Climate Change Thread!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Climate Change Thread!

Climate Change Thread!

This is a thread about climate change -- how big of a problem it is, it's causes/effects, what you can do and have done to help. Climate change is NOT an opininated things -- it's a fact.

Some ideas for how to help:

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Take public transportatiom/carpool/walk/bike

Eat less meat

Do some research into the carbon footprint of products that you buy and how they're made/packaged

Donate to organizations that help 

Raise awareness/get people to care

And remember don't just do one thing -- there's always more ways to help.

submitted by Feline Fantasy, age She/her
(July 1, 2021 - 9:58 am)

You're right Feline Fantasy. 

Some ways to help:

reduce water use(ESPECIALLY in your yard)

Don't buy anything that you are not going to eat

Start composting

plant a flower garden or a vegetable garden

pick up trash(trash that are not picked up from the ground eventrally end up in the ocean 

turn off the lights when you don't need it

Some of these might be really small things, but they will help

Thank you again Feline Fantasy for raising this topic 

submitted by Sparkly Cat, age She/her
(July 1, 2021 - 1:31 pm)

Great suggestions, Sparkly Cat!

My CAPTCHA says "zymof." Zym of the Sky Dragons!

submitted by Feline FanTOPsy
(July 2, 2021 - 11:43 am)
submitted by Tipitytopitytip
(July 7, 2021 - 2:39 pm)

I don't have time to write something out now, but I just want to say: YES. Climate change is a huge issue, and I'm glad that there's anyone else who cares!

Also, palm oil. It's a major cause of climate change, but not as publicized as it should be. I have some flyers about it ;) I'm working with the library to distribute them. The people there haven't gotten back yet, but the person I met was very happy with the idea, so maybe???

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(July 8, 2021 - 12:00 pm)

I agree! I did a Climate Change slideshow in science this last year. Honestly we have to do something now before it is too late. 

You can buy local items instead of buying something super faraway. If it is faraway than it will have to be shipped on lots of transportation which will have lots of carbon dioxide. 

I am vegan, so I don't eat meat. I get how it could be hard to switch. But if you did it is really good. They make lots of substitutes. Eating less meat reduces carbon dioxide being emitted into the air and less use of water. 660 gallons of water is used to make a burger.  

submitted by Sunshine Summers, age She/her, California
(July 8, 2021 - 5:19 pm)

I would want to go vegan to help the environment, but I feel like it would be bad for my health because it would be hard to get protein and all the other stuff that comes from meat. But my brother is really into the enviorment (more forestry that climate change), but he says that there are a lot of meat subsitutes that are better for the enviorment than cows, like animals that are more native to America (that's where I live), so they are part of the ecosystem anyway. So my mom is starting to buy less beef and more things like bison and turkey, I think. And I think it tastes the same, if not better! I think it's a bit more expensive though.

submitted by Caroline
(July 25, 2021 - 9:17 am)

My mom found out that my city is doing a thing where you can make your electricity 100% renenwable! We switched it and it will start in a few months. So, check if your city/town/area is doing any programs like that to help!

submitted by Feline Fantasy, age She/her, A Toast Fairy Village
(July 8, 2021 - 7:06 pm)

Yes, my town has done a program like that, so now supposedly everyone's using pure renewable energy!

submitted by Poinsettia, age ageless, Narnia
(September 25, 2022 - 9:42 am)


submitted by Poinsettia, age topping, topping threads
(September 25, 2022 - 9:43 am)