
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



What's weird to me is how people perceive other people. It's weird for me to think that other people are in their own worlds and everyone thinks differently about me. Like how, even though I'm FAR from confident, most people assume I'm confident because I seem confident to them.

It always makes me think of pretty privilege, which is annoying. If you don't know what that is, it's like, if you're considered "pretty" and talk a lot, you're outgoing, but if you're not considered "pretty" and talk a lot, you're annoying. I feel like this is one of the worse presumptions someone could make. Who cares if you're pretty on the outside? No one! Looks aren't everything.

Also, sometimes I wake up and feel SUPER insecure. But the day before I'll have looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. And then I realize, like, I haven't changed. I haven't gained 100 lbs since yesterday. I'm literally the same. So why can't I always like me?

Plus, tell me honestly, have you ever looked at one of your classmates and REALLY thought "ew, they're ugly." Personally, I haven't. The only people I think are ugly are bullies. Because their PERSONALITIES are ugly. Not their looks. I've never seen anyone who looks ugly, honestly. Everyone's beautiful in their own way.

I don't know if anyone needed to hear any of this, but it's just what I was thinking about. But whether or not any of you are insecure about your looks, you're beautiful. I don't care that I've never seen you before, you're beautiful and I know it.

Ok have a good day! 

submitted by Red Starlight, age 13, Thinking
(June 26, 2022 - 9:56 pm)

Totally agree.

I know it sounds super cliché, but I too tend to focus more on personality than "looks." I think I only come to like the appearance of people I like or get along with, so it's fairly difficult for me to find someone "good-looking," or even have any opinion on their appearance, if I don't like with their personality and interact with them regularly. Pretty sure that's fairly unique though.

After all, I never forget a face I've seen before, but also don't really perceive traditional "attractiveness" which makes it kinda difficult for me too say, I mean... It's like looking at someone's way of walking or ear details or handwriting and being like "dang, that's hot" or "ugh, that's so ugly... I never wanna see this person again" but it's just confusing for me because that's just one of my methods used to distinguish people, and I didn't even know we were supposed to judge people based on that??? Also how does that even make any sense, it feels totally irrelevant to assume? So yeah, this is probably at least part of why I'm AroAce and also please jokingly blame my "homeschooling naïveté." 

Also, also, yeah it's weird the role of perception plays in everyday life. It's deeply intrigued me for years how literally everyone has a different life and perspective, and is essentially living in an entirely different world than everyone else, whilst somehow still coexisting on the same plain of existence... I really enjoy writing, worldbuilding and acting/role-playing for this reason. You effectively get to build a whole new, parallel world through the lenses of someone who is nothing like yourself, and yet so fundamentally similar that it's ludicrous. Anyway, yeah, fun stuff, sorry for getting so philosophical at times. :)


Unrelated, but sTaRLiiiiiiii! You're back!! Yayyyyy~ <3<3<3

submitted by Jaybells, age Nebulous, Lost in the Universe
(June 28, 2022 - 1:04 am)
submitted by TOPbells!
(June 28, 2022 - 4:02 pm)