Chatterbox: Inkwell
Reserving spots for JBE, Noelle C., and Squeak.
Name: Aveleen O'Rourke
Power: Telekinesis
Appearance: Dirty blond hair, BRIGHT green eyes, pale skin
Superhero name: Echo
Personality: Smart, sweet
submitted by Brooke E.
(September 10, 2014 - 6:58 am)
(September 10, 2014 - 6:58 am)
I wanted to post after somebody else did, because I posted before Brooke, then she zapped next to me, so that it went back to me, but I wanted somebody else to post first. So, since no one has, I'll post again.
Shocked was an understatement.
" Aveleen?!" I asked, bewildered. Aveleen nodded.
" How did you get here?"
" Long story, but-" Aveleen stopped, due to the sound of a door opening.
" Hide in the wardrobe!" I hissed, my eyes gleaming dangerously, fear almost getting through. Aveleen ran, opened the wardrobe, and disappeared inside.
" The Pharaoh requests your presence."
(October 6, 2014 - 5:24 pm)
Aveleen snuck along beside Layla, when suddenly a man grabbed her from behind.........
(October 6, 2014 - 9:40 pm)
Gee, how long am I gonna run? This forest is endless. Well, at least I managed to escape from those Vikings. They were going to burn me alive! I look over my shoulder to see if anyone was chasing me. No one was, so I slowed my run. All this time-travel stuff is giving me the creeps!
No point. No point at all. No one is coming for you, Bradey. All those superhero wieners hate you. Especially Brooke, that lousy rich kid who likes to be called Echo, Draco, the fire-breathing twit, and another superhero that had a name along the lines of Fast-forward or speedy-mick-speed.
(October 6, 2014 - 7:36 pm)
I look from side to side. I blacked out. Gone with the wind.
(October 7, 2014 - 2:19 pm)
Sorry I haven't been posting, guys. Things have been pretty busy for me. So, anyway, I'm going to put Draco in a sticky situation!
The man riding the llama bound my wrists with thick rope. I could easily burn through them and escape, but when else would I have the chance to see an ancient South American city?
Things could get interesting.
The soldier on the llama led me through the jungle, prodding my back with a spear. I figured I could escape at any time if things got too dicey, but at the moment, I had no reason to.
The llama man and I finally burst out of the jungle, and what I saw before me made me freeze in my tracks. It was a city. Hundreds of times grander than Stratford upon Avon. The very streets seemed to be encrusted with gold and gems. The buildings had magnificent mosaics of birds and monkeys and other things I'd never heard of. Completing the picture was a huge temple looming in the distance, which could only be the chief's palace. If only Bart could see this...
The llama man sighed impatiently at my sudden immobility. "Let's move outsider," he growled, giving me an extra sharp poke in the back.
For the sake of my back, I started to walk slowly through the Aztec city. There was certainly a lot to see. There were many villagers out, but as soon as they saw me being led through the town, their faces froze in fear, and they rushed inside their homes, locking their doors. I felt very unwelcome here.
Soon, the previously bustling Aztec city looked like a ghost town. There was no one to be seen. No one, that is, except a man who wore a mask shaped like a bird's mask. The chief.
The llama man rode up to the bird man. "My chief," he panted, "this outsider was found trespassing in the sacred jungle, and I seek your guidance on what to do with him."
The chief glared down at me with disapproving eyes. "I know what to do with him," the chief said without taking his eyes off me. "We must sacrifice him to the great volcano god!"
Guess this'll get a bit more interesting than I'd reckoned...
(October 7, 2014 - 3:40 pm)
Aveleen came out of the back room, leaving the thug tied up. Suddenly the air seemed to shimmer.
"The time fabric.... it's ripping."
(October 7, 2014 - 8:52 pm)
(October 7, 2014 - 10:50 pm)
I woke up, I was, I was, I was nowhere, I was caught
in the time fabric, I had every memory back. I felt tears prick into my
eyes. No, I thought firmly, I simply won't.
Alone, all alone.
Dun dun dunnnnnn!!
(October 8, 2014 - 7:19 am)
Suddenly, everyone appeared back in the city with their memories back.
"What happened??"
(October 8, 2014 - 12:57 pm)
They totally messed up the time space continuum and now the city was overidden with Pharaohs, Vikings, Aztec warriors, futuristic guys, and 17th-century aristocrats! And it was CHAOS!!
(October 8, 2014 - 8:20 pm)
The squid dude has landed his ship thing and the superheros now have to fight him and his TEA people! And the squid dude gets into this emotion thingy with Bradey!
(October 8, 2014 - 10:33 pm)
This rp is now in chaos! :D
(October 9, 2014 - 8:08 am)
Aveleen helped the flying girl up, and they turned around.
Either someone decided to dress like aristocrats, or something was up.
The people looked at some Egyptians (what?) and whirled around, confused.
"Where are we?" the aristocrats asked.
Layla groaned. "this just got REEAALLY complicated."
(October 9, 2014 - 7:29 pm)
I groan, rubbing my head. wait a second... I'm back at the city! No more England, no more Vikings, no more time trav... Is that a Viking? And a astrocrate? Oh man. I look around. It seems like the other superhero twits are here to. Truely good. Aveleen snorts at me and says, "You were transported too?!" I snarled back at her. "Yeah. I am related to this squid thing and it wanted to get rid of me." Layla looks at me and sighs. "A squid thing? What does this have to do with anything?!" I shook my head at her. "I don't know! He is like the captain of some kind of TEA thi-" Draco interupts me, "TEA?! But.. But... I thought they where done with us." Layla nodded. "Me too. This doesn't make sense. Why do they want to get rid of us?" Aveleen burrowed her brow in concentration. "Maybe they were pretending or something." I looked at all of them. "Can you please explain?!" Draco looked at me and said, "TEA was an organization that wanted to kill us a long time ago. A squid?! You are related to the TEA captain, which is a squid person thing! Wow, this is getting complicated." I sighed. "It already was complicated."
(October 10, 2014 - 6:55 pm)
Suddenly an arrow whizzed by Bradey. He said something along the lines of,
"--- ------- -------!"
(I can't write it due to the fact that I'd be banned from CB)
Aveleen caught the arrow with telekinesis and looked at it.
"This isn't an arrow, it's an Aztec blowdart......"
Suddenly she was grabbed and pulled into an alley!!!
(October 11, 2014 - 9:20 am)