Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Here is a thread to talk about PHYSICS! Your favorite PHYSICS theories, your favorite PHYSICS equations, and the state of your obsession with PHYSICS! I'll start.

My favorite equation is definitely r_s=GM/c^2, where r_s is the Schwarzschild radius

E=mc^2. That's the simplest one I don't understand.

Oh shut up that one doesn't work if the object is moving.

Says who?

Einstein himself. He discovered that the mass of a moving object is equal to its rest mass times the Lorentz factor.

Oh right the lurinz factor. The one that is completely useless.

OK, here's mine: (-^2/2mπ^2)(d^2 f(x))+U(x)f(x)=Ef(x). That's the time-independent Schrodinger equation.

And as for the ones I understand, how about this one: v=d/t.

Geez, stop arguing Henry and Emmett! 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(March 16, 2023 - 8:23 pm)

this thread be deceased.


submitted by jumeaux
(March 17, 2023 - 5:14 pm)

No this thread is not dead you said that like one day after I posted it. Also, please do not say unkind things about this thread--I am sure that I am not the only CBer who likes physics. 


OK, let's switch to physics principles. What's you favorite physics principle? Mine is the Bernoulli principle (say ber-NOO-lee), which says that the faster air moves, the lower its pressure. 


I like thinking about superpositionality --admin

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(March 20, 2023 - 12:58 pm)

Oooh, that's a fun one Admins. Anyone ever heard of Schrödinger's cat?

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(March 20, 2023 - 7:33 pm)

Cool, Schrodinger's cat! Let's bring life to this thread again!

Physics makes my brain hurt a bit, but I think it's really fascinating when it's dumbed down for people like me, haha.  Schrodinger's cat is basically where a cat in an experiment is both considered dead and alive- it's a paradox, I believe, because if you put a cat (animal cruelty alert!), and something harmful that could potentially kill the cat, like radioactive material, into a sealed box, you couldn't know whether the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so before that, it coexisted between the two states of living. And by opening the experiment, the person is therefore commiting experimental error and changing the course of the events, so therefore, the cat was both dead and alive before the box was opened. 

I can barely understand physics at my age, and you're younger than me, Golden Lion Tamarin, so you must be really smart. :)))) 


submitted by the-antiquarian-
(March 20, 2023 - 8:50 pm)

Thanks, @the-antiquarian!

I’m pretty sure everyone here has heard of E=mc2, but does anyone know what it means? It’s the amount of energy in a certain mass of matter. 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(March 21, 2023 - 9:18 am)
submitted by hey look, a top hat!
(March 17, 2023 - 5:14 pm)

Well, you aren't the only CBer who likes physics! I don't know a lot about regular physics, but I like quantum physics and subatomic particles. Not sure if that last one counts.

@jumeaux - Seriously? Why are you doing that? 

submitted by Avara, she/her
(March 21, 2023 - 10:57 am)

Yeah the last one counts. Have you heard of the standard model? Also I can totally relate; I’m almost an expert on special relativity and matter waves but I am struggling to get the regular physics inside my head with Physics For Dummies by Steven Holzner.


CAPTCHA says webbro. Either Web Bro or Webber. But the first one is way more likely. 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(March 21, 2023 - 2:09 pm)

top top tippity top. top top tippity top. top top tippity top. top top tippity top. top top tippity top. top top tippity top. top top tippity top. top top tippity top. top someone, please post! 

submitted by Golden Lion TOParin
(March 23, 2023 - 11:58 am)
submitted by Topsettia
(March 23, 2023 - 3:33 pm)