Ethical Questions 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Ethical Questions 

Ethical Questions 

This is an Ethical Questions thread! (If it gets posted hehheh) The title kind of explains most of it. Here's one that I've been thinking about:

Is saying something mean to someone bullying/teasing, even if that person doesn't care? 

submitted by Sirfire, age undisclosa, -ble
(February 9, 2020 - 1:30 pm)

Ooh, my friends and I like to discuss ethical/philosophical/theological questions as well! Sometimes we pretend to do TED talks about those subjects as well, which is lots of fun.


Your question is a tough one. I'd say that even if someone doesn't really care, a lot of mean comments could still negatively impact them, since that could create an environment lacking in encouragement and more positive comments. They may not care in respects to an individual comment, but over time I think it would add up. Also, sometimes I think we trick ourselves into thinking we don't care to shrug it off, which might work in the moment, but probably isn't that effective in the long run.

submitted by CignusMoon, age 165 moons, The Story World
(February 9, 2020 - 9:55 pm)

This is one I've seen as part of surveys in relation to the development of self-driving cars.


If a self driving car finds itself in a situation where its absolute only two options are to either hit a pedestrian in the road or crash into a solid object killing its passenger, which course of action should the car take?

(For this scenario, let's say there is only one pedestrian and only one passenger, making the loss of life the same in both outcomes.) 

submitted by CignusMoon, age 165 moons, The Story World
(February 9, 2020 - 10:01 pm)