Dystopian RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Dystopian RP
Dystopian RP
I know I haven't been on here for a while; I really am going to try to post more often... Anyway, I thought it would be cool to do a dystopian RP. But we have to make up what the world is like before we start soooo any ideas? :)
submitted by Elizabeth, age 15
(May 26, 2014 - 12:47 pm)
(May 26, 2014 - 12:47 pm)
I was in my room packing a backpack with my things. There weren't many.
Metal music was screaming in my ears through my earbuds that were connected to my music player. It normally helped me calm down. It can't help this time.
I threw my four other shirts in the bag. My two pairs of black jeans. Undergarments. Girl stuff. Pain relievers. My favorite book. Hygeine stuff. Food and water bottles. Money.
I picked up the tan bag and walked to my parents' side of the room. I took a picture of my family from my mom's picture frame and placed it between pages of my book.
I heard a beep, then a click. The doors had unlocked.
I turned off my music player and stuffed it in my pocket.
I slowly went through the door.
It was cloudy and dark out. Big, fat raindrops fell from the sky.
I closed my door.
I said goodbye to my old life.
I ran.
I ran around the block into the forest. The wet grass padded under my feet. I ran up the hill into the wooded area. Trees blocked some of the rain from splashing on my face.
I ran for about 10 more minutes until I was far enough into the forest. Panting, I leaned against a tree. I slid down the side and sat on the wet ground.
I heard someone running. They stopped, leaned against the tree, and looked down at me.
"This is my tree. Find your own," I said.
"No," was the reply. It was a boy.
I stood up and looked up at his face. He was tall and had blondish hair.
"I said, this is my tree. I was here first. You can leave."
I gave him a mean look, pointed to another tree, and said, "That tree over there has your name on it. It's calling you."
"Hear it? 'Julien! Julien! Come here! Sit under me! I will keep you away from that girl's tree! Julien! You belong here!'" I said.
"Nope. I don't hear it. I can't speak tree. Unlike some people."
"THIS IS MY TREE!" I yelled softly, making sure nobody else could hear it.
"Gosh, can't you guys go somewhere else and fight? This tree is mine. It's saying 'Jessica! Come here! You are mine!'" said a voice, coming from the tree I said was Julien's.
"Gosh, how many people are here?!" I said, slipping back down on the ground.
"Three. Jessica, you, and I," said Julien.
"Ugh!" I said, "I'm leaving."
I got up from the ground, gave Julien and Jessica a cheesy smile, and walked away.
I was walking to another tree, when there was a bang.
(June 21, 2014 - 11:05 am)
Jessica ~
I kept glancing at the clock, though I wasn't sure why. Unless it was right in front of my face, the numbers blurred. I double checked my bag which I had repacked at least twice. Three books, my handheld tablet (though I wasn't positive it would work outside the complex), clothing and other necessities, my journal where I recorded pretty much everything, and a tiny stuffed deer that I'd had as long as I could remember.
Suddenly I heard a soft beep, signaling that the doors had unlocked. My parents were still asleep. No point in getting up early here. I opened my bedroom door, slipping through the house. I looked back once, my eyes roving over the simple bland apartment. Nothing of sentimental value. I slipped out into the hallway, quietly shutting the door behind me. Everthing was silent; not a soul to be seen. I moved toward the end of the hallway, making sure I didn't let the floor creak. I moved into the stairwell, descending several flights. I reached the main floor, slowly slipping into the base room. The room was solid cement painted white, with no windows, paintings, pictures, or decoration of any kind. Gym equipment took up half the room, the other half being closed off room serving as classrooms.
One large, steel door stood at the opposite side of room. There were two lights above the door; one green, one red. The green one was lit, meaning it was unlocked. But I knew there would soon be two guards on the other side of the door. I had to time this just right.
I moved forward soundlessly, the carpet softening my steps. I halted at the door, placing my ear to it and listening. Nothing. Quietly, carefully, I turned the handle. I half expected sirens to go off and guards to rush forward and arrest me, but there was nothing. I opened the door a few centimeters, peeking out. As far as I could tell, there was no one. I slipped outside, cautiously glancing around, and let the door close behind me. After a few seconds of nothing, I took the chance and darted around the complex. Concrete quickly turned to grass, and rain splashed against my face. I charged up hill towards a wooded section, hoping and praying I wouldn't be spotted. The wet grass caused me to slip some, but I kept on. I was panting after just a few hundred feet.
Finally I reached the trees, and leaned against one panting. Still worried about being spotted, I hauled myself onto one of the branches.
"Who's there?" a masculine voice demanded from below, and I froze.
(June 21, 2014 - 3:15 pm)
- Julien -
"Don't go," I called halfheartedly. Her head of blonde hair receded farther and farther into the murky twilight of the woods.
"We should go after her," said the other girl. Jessica?
"She left," I said with a shrug. "If she doesn't want to be with me -- us -- then I guess I don't --"
Something white-hot and fiery exploded in my right shoulder. I cried out and sank to my knees, my eyesight flickering. A wave of nausea swept over me.
Jessica screamed. It took all my strength not to fall forward onto my face.
Stupidstupidstupid, I thought desperately. We'd been so stupid, to think they wouldn't notice if we left. How many security cameras had there been? How many pairs of eyes watching us depart our place of safety? We should have kept moving. Run as fast and hard as we could, and then hidden, hidden somewhere deep and dark, but no. We had to stop and socialize and now here we were, with three black-clothed guards advancing over the horizon, one holding a handgun, the other two with their hands resting on their belts in a rather threatening manner.
"You have departed the complex by will and attempted to run away," the guard holding the gun said, sounding as if he were reciting a long-ago memorized monologue. "As such we are authorized to exert deadly force and remove you from our civilization to prevent the spread of seditious ideas among our people. Thank you for your service to our--"
Something smacked him in the head, hard, and he collapsed to the ground, limp and seemingly lifeless. The other two guards immediately pulled out their guns. One of them fired and I felt the bullet slam into the tree trunk behind my head. Move, I told myself, but my legs refused to obey me. My right arm dangled weakly at my side, burning with intense pain.
Jessica scrambled to escape. The guard fired again. She let out a small shriek and threw herself to the forest floor. There was an explosion of dirt several feet behind her.
The other guard was trying to fend off the blonde-haired fury attacking him mercilessly with a short, thick tree branch. She had his gun twisted up into the air and was trying to do some damage, but he was clearly much stronger; his other hand struck her across the face and she sagged backwards, barely keeping her hold on his arm.
Adrenaline surged through me. My bullet wound seemed to fade into the distance. Strength returned to my unwilling legs. I rose up and ran. Another shot barely missed me. If I hadn't moved, it probably would have finished me off.
Jessica had gotten up quickly. The guard was momentarily confused, his gum straying back and forth between us. That was all the time it took for me to reach him and strike a left-handed blow to his face, as hard as I could. I felt the solid impact of bone under my fist. His head snapped to the side and the hand holding the gun dropped towards the ground. Jessica was on him, scrabbling at the gun in his fingers. I kicked out at him with all the force I could muster. He stumbled slightly and I felt a surge of sympathy, but not for long. Jessica had the gun and she rose quickly with it, backpedaling as fast as she could. I punched again, hitting him in the cheek. He didn't even seem to register it this time, straightening up and aiming a strike at my face. I ducked and his hand whooshed over me. He wound up again -- I was crouched with nowhere to go and my adrenaline rush was failing.
There was a bang. A scarlet dot appeared in his abdomen, as if by magic. He gasped, a horrifying sound, and crumpled to the ground. Jessica was holding the gun, shaking, her finger on the trigger.
"I didn't mean to kill him," she said weakly. "Just to -- to get him -- do you think he's . . . you know . . . d --"
"I don't think so," I said cautiously. "Just unconscious. We'd better run --"
But my attention was suddenly turned to the other girl and the third guard, who had pulled her into a crushing embrace and was pressing the tip of his gun into her temple.
(June 22, 2014 - 1:00 pm)
The cold gun was pressed against my forehead. I was worried, fearing that blood would come out of my head a few moments later and staining my already red hair redder.
Then, I remembered Lizzy and her cries of pain. I needed to go on. For them.
I struggled against the man's weight, but I was still stuck under his weight.
"You're such a pretty thing," he said, his lips right next to my ear, "I wish I didn't have to do this."
Then, I remembered what I did when my older brother, Kevin, tackled me when I was younger. It was long ago, and he's dead now, but I remember the times he tackled me.
I kneed the man in the groin. He shot up in pain, screaming. I stood up, twisted his arm to his back, put my finger on the trigger, and pulled it.
BANG went the gun. He fell forward. You can guess what state he was in. Although he was breathing, slowly.
I threw the gun on the ground and backed away.
"I'm sorry Mama and Dad..." I whispered.
I heard a groaning noise and looked in the direction of it. It was Julien, grasping his right shoulder. I ran over to him. Jessica joined me.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
A groan was his reply.
I tore off my backpack and placed it beside us, kneeling or sitting on the ground. I pushed my red hair behind my ears.
"Juilette," he said softly, pointing at my name written on my bag.
I opened my tan bag and grabbed a water bottle, crackers, and pain reliever. I ripped of a piece of one of my shirts in the bag.
"Stay still," I said to him. Jessica was watching intensly. I pulled down a bit of his shirt, just enough to see his shoulder. Nothing else. A bright red circle was there, blood oozing from it.
"Eat these," I said, throwing the crackers at him.
He took them and opened them gingerly, then ate them slowly.
I poured a bit of water on the wound, took my piece of shirt, and wiped it. It was a white shirt and left blood stains on it. He groaned slightly.
I passed him the pain reliever and some water. He took it and used it.
I dabbed the wound some more with the water. Then I took a dry piece of the shirt, tied it around his arm, and pulled his shirt up.
"You know what to do when someone is shot," Jessica said. Memories flooded back to me. Kevin. Hurt. Alone. I helped. It was horrible.
I flashed back into the present.
"Thank you," Julien said.
"Welcome." I took the reliever, gave him some from later, put my stuff in my bag, and walked away. Again. Gosh, I'm a loner.
(June 22, 2014 - 5:42 pm)
Jessica ~
I watched Juliette leave, unsure of how to think or feel. I was thoroughly shaken up, and a mixture of thoughts and emotions swirled inside me. Julien slowly started rise, perspiration dotting his forehead.
"Here," I said, offering my shoulder. He looked at me skeptically.
"I'm stronger than I look," I assured him. Finally, he leaned some of his weight on me. I picked up our bags, hauling them over my other shoulder, and started leading us farther into the woods. As we left, I glanced over shoulder at the soldier I'd shot. He lay still on the ground, though he was breathing. I still felt like vomiting. I had no idea how I'd shot him. I was scared, andmore paranoid for the safety of myself and these two kids I'd only just met. I wasn't even aiming. I couldn't see well enough to aim, but somehow the bullet had found it's mark.
"Where do we go?" Julien mumbled, breaking into my thoughts. It sounded like he was talking to himself more than me, but he was right. Where did we go?
"Shelter," I said, looking intently at our surroundings.
After awhile, we found a decent size cavern beneath a cliff overhanging. I lowered our stuff to the ground, and sank to my knees across from Julien. I was panting and I felt like I'd just run several miles.
"Your arm?" I asked after a minute, looking at the bandage.
"Alright," he answered, shrugging his arm slightly. "But I guess we need to find water, and some way to get warm, don't you think?"
I nodded. "You find some kindling and other things to start a fire," I said, rising.
"And how do we start one?" He snorted. "I don't think either of us is very practiced in that."
"Well I've never done it, but I've read about it," I answered, wiping the dirt from my hands onto my pants. Julien looked at me doubtfully, but shrugged and slowly got up.
"Careful," I said, thoroughly paranoid because of his wound. If something happened, or he got sick or something, we'd have no way of treating it.
"I am," he said, rolling his eyes. I nodded, still nervous.
"But," he added, looking back at me, "don't go out of hearing range, okay?"
I nodded again, then set off.
It didn't take me long to find the river. I'd heard it as we'd made our way toward the cavern. I dipped in the water bottles, allowing them to fill to the brim. As I made my way back, I heard the breaking of twigs, and the distinct sound of footsteps. I froze, unsure whether to scream, hide, or hope they didn't come my way. Before I could decide, a figure made it's way out of some brush.
Another one? was my first thought. What is this, some kind of revolution?
A girl about my age with extremely long blonde hair stood before me with an equally surprised expression.
(June 22, 2014 - 9:28 pm)
. . . riiiighhhht Juliette dyed her hair red. And purple. I definitely knew that.
I'm not going to post right now because I don't want us three to totally dominate the thread.
(June 22, 2014 - 10:51 pm)
My mom had helped her pack her bag. In went clothes, cheese sandwiches, a first-aid kit, and a some other things. The whole time Mom was sniffling, trying to keep the tears from spilling out of her eyes. When we were done packing, Mom pulled me into an embrace. "Just remember, Tristy," she whispered. "I'll always love you."
I closed my eyes, and for once, didn't say anything. Mom pulled away and said, "You'll leave at night, when the doors unlock. Try not to let the guards see you. If they do, use this."
She held up a can of pepper spray, and tucked it into my bag. "Thank, Mom."
Finally, after hours of waiting, the doors unlocked. My mother didn't say anything, just picked up the bag and handed it to me. "Your father would've been proud," she said.
"Mom," I whispered. "Why can't you come with me?"
Mom shook her head. "They would notice me easier than they would notice you."
"Bye, Mom," I whispered as I slipped out the door. Tears were running down her face. I closed the door with a click, and padded down the corridor. I was wearing all black, to blend into the night. I made several turns, my moind blurring. I was sad to leave, but was bubbling with happiness. Why, I'm not sure.
Fianlly, I reached the front doors. The green light was on. How would I evade the guards? I opened the door a crack and gasped. Three guards in black were running after a girl and a boy. This was my chance! I bolted out into the other side of the forest, making sure to stay clear of the commotion on the other side. I heard gunshots, which only made me go faster.
I reached the safety of the trees, and slid down on to the ground. There was another gunshot, and some running, then silence. I got up, curious, and there was a girl my age, with a surprised look on her face.
(June 23, 2014 - 10:47 am)
"What are you doing here?" the girl demanded coldly. I noticed the tips of her hair were died pink and purple.
"Are you escaping from the complex, too?" I asked. "That's great! I am too! My mom said she wants me to leave because people are disappearing and she doesn't want me to go next. Of course, I'm not worried about her because she's one of the best doctors we have at the complex, so they wouldn't bother--"
"Okay!" the girl cut me off. She sighed. "I don't want to go anywhere with anyone. We'll just part ways from here." She turned around and walked away.
"Wait!" I called after her. "Don't go! I can't stay by myself! I'l go crazy. Please, you have to stay with me."
The girl stopped walking. I could tell she was thinking it over. "Fine," she said, heaving another big sigh. "We'll stay together. But remember, I don't need you. You're the one who needs me."
I nodded excitedly, my long braid shaking. "Where are we supposed to go?" I asked.
The girl shrugged. "We just need to get away from this complex. I'm sure we'll figure something out."
I slung my bag over my shoulder and followed the girl. "I'm Tristy," I said.
"I'm Juliette."
(June 24, 2014 - 12:33 pm)
I ran into another girl, Tristy. I'm pretty sure she's younger than me. I'm not so sure she can handle herself alone, since she said she needed me. I know how to be defensive. After what happened with Kevin, I'm sure I can handle anything.
I'm still not comfortable talking about it yet. Even thinking about it makes me want to curl into a ball and cry.
A twig snapped from behind a tree a few feet in front of us.
Tristy finally stopped talking about her family. Her face became white as a ghost.
"What was that?" She asked, terror sounding in her voice.
"Stay back here. I'll check."
I walked away from her, picking up a fallen tree branch on my way.
I was right near the tree, about to attack the predator, when they spoke something.
"Calm down. It's just me," he said. I knew that voice from about an hour ago. It was Julien. Ugh, more people. More targets to be shot down.
"What the heck are you doing?! Shouldn't you be resting after getting shot?" I asked him. He was kneeling on the ground, picking up tree branches.
"Jessica told me to get kindling for fire. Besides, what do you know about what to do after getting shot?" He asked.
"More than you would think," I muttered.
"I said more than you would think! Now go get resting." I said forcefully.
"Juilette? Who is that?" Asked Tristy. She started walking towards us.
"Another person that we should leave to rest," I said, looking at Juilen and his shoulder.
Tristy hurried over and said, "More people! Let's join them!"
Ugh. I just want to be alone sometimes. Once stuff is taken care of. Then I will be friendly. Maybe.
"Who's this?" Asked Juilen, motioning to Tristy.
"Her name is Tristy. She-"
Julien cut me off saying, "I thought you didn't like people! You didn't stay with Jessica and I. And I was hurt. Why are you-"
"She wanted to stay with me. Ok?" I cut him off.
"I'm going to stay with them! Are you going to go on your way?" Asked Tristy.
Being with people might make it easier, but I can fend for myself. What would my family want? What would the friendly older brother who almost succeeded do?
Sighing, I said, "I'll stay."
Tristy had a huge smile on her face, being so friendly and all, and I couldn't tell what Julien looked like, because something hit me in the head and knocked me out.
(June 24, 2014 - 6:38 pm)
So. Juliette, Tristy, Jessica . . . I must admit I was feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable. For many reasons. One of which being the hole in my arm, another being that look Juliette kept giving me---like, back off or I'll start swinging. I mean, what did I ever do? Tristy, on the other hand, was downright friendly. Probably friendlier than was wise outside of the complex, but I wasn't about to try and change her
"I'm going to stay with them!" she chirped. "Are you going to go on your way?" Juliette's brow furrowed. I opened my mouth to say if she didn't want us we didn't want her, but she interrupted me with the two words "I'll stay."
A colossal grin broke across Tristy's face. I twisted my mouth into the most obnoxious smirk I could muster. Jessica and I had been getting along just fine. This girl, Juliette, was only going to mess things up.
I was proved correct an instant later when she crumpled to the forest floor. Tristy gave a little scream. A black-clothed guard caught her around the waist before she could run and clamped her tightly aganst his body. Juliette lay motionless on the ground. Was she dead? I made a movement as if to escape, but the man pressed the gun into Tristy's head. "Don't move or I'll shoot her. Or you." He looked back and forth between us. "How friendly are you two?"
Tristy whimpered.
My arm hurt so badly. I stood as still as I possibly could. The guard and I examined each other. We'd read Call of the Wild in school. I felt like one of Jack London's wolves, sizing up his enemy.
"Don't hurt her," I said. "Please. She's just a kid."
The guard snorted. "What does that make you? How old are you, fifteen? Sixteen?"
I could barely breathe. "Just . . . we'll come back with you. Don't . . ."
"I'm afraid that's not an option." A grin spread across his face, and I was once again reminded strongly of wolves. "We can't have you going back, and telling everyone else to escape, now can we?"
"Then just get on with it!" I shouted at him.
"Maybe I will," he answered. He lifted the gun away from Tristy's head and peered down at her face. "How do you like that idea, honey?"
Her blue eyes were full of fear. She made a little moaning sound. I knew I was barely older than her, but I felt responsible, like her big brother. Her hands slapped at his arm. He grinned at her pathetic struggles.
Despair filled my lungs like thick, heavy water. I couldn't breathe for it. I was going to die.
And then suddenly the guard cried out in pain, falling back away from Tristy. She whipped away from him immediately, sprinting past me into the trees. I was about to follow when I remembered Juliette.
Jessica kicked the guard again, then brought her foot down as hard as she could on his face. There was a nasty crunch and he howled. She leaned down and scooped up the gun, then backed away a couple of steps, keeping it trained on the fallen guard, breathing fast.
"Get Juliette," she said.
I scrambled forward and grabbed Juliette's wrist with my good arm, trying to get a grip. It was no use. She was dead weight. I barely moved her a foot before I had to stop, clutching at my arm.
"You take this," Jessica said, and tossed me the gun. I fumbled it but managed to keep it in my hands, aiming it at the man on the ground. Jessica lifted Juliette into the air with a groan. "Give me a minute to get away," she said. "Feel free to deal with him." She jerked her head back at the guard.
"Find Tristy," I said.
"The little girl with the long hair."
"Okay," she said, and set off at a fast walk. I looked back to the guard. The blood coming from his (broken?) nose was set off sharply against his deathly pale face. I wondered momentarily if he was dead, but he groaned again. Revulsion swept over me at what I was about to do.
I almost said sorry, but I called up the memory of Tristy's huge blue eyes, wide with terror, and gritted my teeth. I shot him in the foot. He didn't make a sound. He had gone unconscious. I slipped the gun into the waistband of my jeans and sprinted away as fast as I could, following where Jessica and Juliette had gone.
(June 25, 2014 - 1:08 pm)
I haven't posted AT ALL on here since I posted my character, and I feel really bad about it. I read everything, and it's a bit confusing (no offense to you guys, it's really wonderful writing; I just get confused easily), so can somebody explain what is happening so I can write in Ebony?
(June 25, 2014 - 2:41 pm)
I could try to explain it, but it wouldn't be that well. Zach L should explain, since he kinda made up the whole plot. Or you could reread it again and again until you understand it. That may work too! :) And yeah, I know it is quite confusing!
I just posted a plot summary from Zach.
(June 25, 2014 - 3:59 pm)
Um, guys, sorry. Tristy was supposed to meet Jessica, not Juliette. I just got confused. We can move the story on like this, though. Sorry if I ruined it.
I was so happy Juliette was letting me stay with her. I was even happier when we found more people. The more the merrier, I thought. I thought Juliette was being a bit mean, but that's her problem, not mine. I wondered why there were so many names that began with a "j". Julian, Juliette, Jessica. I felt the urge to giggle. But then something came flying out of nowhere and hit Juliette on the head. It was a rock. She slumped down to the floor. I screamed.
"Juliette!" I yelled. Another rock came flying out of the trees, and almost hit me in the head. I avoided it jut in time. "What's going on?" a girl whom I assumed was Jessica walked from the trees. "Juliette?" she said, confused, seeing the slumped figure on the ground. "Help me get her up!" I yelled, trying to lift Juliette. Jessica saw me and became even more confused.
"Don't worry," said Julian. "She's on our side." Jessica and I lifted Juliette up and carried her deeper into the forest. The rocks had stopped flying. I wondered who would do that. Julian dragged himself behind us, holding his injured shoulder. Suddenly, someone blocked our way. It was a thin girl with black hair.
"What are you doing here?" she asked in a voice even colder than Juliette's.
(June 25, 2014 - 12:49 pm)
Zach and Bookbug both wrote something. Which one should we keep on continuing the story with?
(June 25, 2014 - 2:53 pm)
Yeah. I saw that . . . whoops.
I don't particularly mind if we use Bookbug's since she remembered to introduce Ebony. We could continue that or else use mine and have Ebony meet up with us at our camp or whatever.
(June 25, 2014 - 3:39 pm)