Hi, Stargirl!

Hello, Stargirl, and welcome to the Chatterbox. My name is Sea Glass. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Last I heard, there's a book called Stargirl.

Yes! It's by Jerry Spinelli and I love it and I don't know if you've heard of it but you should read it!

*rolls eyes almost reflexively*

*pretends not to notice* Oh, this is Nymph, by the way, the one speaking in bold italics.

*nods regally* *sits down, simultaneously transforming into a tiger*

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 16, 2020 - 9:16 pm)

Will that tiger hurt me?

I don't think so.

It looks like it will hurt me.

No, no... let's see if we can get that book!

Viola, my name was almost Lightning Girl since Sirfire had just read that book..then she switched it to Star Girl so people would think she was creative. I guess that didn't work out.

What?! No I..leave me alone! *mutters under breath*stupid copyright!  

submitted by Sirfire, age i said, go away, hackers!
(January 17, 2020 - 5:15 pm)

You have little to fear from me, save my wrath--but do address me by my name, or one of my titles. 

Yeah, that's fair. By the way, I'm Sunflower! I'm new, too.

Ah! Don't worry, it is a good name. And hey, there can be more than one person with the same name. It happens all the time. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 17, 2020 - 6:46 pm)

Sorry, Nymph. Hello Sunflower. I like your name. Sea Glass, that picture of you and I think Viola is pretty. Viola, you are a good drawer.

Um...why are you talking like this? Are you okay?

I am okay. Yes. I am okay. 

Anyway, thank you Viola. *looks pointedley at SG* There can be two people with the same name.

What about 3 people?

Stop IT!!!

submitted by Sirfire&Stargirl, age old enough, Nowhere
(January 18, 2020 - 8:10 am)
submitted by Top!
(January 16, 2020 - 10:54 pm)

Hi Stargirl!

Stargirl?! STARGIRL?! What about when she grows up?

Do NOT take Patrick personally, he insults everyone's names. I like the name Stargirl!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, Stargirl. Glad to see there's another AE on here. AE activity has gotten pretty low though. *stares dreamily into space*




*withdraws machine gun*

Oh. About this, Stargirl, my apologies, we have these two pegasus captchas and they're sorta.... violent. Patrick, PUT THAT AWAY.

*injured sniff* Yes mom. 

*wiping water off herself* The captchas are Empyreal and Taoa.

Yes. Anyway. Welcome to the CB Stargirl!!!!!!!!!!



submitted by cerinthe, age 13
(January 17, 2020 - 11:19 am)

Hi Patrick! Like your name. Star, any input?

Well I don't!

Is this about what he said? Cerinthe(?)said not to take it personnally.

I'm only taking it SERIOUSLY.*emits terrifying glow of starlight* I will FIND YOU Patrick.

..O-kay, let's take it down a notch.... 

submitted by Sirfire, age classified, ULTRA classfied
(January 17, 2020 - 5:08 pm)

Come on, Bella! You're taking forever!

*Giggles and picks up a random cat* You mean FURever?

Geez, Ara. When have you become such a pun master? When'd c'ha get so much better at talking, too?

I shall name you Tigger! *Boops the ginger orange cat on the nose*

She isn't listening, Alec.

Yeah, I can see that. *Sticks out tongue at Arabella*

*Hugs Tigger tightly* Mine...!

You have noticed that there's other AEs here, too, right?


Magdalene. Thank you very much.

*Sits down and pets Tigger* 

And that is Arabella— ALEC! PUT THE TRASH BIN DOWN!

Yes, MOM. *Rolls eyes*


»Yello my pepz.«

Hey, Dex? Did you know your name means "one who dyes" in Old English? *Snickering*


»No, Magdalene. It's D-Y-E-S. Not d-i-e-s.«


»Stargirl, ignore all these obnoxious AEs. I'm Dexter, nice to meet you. Urm. Maybe don't ignore Arabella. *Pats Arabella on the head*«

Hi... Stargirl...!

submitted by Luminara
(January 17, 2020 - 12:45 pm)

That AE looks very interesting! I better introduce my AEs huh? Warning, they can be a little... dramatic. 

Dramatic? You mean like me? Yeah, I like drama! Drama is cool! I am a drama queeeeeeen! The queen of dramas! The drama llama!

Sally, that is no way to act. Besides, that even isn't the subject. But... yes. Dusk was talking about you...

Then, what ARE we talking about?

The new AE, and we are supposed to be introducing ourselves...

Ohhhhhh. But Alice, I thought you didn't like meeting new people.

I don't! I just... feel anxious about the whole thing...

Yep. Definitely doesn't like it. Oooooh maybe you are a drama queen!

I am not a-

Drama queen! Drama lean! Drama spleen!

Can you guys just stop and introduce yourselves?

Oh yeah, I am Sally! The most supercalifragilisticexpiladocious person around! I like to be social with everyone so nice to meet you...... um.... You never told me the name.

Stargirl, I believe.

IS THAT HER NAME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so jealous! I love that name! It's awesome!

Sally, as you can see, is a bit... eccentric. She's a handful, and she always wants to bring her shapeshifter pet, Snowy on EVERY single rp.

What, it's not MY fault every single rp HAPPENS to not have any pets allowed! And that reminds me... Can we bring-

Snowy doesn't even talk, Sally.

*Sigh* Ok.

Also, read Sally's charrie sheets on a rp when she submits one. She actually can make charrie sheets entertaining. Anyhoo, Alice, can you introduce yourself? Alice?

...Fine. I'm Alice, and... um... I'm the older sister of Sally. I.... argue with her a lot. Dusk says I am the entity of introverts. I do like to research and try new things though. Usually, I will join new rps just to see what I can learn.

Anyway, it's nice to meet Stargirl. 


submitted by Dusk S., age ????, ????
(January 17, 2020 - 1:43 pm)

Heellllooo again! I know it's been only, what, 17...?

3 days.

Yes, 3 days, but, I think I need to make a new AE. One of us needs to have social skills. Anyway, let me introduce you to...


Gender: Full-out girly-girl

Age: IDK, actually, maybe like 12? 11-ish? 11 3/4?

Personality: Bubbbbbly, bright, and socially knowledgeable. Some might even call her fun.(Imagine that!) Seems to know all about crushes and popularity. Oh, and ALLLLLLWWAAAAYS optimistic and so, SO happy.

Appereance: Kind of on the short side. Thin and spry. Her hair is chin-length, and teased into a curl at the bottom. The color always changes, but is usually a mixture of black and pink with white streaks. Wears a black but still inviting hoodie with flappy sleeves and  short denim shorts. Her shoes are red knee-length high tops.

Species: AE(human)

Talks in: Bold

Other: Likes bubble gum. Oh, and-

I'm SHIPABLE! Extremely shipable. Call me SHIPENNY!

Um, let's not. Maybe Penny. Or Pennypacker. But not Shipenny.

Call me Shipenny!


Bye, Chatterbox. 


submitted by Sir,Star,&TheNewGirl, age no1knows, The Shadows
(January 18, 2020 - 11:58 am)

Hi Penny! I am Daisy as you know - I met Stargirl, so -

*glaring fiercely*

Er - yes - Patrick will glare the cheese out of you if you mention "shipping" to him. Not that he's not open >:D

Wait, what?! 

submitted by cerinthe, age 13
(January 18, 2020 - 1:57 pm)

Hello, Stargirl, I think you have a- a beautiful name...! *blushes* I- I'm Song, by the way...

Yo, Stargirl, nice to meet you!! I'm Sage!! You sound like my sister, Estrella... I hope you're less boring than her!!!

Once again, I must remind you that people have very different meanings of the word "boring". *Rolls eyes* Welcome, Stargirl. 

submitted by LS&Hooligans
(January 19, 2020 - 10:22 am)

Hey, Sage! Hi Estrella. Don't worry. You don't sound that boring. Perhaps you are intrested in talking about SCIENCE with me?

Hey guys.

And Song! You're name is very pretty also.

HEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYY Estrella, Song, and Sage! What up? 

I don't know if you know, but this is my other AE, Penny.


Sorry, I think she might have eaten some candy. Or cookies. Anyway, she got into some caffeine.

Yeah. Sage, I think we'd be friends!!

How nice!


*mutters under breath* I have GOT to hide that candy better. 

submitted by Sirfire, age IDK, Far away from everywhere
(January 20, 2020 - 12:37 pm)