Dystopian RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Dystopian RP
Dystopian RP
I know I haven't been on here for a while; I really am going to try to post more often... Anyway, I thought it would be cool to do a dystopian RP. But we have to make up what the world is like before we start soooo any ideas? :)
submitted by Elizabeth, age 15
(May 26, 2014 - 12:47 pm)
(May 26, 2014 - 12:47 pm)
Erm...I want to be in this, but I haven't even made a character, and I think it might be too late...
(July 8, 2014 - 5:33 pm)
I was feeling the same way, except I'm doing two RPs already, and I'm not sure I can keep up with another one...
(Cappie says "nyoe." I can't think of anything that would mean except "no," and now we've got an answer without a question. Thanks, Cappie.)
(July 10, 2014 - 5:37 pm)
I think it's fine for you two to join if you want!
This is too much. Too too much. First my "dead" brother is found to be alive. Then, he shows himself again rather forcefully by scaring me half to death. Then, he says we have trackers in ourselves, and then what Julian said about people who were taken away possibly dying... Can I handle this? Really? My heart says no, but my brain says stay strong, don't let your barrier down again.
"The doctor's office? I remember where. I can show you guys," Kevin said, replying to Jessica's question.
Everybody got their stuff and started to head out. Tristy was still bawling on the floor. All of the group was leaving, but I was still grabbing my stuff and Tristy was crying. I stuffed my music player in my bag and put it over my shoulders.
Walking over to Tristy, I said, "Are you coming?"
She took her head out of her hands for a second, looked up at me, and said, "I...I guess."
She wiped her face on her sleeve and stood up. Something was telling me to hug her, so I did. This is so unlike me at this point. She better like this, because it won't stay for long. I thought as I hugged her. She cried into my shoulder.
A few moments later, she pulled away and said, "Thank you, I didn't expect that."
"It might not happen again for awhile, okay?" I said. She smiled, thinking I was becoming friendler. Oh brother.
We started walking to the front of the cave and joined the others. I walked to the front of the group next to Kevin. He looked behind us, nodded his head, and started walking to the abandoned office.
(July 10, 2014 - 7:14 pm)
(July 11, 2014 - 5:56 pm)
(July 12, 2014 - 8:12 am)
Sorry I haven't posted the past few days.
It's totally fine for more people to join if they want to. This is a fairly small RP right now.
- Julien -
When I saw Juliette hugging Tristy I blinked hard a couple of times to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
Juliette was the cold-hearted one. The angry, introverted, easily-ticked-off one. I'd barely known her for a few days, and had minimal contact with her, but I could already see that about her. Any act of kindness, or affection, was totally out of character.
Could it be her brother's return affecting her? That made sense. I could understand being emotional after a long-lost family member returned to you.
I decided to ignore her for the time being and dropped to the back of the line, as far away from her as possible. I walked next to Tristy, who was wiping her eyes determinedly on her sleeve.
"So what's your story?" I said.
She flinched, lookng startled. "What?"
"Why did you leave? Who did they take?"
She gave me a look. It wasn't a mean look, or an angry look, or anything like that. Mostly it was just worried. Her mouth was a tight downward curve, her lips pressed thin, and there was a crease in her brow, a crease that maybe shouldn't have been there, not after thirteen years. Maybe she'd grown up in the past few days. Or maybe she'd been growing up too fast her whole life, and only just realized it. There was sadness there too, peering out from her face, pressing its saltwater palms against the inside of her normally-sparkly blue eyes. But mostly worry. About what, I didn't know. But I could guess.
Whatever she felt, it melted my heart.
"Hey," I said. "It'll be okay. Sorry I asked."
"No, it's . . . it's fine." She wiped her eyes again and took a deep breath. "It was my parents. I left before anything bad happened, but they suspected it would be over for them soon, and they wanted me to leave before it was too late." It sounded like she had been waiting to say that. "How about you?"
"My grandparents." I shrugged. "I wasn't that close to them or anything. But we just got a note one day, and . . . I decided I had to get out. Before I was forced to."
She nodded. "Makes sense."
There was an awkward silence.
"Do you know about anyone else?" I asked. She shook her head. "No. I haven't asked."
Another silence, just as awkward.
"Are you doing okay?" I asked. "Since we've left, I mean. I know it's been hard on you." It wasn't a question. We all knew it. I'm sure that she knew, too.
She shrugged. "I guess." She looked like she might start to cry again, but she didn't. "It helps. Having friends, I mean. I thought I was going to be totally alone after I left."
Friends. The word hung in the air, heavy with meaning. We were survivors, united by loss, and necessity, and because there was safety in numbers. Some of us didn't like each other. Some of us probably hated each other. We'd known each other for only a few days, and in that time we'd fought for our lives, and run for our lives, and tried to live as best we could manage. But maybe there was room in there somewhere for friends.
I held her hand until I almost ran into Ebony in front of me and Kevin said, "This is it. Right here."
Sorry, that post served zero purpose except to get Julien and Tristy a little closer and to cover the walk to the doctor's office.
(July 12, 2014 - 11:32 am)
We all come to a halt in front of a huge rock. It's covered with moss and has a few baby trees growing off the top. Long strings of dead ivy hang limply off one side.
"This is it?" Juliette pushes a purple and red strand of hair out of her eyes, squinting as if trying to see something in the distance.
"What did you expect?" You can tell by the way Kevin looks at her, his eyes laughing, and by the faint smirk on his lips that he is teasing her. "You didn't really think there would be some big house in the woods, right? I bet twenty guards pass this rock everyday."
"It's in the rock?" Ebony asks unconvinced.
Without answering, Kevin takes a step forward and slides his hand under the ivy, sweeping it to the side to reveal a door. As soon as he turns the knob he beckons us to follow him in. Ebony is the first to step in, Juliette follows. I am last, still hesitant about this whole thing.
We climb down a ladder into a lit room with a couch, two chairs, a table and a TV. In the corner is a cot with ball of sheets on top of it. Wooden shelves line every wall, some full of books others sagging under the weight of canned food and other supplies.
"Does the TV actually work?" Juliette has knelt down in front of the television set and is looking around for a cable to plug it in.
"So far, I haven't been able to get it fixed. But we do have a radio." Kevin motions to one of the shelves. He sits down on one of the chairs, cushioned and red, almost like one of the chairs in my house. "Make yourselves at home. You'll need some rest before we start looking for another one of these hideouts." As if one cue, all of us dive for the couch.
That didn't really go anywhere. Sorry.
(July 14, 2014 - 10:12 am)
I feel like in these past couple of days, I've grown up. I mean, I was always happy, cheerful, careless. But now, it seems like I have so much more to worry about. I'm glad I have my friends though. Even though we;ve only been together for a little bit, I still consider them as my friends.
When Kevin took us to teh hideout, I immediately fell asleep on the couch. I don't know how long I slept. When I woke up, everyone was sitting on the couch, kind of lounging. Juliette and Julien were asleep. Kevin was fiddling with something in his bag. Cailan, Jessica, and Ebony just were sitting on the couch next to me. I jumped, refreshed from my nap. I was back to my old chatty self.
"Hiya, guys!" I said, bouncing on the couch. "What should we do now? Did everyone get enogh sleep? How long have i been sleeping anyway?"
Kevin looked up. "Two hours."
"Wow!" I said, taking an extra-large bounce. "I've never napped that long. Did you know that I get up at five in the morning? What time do you guys get up? I don't know how anyone can sleep in. It's so hard with all that sunshine!"
Ebony sighed. "Please shut up," she groaned.
I shut up. "Sorry," I whispered. "I didn't mean to make you mad."
Ebony sighed. "Oh, great, you're going to start bawling again?"
My lip quivered, but I hardened up. Maybe Ebony was having a hard time, too. Maybe she was just mean and cold because she had problems. Who knew?
"Stop it, Ebony, that's mean," said Jessica, glancing at Ebony.
"No, it's okay," I said. "I do talk a lot sometimes."
Sorry if that didn't really lead anywhere. I'm just trying to break the ice between all the characters.
(July 14, 2014 - 7:01 pm)
Jessica ~
I gave Ebony a glare. Tristy looked like she was about to cry. Yes, Tristy could talk a lot, but I figured that was just her way of dealing with her emotions.
I stood up. "It's not a big deal," I told her as I squeezed her arm when I was walking by. I began to slowly explore the room, scrutinizing each detail. I moved over to the desk and began rifling through things.
"What are you looking for?" Kevin asked, looking up. I didn't reply, focused on the thing I currently held. It was a portable phone. I slipped it into my pocket, and continued rifling. I found more bits and pieces, that combined with the phone parts, would help me get a signal on my tablet.
I took a set of screwdrivers and pliers I'd found, and sat down on the main living room floor, spreading my newfound objects in front of me.
"What the heck are you doing?" Cailan asked, staring at the strange assortment.
"I'm going to see if this will provide me with the ticket into the compound internet system," I said, squinting down the objects in front of me. Geez, I hated my eyesight. Tristy sat down beside me, watching as I worked.
Half an hour later, the result was I had taken the wireless connector internet adaptor and attached it to my tablet which would allow me to hack into the compound internet. Hopefully. (I'm making this stuff up. No idea how cell phones work.)
I studied the tablet critically, turning it over.
"Does it work?" Tristy asked, leaning over my shoulder.
"No idea. We'll have to wait and see. But we'll have to get closer to the compound to be able to connect," I said with a sigh, leaning back on my hands. "But we can hope."
(July 14, 2014 - 11:21 pm)
(July 17, 2014 - 2:31 pm)
YES MA'AM! *salutes you*
Jessica had a growing smile on her face when I woke up from my nap. Tristy had been jumping on the couch... I have no idea why. I yawned as I looked in front of Jessica to see what she was smiling about. It was a bunch of techy stuff. The only tech I ever used was the home phone, the small computer, and my music player. The only one I used daily was my music player. If I had to guess, the main thing was a cell phone? I'm not sure.
"What are you smiling about?" I asked Jessica, yawning.
She took a breath and explained it to me. I wasn't really paying attention, I was looking around the small, dark room. My eyes centered on a bookshelf. A book was sticking out more than the others. I read enough mysteries to know what this meant.
Jessica looked at me. She was done speaking, and it seemed she wanted input from me.
"Cool, cool," I said. I got up from the old couch and walked over to the wooden bookcase.
"What are you looking at?" Ebony asked.
"This book. I've read enough mystery books to know that if a book is hanging out, it means-"
A loud banging was heard from the door, over and over.
"Who's in there?" a voice said from outside. It was deep and raspy.
"A guard. There's no way out!" Kevin said, running to turn off the lights.
Right before he turned off the lights, I said, "Yes there is." I pulled the book down, and the bookshelf swung backwards with a loud creak.
"What?" Kevin said, stopping from turning off the light switch.
A dark passageway was in front of me. The pounding grew louder.
"You," Kevin pointed to Tristy, "grab that flashlight." Tristy did so. She turned it on and Kevin flicked the lights off. Someone, I don't know who, grabbed my hand and ran into the passage with me. More footsteps ran into the passage. We all kept running, not stopping. Tristy came in far behind, since I could see a faint light yards behind me.
There was a slam, the bookcase shutting. We still ran. A boom sounded from the room far behind us.
(July 18, 2014 - 4:29 pm)
(July 18, 2014 - 4:29 pm)
(July 18, 2014 - 4:30 pm)
I gasped. How did Juliette figure that out? I was about to ask her, but then I remembered the guard outside the door. Kevin led the way, and I shone the flashlight. We walked down a narrow, dark passage in single file. Suddenly, we heard a deep rumblign sound from behind us. The bookshelf had shut.
I held on to someone's shirt, I'm not sure who. I was terribly scared, but I didn't want to say anything.
We must've walked for an hour. I'm not sure how long.
"Kevin?" I whispered.
"Where do you think this tunnel leads?"
"Not sure."
We walked a little more until we came to a wall. "I wonder if this is another one of those hideouts," Julien said. Kevin pressed on the wall, but it woulodn't budge. "We all need to push it," he said. We all braced ourselves against the bookshelf and pushed. Slwoly, a creaking sound came from the wall.
"It's working!" I said, and pushed harder. Eventually, we pushed the wall, and it opened like door. When we walked in, we could see it was indeed another hideout. The door we had just opened was another bookshelf.
"We can't stay here long," Kevin said. "Gather whatever you need and we need to get going."
(July 18, 2014 - 6:49 pm)
(July 19, 2014 - 5:11 pm)