Chatterbox: Down to Earth


Hello! This is your conductor speaking! One-

One.  welcome to the train. Wheeeeee.

Yes! We at the train discovered through the use of a certain car… The uh..The infinity car? No… uh.. The helped us find the thing out that I'm talking about car? 

The just as confusing and existentially frustrating as all the other cars car.

Anyway a car that showed us endless possibilities in other worlds. The boiling isles. The Hoto regions.

Some city called Gotham that I love the aesthetic of.

Yes! A place where we can get even more passengers from!

Passengers like you!

And I know what you’re thinking! Where am i? What is this place? Who’s that robot? Are there snacks provided?

Will I die here?

And most Importantly… What’s that number on my hand?

Well the thing is! This is all to help you. We’re here to help. 

Because I am the conductor! And you’re going to make it home.


Tell the train who you are, what you're from (Characters you make are allowed.)
What your number is at, who your companion is , and most importantly what problem with your life drove you here.
Because we're here to help. 

submitted by one-one
(May 5, 2021 - 7:03 am)

Can I just join as myself? If not I'd be happy to use an OC instead.

Name - MoonKitten

From the CB  

Number is 2

Companion - Twiga, my CAPTCHA, a three-foot-tall giraffe

Problem - um, a lack of cupcakes and kittens?

Also is this a ski lodge, solo write, RP? 

submitted by MoonKitten
(May 5, 2021 - 7:24 pm)

(this is an rp)

(google docs messed everything up so there is no way to distinguish whether glad or sad one is talking but i think it's clear) 

submitted by the train
(May 6, 2021 - 7:29 am)