Hello everybody! (Everybuggy?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hello everybody! (Everybuggy?

Hello everybody! (Everybuggy? Do we do that here?) I'm new here, but I decided to make a thread about your problems with your writing! You can also post short stories here, or comment on somebody else's story that they posted. I personally am agravated that I always lose interest in a story a little while after I start it. And I forgot to mention, if you have an idea to help somebody else's problem, feel free to post it. I would say bye, except I'm probably going to be involved in the thread if anyone ever comments.

submitted by WordSong, age Forever, My bed
(February 21, 2020 - 7:42 pm)

Hi WordSong! Nice to meet you! I guess one problem I have with writing is that I feel like I have to have it all figured out and am constantly going back to edit old chapters. Here's a chapter from a story I'm working on. Hope it posts.... sometimes things from other websites can have formetting issues on here....

The first thing that happened when everything blew up in Micheal's face was that the golden eagle escaped again. It burst from it's jar, sending glass shards every which way and causing Micheal to accidentally drop the steaming singing sand into the pot of ice chocolate. The singing sand, of course, did not appreciate this and shrilly voiced it''s protests. This woke the ice chocolate up and it started bubbling unhappily. 

The eagle flew around the basement, knocking other items off of the shelves as if playing a game. As Micheal raced to catch it before it could cause any more damage, it seemed to be laughing at him. The young magician shouted at the large bird, annoyed.

Tristan and Bethany had raced downstairs, alarmed by the noise.  By then, a slimy tentacle was growing out of the sunflower pot and the fire was starting to look greenish. 

The two older spell casters quickly got things back under control and soon the golden eagle was secured in another jar, this one with a few more magical enforcements on it. 

"Stupid bird," Micheal hissed. "It's not even trying to escape. It just wants to mess with me!"

Bethany gave the bird a disapproving look, to which it replied with a muffled but cheeky chirp. 

Tristan sighed. "That was the last of our ice chocolate."

"It messes everything up," griped Micheal. "I can't concentrate with this creature distracting me all the time!"

Tristan and Bethany glanced at one another. When Micheal got into a bad mood he was likely to sulk for a while.

"Let's take a walk," suggested Bethany. "Fresh air will do us all some good."

"But the mess!" Micheal protested, gesturing at the slightly scorched and glass-ridden basement.

"We can clean it up later," Bethany said firmly, pushing him toward the stairs. "You need a break." 

Ying and Yang, the two Fu dogs, bounded up to them as the three started putting on their shoes. Tristan obligingly leashed them and led them outside. 

It was a crisp day on the verge of spring. The last of the snow was melting, but it was still cold enough that the three magicians needed jackets. The Fu dogs trotted ahead of the group, occasionally finding interest in a tree or stone. The neighborhood was bright in the morning sun and freshness sparkled on the grass. The Brunnae house, where the three lived, was strangely unruly in the midst of the orderly row of houses, all with newly cut grass and cheerful flower boxes. Children's faces peeked out of the windows as the Fu dogs went past, ever curious of the odd group. 

To say that the three had a destination in mind would be untruthful, for it was really Ying and Yang who led them. Eventually, they ended up at the small supermarket on the corner of a strip of stores. Bethany had brought her wallet with her just in case, and went inside to buy some food. Micheal and Tristan waited outside with the Fu dogs. When Bethany came out, she was not only toting a a bag of groceries, but also a flyer. 

"Look at this!" she said, handing it to Tristan. 

"Need help with spring cleaning?" Tristan read slowly. "Call Glory Dower!"

"What?!" exclaimed Micheal. "Our house is clean!"

Bethany raised her eyebrows. "Have you been walking around with your eyes closed? The garden hasn't been tended to for years and your room, mister, is literally a pigsty."

"But we could just use magic!" Micheal protested. 

"Uh uh, you know the rules," Bethany reminded him. "We only use magic for what we need. Besides, magic can be unpredictable."

"Are you sure this is a good idea Beth?" Tristan asked. "What if the cleaning lady finds something... suspicious?"

"All of the artifacts are kept in the basement. We'll just tell her not to go down there." Bethany reassured.  

submitted by possibly wiser, definitely older
(February 22, 2020 - 9:54 am)
submitted by TOP
(February 23, 2020 - 9:56 pm)

I writing problem that used to be a major thing for me, and sometimes is still a problem, is that I come up with a great beginning, but I have no clue where the plot is going or how it is going to end. I do have one story that I am very proud of the plot. I might post the first chapter later, if anyone's interested, or I might give it it's own thread. 

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Somewhere Special
(February 25, 2020 - 6:22 pm)