
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Thread to talk about Covid and lockdown and things. Also I got Covid. Thats why I am posting under anonymous.  

submitted by Anonymous
(January 6, 2022 - 8:35 pm)

"The pandemic is over." Everyone keeps saying that, but... it's not true. Pandemics are not over until people stop getting sick all over the place, and people have not stopped getting sick. Have you seen the "we're hiring" signs that come up all over the place? Those signs are there in large part because so many people are sick with long Covid and can't work.

We should still wear face masks and social distance. I know how tedious and awful it is, and I know we would all love to just put the pandemic behind us once and for all. But if we do that, we endanger innocent people who may even get sick for years with Covid. Please, please take others into account and help them not to get sick! Just wear a mask - it's not even that drastic - and social distance. Please!

submitted by anonymous!
(September 13, 2022 - 7:51 pm)

Anonymous!, I agree completely. I myself am a "long-Covider" and though luckily I'm fine now, I spent the better part of 2020 feeling quite sick. I was always tired, I couldn't breathe properly, I had no appetite, and I had a ton of other weird symptoms which interfered with my life.

I would advise everyone to still be careful, because even if you haven't gotten long Covid yet (and I really hope no one has!), you could always come down with it. I know firsthand what it's like, and it's really worth protecting yourself.

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 15, 2022 - 4:37 pm)

It definitely is worth protecting yourself! Some members of my family are affected by Covid too, and it really is a serious thing... The longer we don't wear face masks, social distance, etc., the longer this will go on for. If we all start doing a few things to keep ourselves healthy, it will end much sooner! Just try to stay safe.

(My CAPTCHA says dirci. Dear See?)

submitted by Amethyst, age many years, Arendelle
(September 15, 2022 - 8:06 pm)