Powers fantasy rp!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Powers fantasy rp!
Powers fantasy rp!
In Erildré, powers are common, but those with the ability to control it well are rare. All children with powers must attend a school called Rilin, but some people who did not have powers are hiding in the school, trying to avoid the rush of the outside world where being powerless makes you a pariah. Note on powers:
Powers are unique to that person. Since my charrie has telekinesis, no one else can.
No controlling natural elements. Powers can be things like telepathy or shapeshifting or super strength. As a general rule, people with psychic powers are very smart and people with physical powers are usually not very intelligent.
Name: Arasala Nenya
Gender: F
Appearance: Dark blonde hair, sea green eyes.
Personality: A genius. Very perceptive. Moves with the grace of a cat and the precision of a dancer. Is the school's smartest student.
Power (if they have one): Telekinesis.
(May 5, 2015 - 8:20 pm)
I'm sorry but I think I should drop out as I am over RPed.
(May 15, 2015 - 6:52 pm)
oh. :( People are dropping out left and right. Plus, John will be the only guy left. But it's your decision.
(May 15, 2015 - 7:08 pm)
Maybe I could take over Jay. My friend had an idea that involves him. I am still sad that you're leaving though.
(May 15, 2015 - 10:05 pm)
I finally got the whole "shout out 'Present' when your name is called" thing down. I was eating my chocolate chip pancakes, when the headmistress came in a fit of rage. My first thought was, "Did I do something wrong again?!" But she walked right past my table and went to discuss something with the other teachers. As she whispered something to them, I saw steam coming out of their ears (figurativly). She and the other teachers walked briskly out of the dining hall, whispering.
As I enter my first class, some kids start whispering. I quickly walk to my desk. "Does Hildegard know?" "Did she tell everyone?" "Or is this STILL about the assembly?" I ponder on these. Everyone is shouting, throwing paper, etc., when the teacher walks in. "Now is the time to prove myself. As the teacher is trying to calm each kid down, I start to lightly sing. Slowly, everyone in the room becomes quiet. I stop. I hoped this would clear my name, but instead, "Now is not the time to be showing off, Miss Auriar." Everyone bursts out laughing. My face goes hot. My eyes are stinging. I bury my head in my arms.
(May 15, 2015 - 7:33 pm)
I sigh, I'm the only one not laughing, besides Tikka and the teacher of course. Then I stand up and shout, "THE WORLD IS GOING TO EXPLODE!!" Everyone bursts our laughing. The teacher isn't so impressed. "Sit down John." I sit down. The kids are still laughing, but not in a mocking way. At least the attention is off of Tikka. She flashes me a small smile and we start class.
(May 15, 2015 - 8:37 pm)
Poor Tikkania, she tried. Like a baby bird trying to fly, and then falling flat on it's face. I noticed how John made an effort to help. I didn't laugh, but I felt kinda tingly so I'm guessing I was invisable. I really wanted to pull a prank, I hadn't done it the entire time I was here! I couldn't resist it anyomore! Plus I wanted to help Tikka, just becasue she had it so rough the entire time. Her and her little dog too.
I focused extra hard on being invisible. Once my entire body felt like a bouncing frenzy of little balls jumping off the walls of my body, I made my debut. I slunk silently towards the front of the class. Good thing I didn't already have a rep in this school, because then I would be the automatic felione. I tiptoed past everyone's lying backpacks and bags. Normally I would be sweating becasue of tension, but becasue it had been soooo long it just felt...good. I felt alive. I was now face to face with the teacher. I waved my hand in front her face just in case. Nothing. I smirked, this was too good to be true.
I moved past her as she began a long lecture about how we should not brag and show off and blah blah blah, etc. This just made Tikka redden, and John more sympathetic. I reached the board (Chalk, or White?) and picked up a piece of (chalk?). Not many noticed it, but some stared to grin. Truly it could have been anyone, telekaneises, mind powers, etc. The teacher still hadn't noticed, so I contuined my plot.
I started to write quietly, with all the practice in my other schools this was childs play. I made sure no sqeak came from my direction as the teacher droned on. I beamed with pride as I looked at my work. The board read: "Miss Smelly Chicken Pie, likes to feed us lies". By now everyone had noticed it, and the entire class had errupted in laughter. This made the teacher mad, ever madder then she had already been. She flipped around glaring, to see what made the class mad with laughter. Too bad I didn't have much experience with this school. Becasue, I was totally unprepared for what came next. Boy, did I mess with the wrong teacher.
This teacher had telekinelsis, and pretty powerful too. She picked up a giant text book, and flung it in my direction. Still invisable I doged, but by now fear had taken over and I began to panic. And there was a welt in the wall where the book hit. The teacher grew angrier still, "WHO DID THAT?!" she screamed. She threw the rest of the text books at the boared. This time I coudln't move. Why couldn't I move? Paralized with fear a giant text book flew my way. It came in slow motion, spiraling as if in a slow dance. I began to turn my head, but it was too late. The text book came smashing into the side of my head. I fell to the ground, pain sparked everywhere. By this point I couldn't tell if I was invisable or not, becasue my whole head tingled. The whole classroom began to spin. I laughed, uncontrolabley, why was it funny. I couldn't stop, and the ground began to get closer. My eyelids fluttered as I saw my hands, in front of my face. That was a problem, but I couldn't remember why....
A wave of black peace washed over my aching head...
(May 16, 2015 - 1:16 am)
I had just barely dodged a textbook, when we hear a loud,*WHAM!!!!!!!* We turn our heads towards the sound. Hildegard suddenly appears out of thin air, falling. She has a HUGE red spot on the side of her head. She's unconcious. The teacher's rage immediantly turns into concern. "Someone get the nurse!!" John hurridly volanteers. The teacher is handling things with control, but you can tell that she is panicing undeneath.
John arrives with the school nurse. She rushes over to Hildegard, who's feet are propped on a small stool and head is placed on a pillow (thanks to me). She examines Hilde. "Wow! That is one big bump! What happened?!" The teacher's face grows scarlet. But leave it to John to create a coverup. "She was coming in, when she tripped on someone's bag. She hit her head on the desk while falling." The nurse seems to believe it. She then waves her hand over Hilde. Hildegard's bump disappears. "There. All she'll have now is a slight headache, but it will be all better in a day or two." And with that, Hildegard wakes up. "Here, You might want this." The nurse hands her an ice pack.
(May 17, 2015 - 3:02 pm)
As I practice my dance and cheer techniques in the garden, I notice some boys, laughing. They're older than me, but I go over, in curiousity. "What are you talking about?" One of the boys just stares at me. Than he grins. He walks over and attempts to push me over. I stand there, as firm as a rock. He tries again, with all his might. Then his friends come to join. I still don't budge. "This is pathetic." The boys look angrier now. "I mean, really? Five thirteen year old boys, can't push over an eleven year old girl? Now that's just sad." One raises their fist, but before he can hit me, I lift him above my head. The others look scared. I put the one I'm holding down. "Now. What were you talking about?" "Oh. We were talking about this one girl. She's made quite a fool of herself throughout the entire time school has been in." I look at them. "What's her name?" They all smirk. "Tikkania Auriar." My face goes scarlet. But not because I'm embarrassed. I'm furious. "WHAT?!" One by one, I pulvirize them. I finish each of them off by kicking each of them into a tree. "You will NEVER treat my sister that way, EVER AGAIN!!!!" With that, I bounce away, leaving each of them shaking.
(May 17, 2015 - 3:39 pm)
I had made such a fool at myself! How could the prank queen get busted?! I sighed and rubbed my throbing head. For some reason I was half mad and greatful at Tikka and John. So this is what I got for helping someone, huh? I silently swore I would never do it again! Plus no pranks in class either. I felt horrible, not only would people be talking about it, but news might spred to....him. A huge rain cloud formed above my head (fuguritvley), maybe it was becuse of the headache. But I knew I was going to be a grouch for the rest of the day. In class I would be the perfect student, but when we go to get some food I'll unleash my fury. I'll throw my food around the dinning hall at unsespecting vitctims. And if any one tried to talk to me about this, they'd get a pranking so horrible they'd wish they never met me!
(May 18, 2015 - 8:53 am)
I feel pathetic. The entire time I've been here, I have made a complete fool of myself. I doubt anyone else has made a bad reputation unless they MEANT TO. Finally, the lunch bell rings. I rush out of my class as fast as I can, when I run right into the girl with dark blonde hair. I suddenly realize that I had run straight into Arsala. She looks annoyed. I quickly appologize, and rush off.
I'm sitting at a table, eating a sandwich, when I see a light brown, frizzy head of hair come through the door. It's ELMA!! I stand up hurridly. As I rush over to her, someone's leg pops out. I can't stop. The next thing I know, I'm face down on the floor, my glasses are split in half, and my knees are scraped. Great. Just great. Now I've proven to be a fool in front of my own sister as well! Elma comes over and helps me up. She glares at the person that tripped me. "Don't you EVER mess with my sister AGAIN!!!" We eat until the headmistress dismisses us. Then we walk up to my room to get my contact lenses.
(May 18, 2015 - 4:50 pm)
(May 18, 2015 - 5:30 pm)
Hey Indigo? May I take over Jay? If so, here is the story for him from me.
I had left the dining hall for a second to grab something from my dorm, but as I'm heading back, the people who pass me are covered in food. I reach the glass double doors leading to the gardens. It is raining nonstop. "Oh well." I head pack up to my dorm. I pass the doors to the dining hall, again. The headmistress is yelling at Hildegard for, throwing food at people? That would explain the food people. Hilde didn't look sorry at all though. She looked....... triumphant.
(May 19, 2015 - 7:25 pm)
I. Am. Covered. In. Food. "Blek...Guess i wont be pranking anyone," i say to Jay. He laughs and nods.
(May 19, 2015 - 11:28 pm)
I am so glad we got to leave lunch early. When we got back, Tikka wearing her now taped glasses, people were covered in food. We learned that a girl had basically thrown food EVERWHERE. Connie wasn't as covered as others. She told me she had dodged most of it. "I guess we could go back to my dorm."
Oh. My. Gosh. Tikkania looks like a NERD! REALLY! With her messy light brown hair, and her taped glasses, her image is practically SCREAMING NERD!! Oh well. I guess I'll give her a makeover. *GASP* What if we invite other girls for a MAKEOVER SLUMBER PARTY!!!!! *SQUEAL!!* Okay. But first, I must ask the headmistress.
(May 21, 2015 - 12:08 am)
PAUSE: Erase every squeal that Elma has ever said. My sister has informed me that she does not squeal. Replace every squeal with a happy dance. Those are things she does do. And what has happened to everybuggy? All of the people that are still using this are Orange Soda/Buggy, Katydid, and myself. *Sigh/Grrr* I am deeply afraid that this will die out. It's super fun and I love it. This is the first time any of my characters has had a crush!! Tikkania: Did I just admit that out loud? Me: Anyway, I really like how this story is turning out. PLEASE DON'T LET IT DIE!!! :'(
(May 21, 2015 - 5:18 pm)